Doesn't that make you wonder how she got on that balconey in the first place? I mean there has to have been some stairs or something, because she ended up there after Axel took her, which, I doubt Riku had the ability to teleport her up there like Axel and the other Organization Members. Plus, Sora wasn't in so much danger that she just had to jump off the balconey. Man that poor girl...She must've been having a rough day...
That's true, but in a lot of cutscenes I've seen with her she's not the toughest girl around.
*Hides a gun* Uhh... It'
I'm winning... So far... Until the next post comes in...
"You Reak-a!" -Strongbad "What the duece?" and "What the hell was that, Lois?" -Stewie Griffin "Awww Right!" -Quagmire "I just want sharks with fricken' laser beams attached to thier heads!" -Dr. Evil "I am a sexy beast!" and "Well, food comes in pill form, everyone has a flying car, and the world is ruled by damn dirty apes!" -Austin Powers I think that's about done. I think I might get banned for all the bad language I just used -_-
I told you not to go hang out with Britney Spears! God, no one listens to me anymore! Just kidding see you when you come back!
My friends and I made up a song about it: Joy to the world, That Barney's dead. We can't secure his head! We coudln't find his body 'Cause it went down in the potty Around and around it went Around and around it went And joy to the world That Barney's dead! Nice vid by the way, Goimez!
I know I'm one of these two. It happens in a lot of other forum websites (at least I think).
To me, it reminds me more of the clear beaches in the Caribbean Islands (even though I've never been there). I hear the water is super clear and the sane looks a lot like the kind on Destiny Islands.
I have a feeling mine would be Yaxlhes (pronounced Yayz-leez). By the way, Kadaj, no one knows my name at all...
Yeah, but Kairi was always just the one who watched what other people did while she just stood/sat around doing nothing. Unless she's forcing you to get the mushrooms that she's going to eat all by herself, I don't see her fighting Sora, Riku, Tidus, Selphie, or Wakka.
I don't think it's a real Keyblade-period. Even though, she did summon it during one of the battles. Sorry this came out random, but... Has anyone else noticed Kairi would've broke her legs after jumping off of that balcony? My friend and I were discussing it and he and I both insisted she could've died.
Old: 1. Goofy 2. Mary Poppins 3. Mickey New: 1. Quasimodo 2. Jack Skellington 3. Kuzco
Even though I've never been there, I love Disneyland Paris mainly because of how interesting the story to the Phantom Manor (Haunted Mansion) is there.
It does remind me of it, it even has a dalmation hiding in one of the windows (like in Traverse Town with Pongo and Perdita's house). The buildings are sort of designed like them, too.
Excellent way in putting it. Very beautifully written! Hades, of course. Then the director(s) to all of the direct-to-DVDs.
I go there; have fun; every week. But it gets really boring by the time you go forty-five times a month. So, you've met my dad, then? :P He acts the same way at Disneyland.
1. Hunchback of Notre Dame 2. Nightmare Before Christmas 3. Lion King 4. Emperor's New Groove 5. A Bug's Life All of these were movies I watched when I was younger, (except Emperor's New Groove, I watched later in life) and I love them so much! It was actually, however, really hard for me to choose them; a lot of them are so awesome!
Also...Destiny Hope/Miley Cyrus/ Miley Stewart/ Hannah Montana. WHY CAN"T SHE JUST PICK A GOD DARN NAME ALREADY! All I have to say in this... GET SOME NEW GOOD CHARACTERS, DISNEY!
....The Sword in the Stone? Making Christmas, making Christmas, lalala It's almost here and we can't wait So ring the bells and celebrate 'Cause when it's time, we'll all sing out IT'S CHRISTMASTIME! Hehehehehe