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  1. XxxXehanortxxX
    Thank you for posting this. It was supposed to be released last night, but...

    Xaldin and his lances got me. X_X
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. XxxXehanortxxX
    Yes the demo for the mugen game.
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. XxxXehanortxxX
    Godamnit Xaldin. >___<

    You're the one who wanted to make the game. I told you be on at 10:30-11:00.

    You aren't. Well, msn yes, but you wont respond.

    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. XxxXehanortxxX
    Then please help me. >__< Check pms in a few pl0x.


    Check pm's please.
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. XxxXehanortxxX
    PLEASE add me on msn/aim and talk to me. Or pm me. I need you to post something in the news. Xaldin won't do it because hes playing a damn game.

    Aim: X1xMarluxiax1X
    Thread by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 24, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. XxxXehanortxxX
    Bad News:

    I kinda have mono. Or at least every effect of it, some worst, including very high bacteria count, I am just missing the mono glands. Which really means I won't be sick for 3-4 months.

    But I am and have been sick for the past week, so I haven't worked on the game.

    Good News:

    You're still getting the small demo November 24th. It just wont be as good due to me being sick, and missing all school this week (I'm actually off today, but I missed Tuesday - Thursday, and was off Monday).

    I have a lot of work to makeup for school next week (when game is being released) so yeah. >___>
    Thread by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 16, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. XxxXehanortxxX
    For Kingdom Hearts Shackles of Destiny.


    p.s. Will someone open the damn mugen section already? -________-
    Thread by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 12, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. XxxXehanortxxX
    Well, theres only one Marluxia in the game (not including Marluxia in Dusk Form), but the game can match you up against Marluxia when playing as him.

    Samething applies to everyone else.

    2 Ansems
    2 Axels
    2 Larxenes


    Riku is a little weird though. There will be 2 characters.

    Riku + A Dark Transformation
    Riku Replica

    Normal Riku can transform into Dark Riku, and be uber, or you can just start as dark riku by playing as Riku Replica.
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. XxxXehanortxxX
  10. XxxXehanortxxX
    Pics of game:

    NOTE: That isnt going to be a stage in the game.
    NOTE AGAIN: That wording will NOT be there in the game.
    NOTE AGAIN: Those are real pics.
    NOTE AGAIN >__>: Those aren't going to be the actual life bars.

    This is technically you're crappy demo for Sunday. XD

    Also, Saix has been added to the character roster. A pro spriter friend of mine is making him. No crappy edits. >___>



    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. XxxXehanortxxX
    Name the program.

    I can get it for you. It'll be the complete latest version. No, I do not plan on paying for it. No one will. >___> I'd say more, but I don't want to get in trouble. If you need a program, tell me. you'll get the program.


    the demo for Sunday would have Axel & Marluxia. MAYBE another character. 1-2 weeks from Sunday would have Axel & Marluxia (obviously), and definitely 2-3 more characters at least.
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. XxxXehanortxxX
    Well guys, I'm leaving the decision to you.

    You guys can have an extremely bad alpha demo of the game this weekend (it'll be posted sunday.).

    Or you can wait a little longer for a better demo. Better as in I will give you guys better & updated characters and stages.

    However, you do not get both.

    Overall, you can have something small & crappy Sunday, or something way better in 1-2 weeks.

    In fact, I could just release that small & crappy demo now, but it isn't going to happen. I do want to make a few improvements to it, so it's at least a little nicer. (Most likely a lot more will get done to it by Sunday).

    Vote pl0x. Decision will be Sunday. As in, this poll is open to Sunday. >___>

    Also, few things:

    1. We need music arrangers. If you can arrange and make custom music, and you are willing to sell your sou- work for us, then please contact me. You can pm me here, or use aim (mine is X1xMarluxiax1X).

    2. We need sound rippers. If you can rip sounds from the games, that'd BE AWESOME. Please contact me via pm or aim (mine is X1xMarluxiax1X).

    3. Vote. Nao.
    Thread by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 5, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. XxxXehanortxxX
    Phisoxa is a person I don't know.


    If me no gets a good comment, game = delayed. D=
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. XxxXehanortxxX
    Things don't happen overnight buddy. Be happy you're getting a game at all. ^_^

    A good game will take a long time. But we plan on throwing you guys a very small alpha demo, just to see what things will be like.
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. XxxXehanortxxX
    It is possible. My friend and I switched coding jobs, as in I am doing Marluxia, he's doing Axel.

    Anyway, both characters have a decent amount of progress.

    Thing is, I have a birthday party to go to. Plus, I am sick right now. If it weren't for those 2 things, we could even have a demo tomorrow. So for right now, we might get a trailer for you guys.

    Otherwise, we will be working hard.
    Thread by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 3, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. XxxXehanortxxX
    Well, I'm working on Axel for the game. Here is a gif preview of his stance:


    There will be a small demo out soon, but before that a trailer. Then we will really pick up on the game.
    Thread by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 2, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. XxxXehanortxxX
    Isn't chaser a girl?

    She IMed me once. O-o

    crissy5poo was the screename. o.O
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. XxxXehanortxxX
    Good for you.
    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. XxxXehanortxxX
    The games coming along.

    I started Axel. More will be done on him tomorrow, or at least once my friend beats Sephiroth (he fails >__>), he just has to do something to Axel first.

    He's doing Marluxia.

    His name on this forum is ScytheofPetals. He is teh co-leader. I'm leader. And Xaldin is leader just because it's good having an Admin on my side, and he came up with idea. >.>

    And he is a music composer. HOWEVER......

    IF ANY CAN RIP SOUNDS FROM THE GAMES, such as Axels "Burn Baby!", he/she will be rewarded!

    We need sounds. Badly. BADLY. >_>

    It'll have sounds either, but it'd be better if someone could rip them from the games. (No japanese voices, for like Marluxia, take his laughs out of the data fight).

    Sorry I haven't been on in a while. >.>
    Thread by: XxxXehanortxxX, Nov 1, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. XxxXehanortxxX
    Teh puppies.

    Post by: XxxXehanortxxX, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone