You are right about texas killing more inmates then any other state and also ture about the rober suing.
I heard of that one wasn't it a homeless person?
I'am 14 and going to be 15 this fall.
I wish those games came out in the states becouse they have alot of animi and manga people in it. Allso i found some vids of one of the games
ANyone know were i can watch pokemon episodes?? any looking for episodes 471 and 475
OH so its what you are not us well then i think your asian
so what is the Wifi on FF3 about
Oh you mean wakoman he was hard at first becouse i barly hade any health but then i just used alot of shot chips o beat him
I like stye changes i would allwas beat my frind with shiled stye
am playing the 4 one gain and can some tell me were to get a lava chip on it and I really want to get the 6 one becouse no limit in cross link navi's
ANy one here play any of those games?
What do you mean by that i don't get what you mean
I think Jariya is the porn lord he makes the books kakashi reads
I don't care if KH comes our for a diffrent game console as long as it if good as the other ones I say kH for any game conlse is good If they remake the other KH games for Wii or 360 then it wil have more fans
Why is that I think it would be a great idea to have it for Wii or one for DS kind like what they did for CoM
Is the animi in the states yet most of the episodes are sub in spainsh and am not the good at reading it
When will this be in the states and what is it about
IF you guys do join be in the olimpic servir am in that one and i can help you guys in it
I agrre with you about the N64 I would like it if the remade the OoT for the Wii with better stuff and all at what i hate abour TP is that there arn't that many items on it but i like the how the new tonics look
I want to get a DS so bad that way i can play dimond and any other pokem games out here for it and i play MYStry dungon for gam boy and its allso goodi want to play it for DS tho