i do think the sales will change but not for the handheld
I have both Metroid Prime: Hunters and Pokemon diamond so i guess i join or be a judgel Oh and i also have custom robo arena.
i like the new sonic games but i hate that they don'st have choa gardens
that does look like a must play game but kind of chalenging
so the game is going to come out this year am so glad but it is going to be hard to get seeing as it is during the holiday season
i would say a sword the had elemetal skils
Thank you for the scans and i want this game to realse so bad
mine code is 1461 2902 8803
OH i want a deoxys to and will someone battle me my code is 1461 2902 8803
AM trying to finsh the sinnoh dex now that i have all the starters i hade to trade good pokemon for them, but i got them back when i beat my friends in battke's with my lv. 100's
I would say mine is Naruto: Narutimate Hero 3 becouse it has alot of DIff ninja to play as.
The stylus is a bit to large and i wode rather use the ones that came with my DS lite
I think mine was card capters, gundom, digimon, pokemon sailor moon, or the one about the zoodiac nights. i can't remeber wich one it was
I say sparil is they haves it on youtube allso detectic conan um bleach,naruto or anyone that others have said before.
The wires got mixed up and then i tyed to ntangle them and bang it fell
MY PS2 fell when i was playuing it and i can't play my ps2 games on it. this is the 2nd time this has happened and my pearnts won't let me get a new one. Does any one know were i can go to fix it?
I want to the penguin to but allso the monkey they both look sweet. And i don't think the legendaries are'nt that strong i use common pokmon to bea all my firends and yes alot of good DS is games are coming out the spring i could name alot i want. BUt i want to battle my friend that lives in japen most of all.
I like then but i hate how most of them have red eyes
I want to buy diamond and then mybe buy peral but i just like them becouse of Wifi
I heard it was a homeless person from the news. I guess people are really messed up just to lite others on fire.