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  1. Alex C:
    That has their self as their avatar? Geez are you all that ugly? [I'm joking dudes! I shouldn't even be talking]
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 15, 2008, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Alex C:
    got my fringe cut?
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 14, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Alex C:
    Well, just funny so I'm pointing it out.

    Utada's music has once been in their playlist. I heard it but I forgot the song name.

    And this month's playlist has a Lion King song remixed there. Wtf. xD

    (if your going to bash about the store you might as well not post)
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 14, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Alex C:
    Congrats on returning to staff! I was dissapointed you weren't before. So I'm kinda glad now cause the cool staff is rejoining. :D
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 13, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Alex C:
    You'd post in this thread. ~<3
    But I understand, if no one wants to... ;_;
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 11, 2008, 48 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Alex C:

    Computer Help

    So yesterday my computer was like ****ed up. I turned it on and well it didn't want to load also, the moniter was all wavy (but it wasn't the moniter). Then later on I turned on the computer but it wasn't wavy it was just blury on one side but I could like browse and be on the computer. Then I left to go somewhere so I shut it off. Later on I turned it on and it was wavy and didn't want to load agian. So like then I asked my step sister for help since it didn't want to load agian. We opened the Hardrive (like the part of the computer where you turn it on and stuffz) cause we figured it may have over heated or been dusty. Well it was dusty since my parents and I are dumb and stuff and didn't know we had to dust it. But even then after we dusted it it still didn't work. So yeah I don't know if I got a virus orrr....? Cause this happened loads of times at my school.

    Also doing a recovery test or check (on the computer) does that delete all my saved files and crap? Cause that would suck big time
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 11, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: Technology
  7. Alex C:
    So like yeah if you can please answer 1 of the 2 following questions. 8D


    So I'm using the computer upstairs which is like ****ing slow as hell but you might not see me online much because my other one is broken.

    Oh, and Kingdom Hearts related. (I'm sure this has been posted and I think I saw it before) But, when King Triton in Kingdom Hearts I says: The key bearer is brought to find terror and not peace (or something like that) does that refer to him knowing about the past key bearers or....?

    :D So yeah and anything new?
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 11, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Alex C:


    You're so cool. :3

    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 10, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Alex C:


    who wantz to be my new best frend? :D
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 10, 2008, 46 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Alex C:
    Liek I gun act so damn gangsta. So how u like my new style??????
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 9, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Alex C:


    Another dumb spamzone game.

    Basically you say one good thing and one bad thing about the poster above.

    Got it?
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 8, 2008, 58 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Alex C:
    do something to me.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 8, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Alex C:
    But only for one more minute. ): Eventually you're threads will go back to normalllll.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 7, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Alex C:

    I am bored...

    do something to me.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 7, 2008, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Alex C:
    What would you feel is the best route for her?

    I think her plan right now to help out Obama is good. I doubt this would happen but, I'd like it if Obama chose Hilary as his Vice President. I know their views are different, but if they worked more like a team, then they would have the Presidential Election in their hands.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 7, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  16. Alex C:

    My list

    Cause I'm a trend whore too.
    And omg how could I forgot the awesome, amazing, nice, owange, coolest member: Beat. 8D He is like the best evah!
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 6, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Alex C:
    Go on. Say it.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 5, 2008, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Alex C:

    So liek

    Today I graduated and got a myspace so I'm all excited cause I finally got one and people have been douching at me to get one.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 1, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Alex C:

    8D Okay....

    So like I really really really really wanted to change my name so I was thinking maybe I should change it to Joshua since that's whats totally like "in" right now.

    Think I should?
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 1, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Alex C:
    Change names day? I swear I had to check to see who 3 people were.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jun 1, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone