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  1. Alex C:
    I know what she'd dooooooooooo~
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 6, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Alex C:

    Hippie Jesus

    If you changed your name I'd love you... o.o
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 5, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Alex C:

    Oh my god. XD

    My friend traded his i-Phone for a Palm Centro...

    I think he loves me too much cause he only got the phone cause I have it. >_>

    Anyway he said he's gonna sell his i-Phone for 50$ but for me 25$... should I buy it? xD I still think he's so stupid for changing it.

    His mom got one too. D;

    I'm such a trend. xD
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 5, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Alex C:
    I wake up around 1ish.

    :C I woke up late the other day at 2:30 though.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 5, 2008, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Alex C:


    Oh my god dood. You are so amazing. I love you cause you are like always there for me. You are soooo nice and sweet. And sometimes I just wish I could have more time to talk to you since you always have time for me. x3 I love our conversations. This member is full of complete ownage.

    Got that guys? o; If anyone messes her you have to mess with me too.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 5, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Alex C:
    Lots of lulz.

    Well me, my friend, and my girlfriend were planning on going to downtown. But instead we went to a mall. It was one of those plaza malls. And when we were in the car we noticed it was dark and I told them that it was going to rain so that it was a bad idea. We went either way. Anyway, so like it ended up becoming a really really bad weather watch since we were in a tornado watch. xD Well anyway we were in Aero at the moment (ew hate that store but my friend wanted to) and they started to close their doors, the workers that is, and they told us to go to the stockroom while they lined up behind us. And we stayed there and all three of us were getting calls like damn. xD Anyway, we stayed there for a while and the workers were halirous they talked to us a bit and asked a few questions but it was pretty much just us talking. Then eventually it calmed down so the manager told us if we have a ride we should hitch it now. And so since my friend's mom was going to wait for us in the parking next to Macy's we ran there since it was still drizzling and I didn't want to get my headphones, that I brought only to hide my hickey, wet. So it was pretty funny cause I had to hold my girlfriend's hand to run since she had flip flops on and it was hard for her to run. Once we got the workers there told us to wait downstairs and not to leave the store. We stayed down there and there was probably around 50-70 people there just chatting. We didn't have signal down there so we could text. Anyway, eventually 15 minutes passed and they told us we could all leave. And we left into the parking where my friend's mom told us to wait. We finally saw her after like 5 minutes. And we headed home in the storm. It was pretty scary but funny since I've had two tornado warnings once alone at home and once in a mall also. xD And anyway it was funny when I got home since my mom was like super scared and was like omg next time its going to rain I'm not letting you out and stuff. And I was laughing and telling her that was super fun, which it was, and I wanted to do that again. She just got upset and shook her head in disappointment. It was all pretty fun.
    As for today <_< D; I'll just post it in usernotes.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 5, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Alex C:


    So how many of you know my real name? Cause it's kinda getting weird now when newbs keep calling me by my real name and I don't know them.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 5, 2008, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Alex C:
    I don't care if I'm a guilty pleasure for you Shut Up! cause we Won't Stop! we're getting down till the sun's coming up! Oh my god... I love this song.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 5, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Alex C:


    wtf. o_o
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 4, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Alex C:
    Out of these contestants B|
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 4, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Alex C:
    Well today my girlfriend kinda gave me a hickey on my neck like 2 big ones. Like big, like you'll notice it right away with no exaggeration.

    So like I know my mom will kill me if she sees it and I know they don't go away very fast. >:/ How do I hide it?

    (and im not just showing off like every dude on the site that is like omg i have a girlfriend just to make some jealous)
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 3, 2008, 60 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Alex C:
    Sora C: or Sora :D

    Sorry about the constant threads. I just don't know how else to ask.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 2, 2008, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Alex C:
    I only have one last thing to do before it's over.

    I want to love you all. If only you all treated me seriously. ;_;
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 2, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Alex C:

    I love

    Selena Gomez from Wizards of Waverly Place. She is such a sass. B| Bunch of lulz.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 2, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Alex C:
    You guys make my nights the best nights in the world. <3~
    Thread by: Alex C:, Aug 1, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Alex C:
    Listen to their i-Pod in the shower? Like not with headphones but with the speakers you buy separately?

    I always do. So I take my i-Pod-2-go every time I go somewhere and I know I'm going to spend nights there.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jul 30, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Alex C:


    What's going on? C:
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jul 29, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Alex C:
    C: Um ignore or delete this thread.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jul 28, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Alex C:

    I'm bored.

    Talk to me cause Msn became obsolete at that.

    (: Or.... lets start a topic.

    "How do cats see?"
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jul 28, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Alex C:

    Ok so like

    how do the people react when they see these kids at the park?

    Referring further into the video.
    Thread by: Alex C:, Jul 27, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone