Matt turned red. "Beggin' your pardon, miss Clarisse. But I don't think you understand. I'm a cabin boy, miss. And duty comes before...before friends..." He glanced over his shoulder at Raina. 'Why would she want me anyways? I'm poor. She's rich. We live in different worlds...' "Now Clarisse, shall we go?"
ooc: YES! This is gonna be fun. Twilight stopped. There was a strange look to the path in front of them. Like someone had scattered sand over it. She raised an eyebrow, taking a small step forward into the sandy area, wondering why it was different from the rest of the floor. She didn't have time to realize what it was for the second she put down her weight, she sank into the quicksand.
Twilight peared into the darkness of the hallway that lay ahead, waiting for them. She sighed. 'Now or never.'
Dawn lay on a wall just outside the school door, hands behind her head as she watched the clouds above her, listening to an I-pod. She could always do her homework later.
Matt sighed. Seeing as to he wasn't gonna win this battle. He turned just in time to see Clarisse heading away and looked back at Raina. "Me and Miss Dubois are heading to search the island. We'll be back soon though." He opened his mouth to say something else but stopped. "I...I'll see you in a little." He turned and rushed to Clarisse. "Let's head out, miss Clarisse."
ooc: I can't stay long but ill be back a little later. Twilight smiled at Gharanth. He always knew what to say to make her happy. Even where they were heading into a dark booby-trapped tunnel.
Matt smiled stupidly at her. "Er...thank you miss...that's very kind of you but..." He tugged his collar happiness making his neck burn. "I...don't think I can accept these." He motioned towards the dolphin and the necklace to tell her he was okay taking the third thing she''d given him. "They're...expensive you see...and...I just couldn't." ooc: I have to go. My bro needs to do...who knows what. C ya tomorrow.
"Oh gosh. I'm sorry..."
Matt was stunned at first, completely unsure what to do. He'd never kissed a girl before. Not once in his life. Not even a mother. He felt his face burn red.
She frowned. "Why? What happened?"
Matt raised his eyebrows. "Yeah? And what's that?"
"Can't complain. It's good to be back at school. What've you been up to lately?"
"'s Mr. Tomise doing?" He neglected to tell her of the animal that he had heard watching their camp last night. No need to worry her.
Matt grinned. "That's alright. I'm not hungry, miss." He'd let the passengers eat thier bellies full. He never really ate much anyways. "I have to see to some passengers before we leave though. Some insist to be treated as royalty even stranded on this island." He walked over to where Raina was and shooed the kids off of her, helping her stand. "Morning Sleeping beauty. How are you this morning?"
Dawn spots Erin and waves brightly. "Erin! How are you!"
Twilight sighed. "Yeah...that wish apon a star thing never really worked for me."
Matt listened but heard nothing more. He wondered what sort of beast had made such a noise. He saw Clarisse heading his way and wiped the confusion off his face. "Ready, miss Clarisse?" He saw Raina playing with some of the younger kids and smiled.
Twilight nodded. "I too hope for the same thing. Such a life would be one from a dream, a dream i'm willling to go for."
Matt took a step to go sit near the fire but the sound, the rumble he'd heard last night echoed from the forest a few yards up the beach. He raised an eyebrow, taking a few steps closer and pearing intently into the forest. "Hello?" He whispered.
"I know old Gharanth and you aren't even halfway there."