If I feel... ...Passionate love for all of you?
COPYCAT says: Bunter is hot S c e n e K i d #1 says: xDDD COPYCAT says: seriously
Lullaby: I swear I saw an exact replica of you yesterday when I went out. Cupcake: I had a dream with you in it. But it's kinda weird.. so I won't say it. 8)
but this forum is boring me. think of something to pass the time.
Where'd Namine_of_KH2 go?
I totally forgot you used to be Vivi's Dark Side. lololol
Oh now I get it. lololololololololol
Pick only 1! TCO fine you can pick two if you wanttt....
Who is becoming less active in this site? I wouldn't want to be but I keep going out with my friends and family this summer. D: But I'm starting to miss this site.... inoimbigstupidloser
So today's the day we became rebels and ran away from fish and chips.
Anyway, I'm going to pick a word and you have to find a member that fits in that word best, than you post another word. Cranky
6 members here but it says only HB and I are here? Oh well, Hi HP!! :B
What's been up guise? :B
Forums are running slow... shall we all go in an emo corner and cry?
Because necro bumping isn't allowed and I thought the thread was fun.
This summer. There hasn't been thousands of trolls coming in or any noobs messing with the forums. No database errors. No zillions of threads by people. No new problem the forum has yet to fix.
What happened to the Anything Else section?
I go in the spamzone and...wow. <_< Way to go Split. :D Oh and I hope 385/2 days doesn't have bad graphics cause in the videos it did.
If I wasn't already dating I'd date you. You are too funny. [Like you made me fall of my chair, funny]