Most likely. Not fond with Hayden doing Xion though, even if it will be a must. Xion resembles Kairi more than Namine, don't you think?
Larxene, Demyx, Zexion, & our lovely newest addition, Xion. (Pfft, and Lexaeus. lol.) Oh, how I will have much fun with those five.
ohlulz, thanks for the pity rep, dearie. :D
Oh lulz. Merged Zefties && mine threads. xD (OH ZEFTIE, WE MADE A BAYBAAAY.) But seriously, Aqua uses haxx. But we love her anyways, I need my PSP back so I can have fun playing with Aqua.
WHY DO YOU HURT MEEEE SO? *A* (Made the same topic in the Days fourm.) Oh well, you're epic too. lulz. ilu, Zeftie. xD Aqua gets sexier everytime I see her...
Oh fudge. I was too excited, I didn't see Zefties. OH WELL. HE CAN YELL AT ME ALL I WANT, 'CAUSE I'M GOING TO SCHOOL WITH A HUGE GRIN ON MY FACE NAO. xD (lol, don't worry, Zeftnon, ilu.)
Holy shaaaat, leaked days trailer. *a* YOU HEARD ME RIGHT, YOU GRATEFUL HECTOPASCALS. IT WAS LEAKED. THANK THE LORD, AND JOSHUA. (AND SHO.) I'M GONNA GO WATCH IT NOW. CREDITZ: joc1994 from KHI EDITZ: Oh, Aqua, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow Akino's mind, oh Aqua, oh, oh, oh AQUA~ Oh, Xion, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow Akino's mind, oh Xion, oh, oh, oh Xion~ lol, stfu. I'm in love with them. xD;; AND AND @ THE END OF DAYS TRAILER: RIKU, ARE YOU HOLDING XION? 8D OH YOU GONNA GET SOME AREN'T YOU?
:D Agreed. And plus, he's just jealous that Axel is sexier. *brick'd* Anywhoo~ Saix is a ******-bag. Period. lulz, I felt kind of bad when I defeated the jerkface in KH2.
Hayden as Xion? ...IDK, never was fond of Hayden's voice...and her movies. xD No, I think it should be Riku x Xion. :D Or RikuxXionxRoxas. :D? OT3, anyone?
Concerning Xion's appearance + Other stuff Creditz: R-K from KHI. :D
Looks like it? Someone in KHI had like a theory to that: xD Well Xion's face is just like Kairi's, cept her bangs are parted in the opposite way. ...And that's the closest visual I can say right now.
Agreed with this whole-heartedly. :D And yay, if Days comes out in March or April...so getting it for a Birthday present. (If SuikoTier doesn't come out before Days...) Eh, idk. They've been showing the trailers since Day 1? But Closed Mega Theatre has like a 'No camera in the theatre' rule. So no leaked trailers, sadly, but we still have scans and Impressions. (And demo videos...which we still have to find.) Maybe when it's December or closing in on the release date, they'll bring out the trailer to the public. Eh? Someone died? O_O
No where. ;_; Square is uber picky about showing the trailers out to the public. Only a few lucky souls in TGS '08 who went into the closed mega theatre got to see it. (And I wish I was one of 'em) And I'm sure we'll get scans of this trailer in a few weeks or so from Famitsu. :D
358/2 Days Trailer/Demo Impressions [UPDATED] :D TRAILER Impression DEMO Impression MULTIPLAYER DEMO Impression Creditz: Bittermeats from KHI, & Light in Chaos, R-K from KHI EDITZ: Lulz, before I leave you to fangasm. I want to say this... RIKU x XION = FTW, SUPPORT THE PAIRING WITH ME? EDITZ: Concerning Xion's appearance + Other stuff
lulz. IGN does something right for once. Terra is like a freakin' tank. xD;;; I was gonna post these up, but I was uber lazy. LOL. Good find~
From Gamekyo. EDIT: Found another one :D I was all like "...I wonder if there's anything awesome up yet in KHI." then I found this. Basically, it's Terra running around and fighting unbirths (in the Enchanted Kingdom?) Creditz: darkheart709 from KHI. && KHInsider
Eh, I think he meant the Organization (+ Riku and a possible DiZ)
IGN & Gamespot's Days Trailer/Demo Impressions ... Even though the guy who wrote this was totally not familiar with the characters, you can make out who the heck is who. xD (AND WTF, I THOUGHT XION'S HAIR WAS BLACK.) But wow, Xion stole Roxas' keyblade. And everyone is all pissed and angry and stuff. xD I can't really comment more on this matter...'cause I have school! Read more here. :D EDIT: I FOUND ANOTHER ONNNNEEEEEEE... Read more here. :D
KHInsider. :D At least it isn't blue...or poor Xion would be a Aqua-clone.