Yays! *huggles back* *eats cookie* Someone cares! ^_^ Nope, I'm alive!
I'm back!!!!!!!!!! yesh After dissappearing for forever I finally came back! Woot! (Hope no one forgot me)
Dance Kirby Dance <(^^<) <(^ ^)> (>^^)>
Beat this y'all! ********^-^***** *______( ^.^)___ /|---------U-U------|\ /|^>Fort Feline<^|\ *|_____________ | KITTY IN A BOX!
......Peanut butter and a food snatcher......nope, still not a party without nra running around on a sugar rush in a Gir costume......
*Walks in unsurprised* It's a party when you got nra runnin around on a sugar rush in a Gir costume.... THATS when its a party XP
OOC: Me thinks Sora died.......
I got loads of stuff. I got exactly $200 dollars in giftcards only. XP I also got a brandnew PS2 (Old one was just about ready to blow up) from an anynomus person. And it wasn't from Santa because it didn't say who it was from and my parents were freaking out about it. But I could care less. I also got a wireless router so i can play some of my PS games online. XP Yay me!
.....When I saw the trailer I couldn't believe it. I can't believe you guys are going to go see something so pathetic.
I need to find a fake clue......Got it! The chain off my keyblade! Sora reached under his bed whre he had put his key blade and took off the chain. Sora had brought a different keyblade than his Kingdom Key, instead he brought the blade that was given to him buy Merlin a year ago. Once he had the chain off and his keyblade back in hiding he put the chain in his pocket and went off to look for Kairi's charm.
I figured that out. But now I'm stuck in halloween town, How do I get to the brige thingy to follow Lock, Shock, and Barrel?
I just got both KH 1 and 2 today and I'm already stuck! Where do i go to recue Alice? Where do i fid the 5th slide in deep jungle? How do i get ice magic? v.v I'm hopless.......Somebody....HELP!
I GOT KH AND KH2 FOR CHRISTMAS! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @3@ I'm in my happy place! I thought I had a spendig limit of $50 but I found over $200 worth of presents this mornin'! ^^ I love my life!
You are not freaks or weirdos!
Thankies very much!