o__o Uhuh. >.>
o________o Welcome to the forums Lex. ^.^ Just read the rules and try not to be to hyper and break them. x_X
She kinda looks like my girlfriend... Crissy, is that you? o_________________o
Pfft. I should be able to keep mine. I am leading & making the game. >> << Cough. X_X
Mine better stay. >_>
Wow, ghettoxemnas de-repped me for a very stupid reason. But whatever. >_> Um, the full version not for a while. If I can get my lazy team to work, and XALDIN TO RIP SOUNDS, then it'll be sooner. But I do plan on releasing an alpha demo, consisting of 2 characters and a stage or 2 in October. Maybe late September. That's what 4 player will look like.
Uhhhh... >_> <_< No. I just remembered you can be anti in com, but to do so, you have to do that special battle. Meaning sprites can't be ripped. -__- So no. Everyone with the exception of anti sora. >_>
Yes. I plan on making her too. ^_^ She's actually gonna be fun to make for me. She'll have some sweet attacks and combos. Sure, she only has like 3 diff. attacks, but, I can make combos. Plus, she will have lightning clones like in FM+. Everyone that has had sprites in CoM will be in this. My friend might make custom stuff so I can make people who weren't like Xemnas, Saix, etc. Yes I know, there are custom sprites of them, but they are kwap. >_> Edit: Zomg, Cin's viewing the thread. >> ..................... Why did my reputation go down? -_-
Jube ~ -_- Ok, but, it's staying like that. >.< You'll get the game when I release it. X_X I'm assuming Xaldin will make a thread in the news section. But for now, it's being worked on at my site, and I will just show preview stuff (pics & vids) every week or 2. When it's released, you can play it.
>_> Mugen game. Basically, it's a game I am making with my friends for this site (Xaldin came up with the idea, I am the only one experienced with mugen here, so yeah >>). You can play on many stages from the games, as characters from them. You can play as Axel, Marluxia, Larxene, Riku, Sora, etc. Much more. There's going to be a story mode, vs. mode (all of that with the exception of story mode, which is just sequenced boss fights are done). It's a game, really. >> That help? O.o
Well just so you know, be glad you're getting anything. Edit: And we aren't redoing anything. That's how that stage will look like, except there will be some effects. (Glow effects, etc.)
Jube ~ Read what I said. Read it carefully. -_____- Keyblade Master ~ I am hoping to get an alpha or just a good beta demo out soon. It'll probably alpha (2 characters, and a stage). It's going to be downloadable. More details will be released when it's released. I will post stuff on how to play it, how to download it (you will need WinRar to extract it) and all that stuff. EDIT: Sorry. I switched names around. Jube, YOU read the post. Keyblade, read what I said in the paragraph above. XD
Well, I want to show weekly previews (or maybe once every 2 weeks >_>) of the games progress. So far, none. Here is what the game will look like. (Please note, the life bars and power bars are not in this pic). Yes it was PSP'd, but the game will be almost exactly like that (the pic has no life bars or power gauge stuff). Now, if you excuse me, I have to study for a test Monday. A40 question math test, that is all multiple choice, but all questions are from regents. Friggin math teacher, giving announcing we have a test the day we meet him. D: I just started school Thursday. -______- I don't remember any math a stuff. -____- And I suck at math. Really. >_< Anyway, Marluxia vs. Marluxia! Edit: And Xaldin you're being dropped from the team. -______- Me leader nao. D: XD But you still get credit. >> I'd appreciate it if you RIPPED SOUNDS FOR THE CHARACTERS LIKE I HAVE TOLD YOU TO DO SO FOR THE PAST WEEK! Leaders ~ Xaldin / XxxXehanortxxX (Me) Character Coders: XxxXehanortxxX Bunbao Stage Spriters: XxxXehanortxxX Stage Coders: DarkDeathScythe Life Bar Spriter & Coder: Zicod Screen Pack Spriter & Coder:
Congratulations! ^_^ I hope you do good. Good luck. ^.^
I wish to know because I want the classes for my 11th & 12th grade year. Ignore theology, phys. ed, & health. They are mandatory. Ignore the requirements. Just tell me if you are taking, or took them. And kindly post what they are like. D: Grade ~ 11th Honors English ~ A final average of 90 or higher in Honors English 10; 92 or higher in Regents English 10. Mathematics B-R ~ Departmental recommendation. Honors Chemistry ~ A final average of 87 or above in Honors Living Environment; 90 or higher in Regents Living Environment. Advanced Placement U.S. History ~ A final average of 92 or higher in Honors Global History 10. Theology 11: Morality & Social Justice ~ Default. Honors Italian III ~ A final average of 90 or higher in Level II Honors; 92 or higher in Level II Regents. Accounting I ~ Default, if chosen 1st as elective. Physical Education ~ Default. Grade ~ 12th Advanced Placement English ~ A final average of 92 or higher in Honors English 11; 94 or higher in Regents English 11, and a score of 550 or higher on the verbal portion of the SAT. H. Pre-Calculus ~ Departmental recommendation. Honors Physics ~ A final average of 87 or above in Honors Chemistry; 90 or higher in Regents Chemistry and 87 or above in Mathematics A/B (5112); 80 or above in Mathematics B-R. Advanced Placement Government & Politics ~ A final average or higher in AP U.S. History; 92 or higher in Honors U.S. History; 94 or higher in Regents U.S. History and a score of 55- of higher on the verbal portion of the SAT. Christian Ministry ~ Default if chosen out of the 3. Italian IV - Introduction to Italian Culture & Literature ~ Successful completion of Level III with a final average of 85 or higher. Business Law ~ Default, if chosen 1st as elective. Physical Education ~ Default. Health ~ Default.
Old. >_> I made this a while ago. Literally, bout 6 months ago. It was one of my first threads. O_o
You guys couldn't figure it out? >.> I mean, at first, ya, wth, but then as it went on, it was... Hardcore.
Kitty wins. End of discussion.
Elaborationz pl0x.
Pfft. Ghettomansex = Epic lulz.