Eh? O_o Sora and Kairi scene? ...I thought there was only Xion scenes and a Roxas & Axel scene (Who are on DI, btw) ...Well in KHInsider... xD;; Guuuh, Coded sounds awesome now. And yay, AQQQUUUAAAA GAMEPLAY!
LOL. Time to kill your friend, Jeevas. xD;; Anyways, if they change that damn release date one more time. I'm gonna save up all my money on something else. (Or just not bother anymore, lol, I'll get it whenever.) It'd be nice if they released it somewhere in early 2009...
^^^ ilu, TwilightNight... xD;;; But I highly doubt that'll win over the whole 'Xion is Aqua' gang. But is did convince me in many ways. I don't really how people find Xion being Aqua. (I was convinced for a short time, but in the beginning of all this, I always thought she was never Aqua. And now that we have scans, there are still people who still support the theory. Sadly, right now, there isn't similarities between the two new females.) I'm wondering if Square will finally reveal her whole appearence at TGS. Since were gonna find out a lot more about Xion there.
Coded needs more love. ;_; ...Information to speculate about before TGS. KINDGOM HEARTS CODED The keywords of Kindom Hearts Coded: "A forbidden secret." ―― KH Coded is the direct sequel of KHII, could you tells about it's highlights? Nomura: The content of KH Coded is similar to that of KH Chain of Memories (COM below). Even for players who aren't aware of the previous story, everyone will be able to deepen their understanding of the KH series. Therefore people who already fans of KH will really want to play this game by all means. ―― What kind of concrete development will it have? Nomura: The story investigates the mystery message left inside Jiminy's Journal, so like in COM the characters travel through the past. But like the case of COM, a new drama following KH unfolds, those intervals will enter as original episodes. In the case of KH Coded, they visit the same Traverse Town but something is different. Why is that? Examining those kind of parts close up becomes the content of this game. ―― A very deep story seems to unfold. Nomura: It's breadth is not so vast, but the inner part of the story becomes deep. At the private event last month the keywords "the forbidden secret" were compiled in the trailer, so generally speaking that becomes the image of this title. ―― In recent screenshots, depictions of arrows on the screen are shown, are these instructions for attacking? Nomura: The arrows indicate the order of input for the direction keys. The system works by inputting the keys in order which results in a simple combo of attacks. Since it's operations are suited to work on the mobile phone, it becomes similar to ordinary mobile phone operations. ―― Will KH Coded also be released via mobile delivery format? Nomura: That's right, but it won't be released in it's entirety. Because the KH series is based on moving through the worlds while advancing the story, I'm thinking that the new worlds for the title will be distributed gradually. Creditz: Leno from FInal Eclipse and KHInsider. Kay, I stop spamming now.
:D ...No new scans this time. But information to look into before TGS. KINGDOM HEARTS BIRTH BY SLEEP The keywords of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep: "Connections of the heart." ―― What kind of theme is drawn up in the story of KH Birth by Sleep (BbS below)? Nomura: The theme seems to revolves between "connections of the heart" and "fate." When it is played last, the player will understand that the KH story that take place afterwards is one "not of chance, but a story that becomes inevitable." Unlike the tender atmosphere of the older games, this one is serious. Because it is a very sad story, people have asked "how do you manage it?" when involving Disney works. (Smiles) A painful story unfolds. Though KH "isn't that kind of thing", this time we'll try to progress the story in that direction. ―― Terra, Ventus, and Aqua appear as the main three characters, but what kind of characters are each of them? Nomura: Terra is the type who makes his goal's his highest priority. But he's not a bad fellow, though his stress on obtaining his goals causes conflict. The story of Ventus seems to feel closer to the ones of KH seen so far. He is able to make friends with the dwellers of the worlds he visits and is the type to blend into a world naturally. Aqua is a serious character, she has a steady mind and often worries about the other two. She is eyewitness to the recent events, therefore she takes that sort of a standpoint. ―― How does the story of these three advance? Nomura: They advance by taking separate actions on the same time axis. For example, when Terra visits a certain world and the other two people have not been there yet. There by naturally the connection to the particular world changes too. Such story development will really be the charm of BbS. ―― As for the play order of each character, can the player decide? Nomura: I assume that it's being developed right now. Therefore depending on the order chosen by the player, if they have not played as Terra yet, and they choose Aqua and start visiting worlds with her, they'll understand the actions of Terra early. (Smiles) That might not be what was expected or hoped for, but I think it will be a little interesting. ―― If all 3 characters come together in the ending, will the entire image of the story become clear? Nomura: Indeed. For instance, the mysteries of Terra are revealed in Ventus's story. Overall, it'll have this type of composition. ―― Terra is power based, and the from the demo it's obvious Ventus is based on combo + speed, but what type of character is Aqua? Nomura: Aqua is special. As for the type, she is magic based, though it is considerably tricky. Fight while rotating like a spinning object, doing cartwheels, that sort of thing. (Smiles) (Akino: Aqua is quite an acrobat, isn't she? ...That explains her sword dance.) ―― After grasping the feel of the game play, the combat system seems considerably based on powering up. Nomura: Seems like it, with locking on to multiple enemies using the Shoot Lock System to attack and customizing the deck of skills. At the demo the deck of skills was already pre set, but in the actual game you'll be able to edit it freely. At first BbS was expected to have a fighting system closest to the older games, but now it seems that KH 358/2 Days is and BbS's system has evolved. The feeling is more like, "you can't fight like Sora with this system," therefore a real taste of managing the keyblade is shown. ―― Of the stories heard in these three titles, it seems BbS will probably be the last to release, are you thinking about future titles after these? Nomura: Considering the nature the KH series, I do not intend to end it here. Even as BbS is being made, I am thinking about the future and how it connects. Thus, please continue to support the KH series. Creditz: Leno from Final Eclipse and KHInsider.
...I don't bring any scans. But some juicy information to think about before TGS. KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 DAYSThe keywords of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days: "I can't remember, something important." ―― First let's talk about KH 358/2 Days, it features the nobody Roxas as the main character? Nomura: The KH series has consistently revolved around the theme of the "heart", but now Roxas is the main character who joins up with Organization XIII who are said not to have hearts. Since the original KH, heart and memory are thought to be closely linked, therefore the theme drawn in this title is that of "memories". So this time the catch copy of the title also becomes keywords: "I can't remember, something important." ―― Will the adventure of Roxas proceed the same as Sora did by traveling from world to world? Nomura: It'll be a little different. The main concern is the sticky situation with the worlds Sora has been since it can't contradict with the story of KHII. This time the objective of the events happening in the Disney worlds is to influence Roxas, gradually producing some sort of change in him. For instance, in the Beauty and the Beast world, upon seeing the Beast and Belle, is Roxas able to recognize their love? ―― Will the content of such scenarios move the player to tears? Nomura: I write the base scenarios for KH every time, but this time I think the surprising content is really being able to get a feel for their quiet everyday lives. (Smiles) Personally, I don't want the contents to resemble that of previous developments. When I'm writing, I never think things like, "Oh, this'll make the player cry." That process is really up to the players, right? ―― Does the connection between the titles become a matter of concern? Nomura: Naturally, there's much to keep in mind. There are various parts to think about, like "this thing has to be connected with that kind of thing," or fussing over things like the sea salt ice cream. (Smiles) ―― So we heard the lines spoken by the 14th member at the private event held in August. Nomura: Really it was planned to reveal her voice in the scenes at the next event. (Smiles) It's a curious thing, everyone is wondering which character her voice connects to. Already people are guessing she is the nobody of some character, but then who is Xion really? What becomes of her heart? This will be explored more at Tokyo Game Show this Fall, so please look forward to it. ―― Multi player mode is prepared for this title as well, what kind of concept were in mind? Nomura: We wanted something simple that 4 players could communicate and enjoy together, but not be something that was just going to steal the game's attention. The experience made in the main story can be utilized in multiplayer mode, likewise the experience made in multiplayer mode is useful in the main story, this system reflects them mutually. ―― Because the player can choose from the members of Organization XIII in multiplayer mode, it seems like an adjustment to balance them would be needed... Nomura: Indeed. But growth among them will be a common element. In the multiplayer mode, the characters can be customized based on the progress made by Roxas in the main story. That growth is based on the parts of data being transfered, it's a fairly bold thing to do. ―― Speaking of boldness, in the demo version, the player could operate the camera using the lower screen, that was also a bold idea. Nomura: Moving the camera by directly moving one's finger across the touch screen made sense, even for players who generally aren't used to that sort of thing. It was also popular among staff, though it was their opinion that "it was difficult to operate with the stylus." Therefore operating with the stylus is optional. (Smiles) Still, some people will resist touching the screen with their fingers. In the current version you could only survey left and right, I though that you wouldn't need to look up or down, but the opinion of the staff was that "it's inconvenient unless the player can look up." Will there be room for improvement? (Smiles) The current demo is only one part of the game. At this time there are more cool things to do, so please look forward to it. Creditz: TO Leno from Final Eclipse and KHInsider. ;D
Maybe they thought about it after KH1, scrapped it, and brought it back after KH2. :D
Not really fond of Hayden voicing Xion. BRING IN SOME FRESHMEAT, DAMMMN IT! ... :D ?
Okay, there are family ties. Just not visible. But it isn't a big thing in the KH universe. Friendship and other fluffy cheesey stuff does though. I read in text that people claimed Xion's hair was a darker blue to black. And the style was similiar to Aqua's hair. But I highly doubt that, because there wasn't any pictures to back up.
^^ But they made me lol. xD;;; ...I get slightly amused when people go "So and so is so and so's daughter/son/brother/sister/mother/father." Then I shoot them down with "KH Universe = Not family ties universe"
Family ties doesn't exist in KH. And Namine is special. :D But not family ties. :D (Except Kairi's grandmama, and Sora's mama.) You're right. Mansex is too obsessed with his Kingdom Hearts to begin with. 'Sides, he a loon and no one would ever have an affair with him. Except Saix... BUT WAIT- Family ties don't exist in the KH universe. :D ...FAMILY TIES NO NO IN KH, KK? BUT IF FAMILY ACTUALLY MATTERED IN KH... I WANT THE MOMMA TO BE LEON. :D xD;;; Sorry if any of you kids are all 'Wtf, Akino'. I'm tired. Xion = Not Mansex's daughter. Nor Ansem's 'hidden daughter'...why would he have on anyways? Alrighty, I'm done. *Has a feeling she'll get punished after this post*
I'm gonna be all like "...Square ILU <3" if they release Re:CoM here! But I'm not gonna cling onto this. It's just...;A; too hard to believe.
We don't know for sure if Namine is actually talking about Xion. She could be talking about Kairi. :/ Because she was the only one who did remember Sora. (When everyone else remembered Riku and not Sora.) But really, I'm sure Namine was talking about Xion. But hey... My first thought on Xion, I'll be sticking with it until something comes up. But wouldn't Ansem at least told Riku that he sent someone as a double agent? D: That would have avoided their fight at Beast's Castle.
More like they're wanting to get it on. (I will surely ship RikuxXion once the game comes out.) THERES JUST SEXUAL TENSION BETWEEN THEM..THEY'LL LOOSEN UP. :D Thanks Deadheart! I was gonna post these up, but I was uber lazy. Guhuhuhu, Xion likes to shoot out magic fire balls. I wonder why she isn't using her fakeroony keyblade.
FAMILY TIES DOESN'T EXIST IN KH! D< *Bricks* Jokes laaaanngg~ Anyways. Xion is connected to Sora or Aqua. HECK! Maybe even both. Either way, she's a darned mystery to all of us.
I like that typo. It made me smile. :'D Baaaaw, I'm just delievering what the fans want! Anyways, it's just the BBS scans that are new to me (Well some, anyways.) You're very welcome everyone~ I'll find some new scans when they come around.
IDK if Xaldin posted these yet. Another find while lurking in KHI... Just some HQ scans of the games. :P And some that are new...I think. BIRTH BY SLEEEEEEP: BBS 1 BBS 2 BBS 3 BBS 4 358/2 DAYS: (Nothing new, well to me anyways.) DAYS 1 DAYS 2 CODED: (I'm really having a 'wtf' moment with those pictures that look like paper cutouts...) CODED 1 CODED 2 ...Enjoy? EDITS: BAAAH, must credit. THANK YOU, kuraudo from Final Fantasy International EDIT 2: Aqua is still hot. I swear, I'd go lesbian for her if she were real. T_T
Xion looks like a little kid. D: D'awe. And I wanted her to pair up with Riku. But that'd make him look like a pedo. BUT ANYWAYS, you think she has short hair? O_o Because I don't see any evidence of hair under that hood.
Time to answer some questions. :3 Yeah. Nomura is losing all his juice. =_=; He better make upf or it for the final product. It's confirmed is it not? The Japanese pronounce it 'Shion' just like Zexion's name (Zekushion?), but it's spelt 'Xion'. If the game ever comes here they're probably gonna pronounce it 'Zai-on'. Well, I pronounce it that way. People claim she looks like Kairi. :/ But we were only reveal (in the scans) half of her face, and a little bit of hair. So were not sure. EDIT: Gah, a new interview? WTF? kaykay, I'm done, O_O Only did this out of my boredem. Don't take me seriously.
xP You never know. I mean, she could possibly have a connection with Aqua. She doesn't have to be her nobody. And Xion could just be an alias. Okay after some rethinking about this. (And reading something pretty convincing in KHI) I don't think Namine was talking about Xion. She was more likely talking about Kairi. xD;; But hey, we'll find out once we play the darned game, right?