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  1. Luster Dragon
    "Okay....Namine's scaring me!" Starts to back away faster. I DUN WANNA BE A CHIBI!
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Luster Dragon
    0.o Luxord stared. He started to back away slowly, not wanting to be turned into a chibi. "Scary peoples..."
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Luster Dragon
    Luxord had grown bored of randomly turning people into cards. He suddenly had a strange feeling. "Either something I ate, or Demyx is about to go get himself killed......." Luxord thought out loud. Anything Demyx was doing had to be more entertaining than this. Luxord jumped down from the wall open a portal and appeared right behind an unexpecting Demyx. "Boo"
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Luster Dragon
    OOC: OMG! I'm reading Eldest! XD Good book so far!

    Luxord walked up to Demyx. "So whaddya say? First one to complete three laps around the store wins."
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Luster Dragon
    Meanwhile, in Port Royal, Luxord grew bored and had resorted to turning random people into cards, which was very entertaining. If anyone was to walk by, he'd instantly turn them into card or dice. "I wonder how the interrogation with Riku is going," Luxord said while turning an innocent bystander into a die(Spell?) "Saix probably has gotten nowhere. Hmph, he could interrogate a two year old child and be sucessful."
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Luster Dragon
    "WHOOA! Dude! Stop the shaking!" Luxord pryed himself of Zexion's grasp. "I know you're not insane, you just think you are! Here follow me." Luxord lead Zexion deep into the book section and picked a random book of the shelf. "Here, read this or somethin else and let me have my fun!" Luxord walked back to the others. "Ok, where were we? Oh yeah......CART RACES!!!!!!!!"
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Luster Dragon
    (Trust me, just replayed KH2 few days ago and fought him and Castle Oblivion, he turned me into a card. Like 20 times. XD)

    Luxord's hyper active side kicked in. "CART RACES!" He ran to the front of the store and grabbed two carts. "Alright who's gonna push me?"
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Luster Dragon
    O_O "Ow......." Luxord, being soaking wet, had cause the things around him on the floor to also be shocked. "AM I THE ONLY SANE HUMAN BEING INTHE ESTABLISHMENT?" Luxord screamed as he turned to Saix. "You! Stop the insanity!" Luxord then turned Saix into a card. He looked up and saw Xemnas on the shelf. " This is for your own good, mansex!" Luxord then turned Xemnas into a card. "You mentally disruppted peoples!"
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Luster Dragon
    Luxord blinked. "What the heck did I miss?! What's goin on! And why is Saix acting like the crazy moon lunatic that he is!?"
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Luster Dragon

    Luxord had went into the bathroom to hide but had acidently fallen asleep. He finally woke up and walked out side. He heard screams from the garden section and decided to head over there. As soon as he stepped in he was completely soaked with water. ""
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Luster Dragon
    OOC: >< Apparently I wasn't noticed.......Can i please play as Luxord since he like disappeared? (I've been readin this, you guys are crazy! XD)
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Luster Dragon
    OOC: Um, can I be Luxord since he like completely disappeared? ><
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Luster Dragon
    How predictable...anyways that mean i hate you. HA!
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Luster Dragon
    Muahahaha! I wanna be Cloud. XD *evil grin*
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Luster Dragon
    OOC: Jade! Oh that was too much! XDDDDDDDDDDDD NI! ROFL!
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Luster Dragon
    Luxord chuckled, "Now I'm not saying a have any magazines but how would you know I have them?" Luxord turned the blame onto Demyx before opening a portal to Port Royal and stepping through.

    OOC: Hey, Port Royal and portal sound similar. XD Oh, and your very welcome Jade.
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Luster Dragon
    OOC: You play Demyx very well! Every post makes me laugh. XD

    "I'm not gay you idiot! You're just so absent minded to leave you door open all the time, I can hear you all the way at the end of the hall! It's quite annoying." Luxord said with crossed arms.
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Luster Dragon
    "No, but I've seen you play it with those stuffed animals of yours." Luxord commented menacingly(Spell?).

    OOC: XDDD I'm so mean XP
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Luster Dragon
    OOC: ROFL! That was hilarious!

    Luxord had followed Demyx curious to what Saix would say, but found himself chuckling at Demyx's actions. "Seems the boy has taken to you even in a coma. How about you go play house with him and you can be the 'Mommy'."
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Luster Dragon
    "Well aren't you the biggest shock of the day?! You can do math too! You puttin somethin in those cookies or what?" Luxord said with a smirk, dismissing the remaining cards.
    Post by: Luster Dragon, Mar 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home