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  1. The Fifth Element
  2. The Fifth Element


    "Well I'd make a horrible servant for I serve no master but....aye, I'll join you if not for the sole reason of slaughtering all of those evil orcs that murdered all who we loved." He growled as he remembered it all.

    OOC: Hey, soon I gotta go eat lunch.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. The Fifth Element


    Riaz nodded his head and fell silent for a few moments. "You know friend....I once heard a legend, a fairytale if you will, about the elves. It said that the elves were so skilled that they could walk on top of snow and never sink and that they could make swords that would cut through metal like butter. I would bet that that's what you have there. An elf's sword."
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. The Fifth Element


    "Aye. And no there were not any more winged creatures, I gather. Well let us make haste, dusk is fast approaching." He kept running at a smooth and steady pace so as not to jostle the girl too much.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. The Fifth Element
    Profile Post

    thank you sir

    thank you sir
    Profile Post by The Fifth Element for micketymike, Oct 4, 2008
  6. The Fifth Element


    "Aye." He stood quickly and sniffed the air then shook his head. Why did I do that? "Well one thing is for certain and that thing is this :We.Need.To.Leave.Now" He loped back to the house in a smooth gait and brought out the girl on his back. "Forgive me miss, but I think it will be fast is we run." He looked at Mintro and broke into a slow run, worried that he wouldn't be able to keep up but somehow he figured he could so Riaz broke into his normal run.(Which is the equivalent now of a human sprint)
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. The Fifth Element


    Riaz heard footsteps fast approaching and stole a glance. "Orcs," he hissed. "Play dead." Riaz dragged both of them to the ground and he moved towards the door a little before laying down and closing his eyes. The orcs came stumbling in and looked around, when they were satisfied that he was dead they moved on to the girl. In a flash Riaz was up and on the back of the orc. Using all of the muscles he possessed, he wrapped his hands around the orc's neck and twisted it sideways. A satisfying crack sounded and the orc fell. The others roared and piled on top of Riaz. he hadn't planned for this but an idea came to him as he was being pressed into the dirt. He squirmed around and drew one of the orc's swords that was closest to him and proceeded to kill them quickly. The boy, he will get killed fighting those all alone Riaz jumped out and began to run towards him but then he stopped and began shouting and waving like a madman. It worked. One of those bird things picked him up and he got onto its back. "I feel like an idiot," he muttered to himself but the wind took his words away. He grabbed some fur and drove the beast to its death but now he drove it straight into the orcs lines of warriors. This time he was ready and jumped off a second before the collision. There was dust and when it cleared 30 orcs and the beast lay dead. "YES!!" He screamed holding the stolen sword high. The rest of the orcs made a circle around him. "Bad."
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. The Fifth Element


    Riaz helped her and sunk down so that they would be on the same level. "I understand."

    OOC: Me too, its 1:00 am so good...morning
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. The Fifth Element


    Riaz had to lean forward to catch her voice. He nodded his head twice and reached out his hand to hover beside her elbow. "Are you ok? You don't look well."
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. The Fifth Element
    ^ agreed. I really enjoy this poem and the classic use of rhyming
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Archives
  11. The Fifth Element


    Riaz struggled to sit up and managed to stand on shaky legs while gripping the wall. His head felt like a top spun like crazy but somehow he managed to clear it. Noticing the unsteady girl walking towards him, he stepped forward. Somewhere in the back of Riaz's mind he realized what a sight he must be at the moment. His normally shiny black hair was matted with blood and his torn shirt hung around his torso. "Uhhh. I'm Riaz, and from the looks of things I'm on your side," he said nervously.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. The Fifth Element


    Riaz grabbed a fistful of fur in each hands and kicked the beast under the ribs hard. It screeched and dove down towards the ground. He braced himself for the impact but was still thrown a good thirty feet when the beast slammed into the ground, breaking its neck instantly. Riaz tumbled and landed against a burned out shell of a building with a solid thunk. He grunted in pain as he slid to the scarred ground.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. The Fifth Element
    a COOL celeb is Leelee Sobieski

    SHE Freakin rocks!!

    a hot one is David Boreanaz
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. The Fifth Element


    Air flew past him as he pumped harder. Run faster, faster, FASTER!!! He pushed himself to his limits,trying to outrun the orcs. He had no weapon and no training and no breath left. His knee was sending up a warning signal and the muscles under his ribs seized up. It felt like his shirt was on fire. Bring on the pain. He wanted his heart to explode, a bruised cherry smashed deep in his chest. Suddenly his motion was stopped as he was lifted off the ground. His face showed pure horror as he was taken to a great height. The talons around him let go but just as they did, he pulled on them hard and swung onto the creature's back. Oh.My.God
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. The Fifth Element
    Dawn. The sun breaking through the morning mist, made the light cast strange patterns across young Joan's walls. Shadows, chasing bursts of light and light, moving furtively and slowly to conquer the room. The victorious light grew more intense and finally Joan, in one swift movement jumped out of the bed and at the window, throwing closed the light blue curtains and sank to the floor, blinking. The cream colored carpet came into focus more as she rubbed her eyes. Slowly, as if she were moving through water, Joan drifted over to her dresser and threw on a white tee shirt and some light blue jeans with tiny holes in the knees. Not bothering to make her bed(why make it if you'll just mess it up again at night?) she descended the stairs, all the while putting her up into a smooth, low ponytail. A quick nod for her mom and a muttered excuse for her dad and she was out the door. In the entryway she slipped on her boots and two jackets, a light gray down one and then a thinner black overcoat that would repel the rain and snow. Flinging open the door, she burst into the light at a run.
    Kind of like a prelude. If you know what the title is about and don't like stories about characters who will become Mort then I suggest you don't get attached to this one because I'm feeling particularly malicious.
    Thread by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. The Fifth Element


    you only added half of my character -_-'
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. The Fifth Element
    I'm gonna do this too, hehe fun
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. The Fifth Element
    Profile Post

    lol you are welcome

    lol you are welcome
    Profile Post by The Fifth Element for Sticky the Somebody!!, Oct 3, 2008
  19. The Fifth Element
    Excellent. *Claps hands* So how many more people do we need to get this started?
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. The Fifth Element
    I really wanna see this movie, I agree very original
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 3, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media