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  1. XxxXehanortxxX

    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. XxxXehanortxxX
    No, don't.

    That method is actually bad, and despite what many say, it can completely ruin your ps2 if you make a wrong move.


    And why in gods name did you quote the whole thing?

    Don't ask how it breaks because of some straw and tape.

    Please don't. I am not answering that, you can talk to my friends about it. He's seen it.

    Edit Again:

    Bah, whatever.

    Go ahead, post it. People are better off buying the keys however.
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. XxxXehanortxxX

    I'm a liar

    Epicz. D:


    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. XxxXehanortxxX

    I'm a liar

    Pwnage much?


    cough sticky my how to play faq in kh2 fm+ section cough


    Also, I now know your real birthday. >:]
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. XxxXehanortxxX
    Well, this place is still getting like a thread a day on how to play this game. X_X

    So once again, I decided to make a F.A.Q., this time, on how to play the game with your English Playstation 2.

    I cannot help with Europeon (although swap magic might, due to the Pal option).

    Now here it is.


    First off, what you use to play the game depends on your playstation 2.

    Is your playstation 2 a slim one? Or is it a fat one?

    If you have a slim playstation 2:

    Swap magic Keys & Swap magic disc. Swap magic keys are these 3 keys.

    They disable the thing that tells if the ps2 cover is up or closed. Also, it allows you to remove a disc & replace it with a new one. The other key moves the laser lens to the disc, while the cover is open.

    Swap Magic Coder & Keys also work, difference is coder has codes, and you can input codes, this also works for english games.
    So you can use those cheats Xaldin posted & uses, like everyone else!

    You can get the package here:

    Note: This is where I got mine. Great price, took a single day for it to get to me, even though they said it would take like 4.

    Swap Magic Keys 1 & Swap Magic Disc 3.6 ~

    Swap Magic Keys 3 & Swap Magic Disc CODER ~

    Please note, the 3rd key is truly, a royal pain in the tush. X______X

    You will have to have the ps2 on, and move it around, till the laser works, and hope that 3rd key stays. Otherwise you have to start over.


    Here are a few tuts, on how & what to do, plus my own:

    1. The 1st key goes in that whole at the bottom right of your ps2, use tape to make it stay. This makes it so you can play with the top open. Which is how you have to play.

    2. The 2nd key goes to the right of the laser. You will see a small box thing, that moves to the right when a disc is in, and is at the left where it isn't. Manually move it to the right and put the key, pressing down on it hard so it sticks. You put the butt of the key in it, the big part of it should be outward, the disc will be above, so don't worry.

    Sometimes it will come out of place, so if you have a disc spinning, it might scratch it, so make sure it is always snug. Once in a blue moon, it can be a pain. X_X

    3. The 3rd & final key. A true pain in the butt. You have to stick it in, there should be a hole in a very small pipe, on the top left side of the disc tray. Once it is in, you will most likely need to adjust it so it works. Turn the ps2 on. If the tray is open (YOU MUST KEEP IT OPEN), and the laser lens moves down, and the disc starts to spin (if you didn't put a disc, but laser moves down, it's fine, just shut it off, put a disc in, then do it), you did it right, and it'll work!

    However, it can be a pain, because 90% of the time, you won't get it in perfectly, making it stay unless you close the cover or do something. Be gentle.

    4. Once you have all keys in, and it works, shut the ps2 off. Put the swap magic DVD disc in, turn it on. It will load it. Now, CAREFULLY take the swap magic disc out, and put the Kh2 FM+ disc in. Hit load with the X button.

    There you go, you're playing!



    1. 2.html ~ Probably the best, shows the spots where you insert, Also has a video.


    Fat ps2. I do not have one, but I will add to this. I will do some research.

    But I do know how you do it.

    You will need to install a fliptop or a slidecard.

    I will update this part.

    Please keep this thread bumped, or mod/admin please sticky it. Pm me if you have questions on this or need more help.

    Also, sorry if I am not supposed to post links to the buying spot. I do think it should be okay, but if it isn't, my apologies.
    Thread by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 5, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. XxxXehanortxxX
    That wouldn't be the same time now, would it? >.>

    Anyway, you have knowledge of mugen, care to help me?

    Can you code or sprite? Like, good? >_>
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. XxxXehanortxxX

    Unless you are speaking for the uber characters, Psycho Shredder & Sephiroth.

    Which still were NOT made with him.

    Also, round of applause for me.

    The game is now at 1%. ^_^

    One man team people. >_>
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. XxxXehanortxxX

    I really don't show many emotions.

    And I just have his attitude.
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. XxxXehanortxxX



    Holy kwap.

    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. XxxXehanortxxX
    The point is you have power.
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. XxxXehanortxxX
    Then you don't get anything. -_-
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. XxxXehanortxxX
    RVR ~ Check your pm's. Please dude.
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. XxxXehanortxxX
    You get what you want.
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. XxxXehanortxxX
    I am the twilight lord.

    No family.

    Do you have any power?

    If yes, you may have whatever you want.
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. XxxXehanortxxX
    Darkwatch, you must update.

    There is no such thing as light.

    Remember that. D:
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. XxxXehanortxxX
    My introduction.

    Stating that I will become mod here one day.


    It'll happen...

    Just yall wait....
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. XxxXehanortxxX
    The first part is incorrect. O_o

    There would be no debugging or anything. You simply replace an icon with a previous one.

    There isn't any debugging, they can't have errors.

    Unless I make them slow. Then they look bad, I have to get the speeds right.

    Well, most likely won't happen now though.
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  18. XxxXehanortxxX
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. XxxXehanortxxX
    Twilight Lord is back.


    I thought I kiled RvR & Darky...



    Why don't they vanish? D:

    I dun wanna d0 sp0rtz. D:

    Cin's Grandma + Darky =Demon spawn.

    That is all.

    Back to you Oli. D:
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. XxxXehanortxxX
    Why shouldn't we?

    Extra work?

    I am volunteering to make everything. o_o

    It would take less then 20 minutes to make about 10-20 icons perfectly. o_o

    Plus, I make them using the same program I'm using to make the the mugen game. O.o

    It's really not hard.

    If Deathspank is okay with it, then I'll just make good icons.

    Some people may want new icons, some may not.
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: Feedback & Assistance