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  1. The Fifth Element
    Profile Post

    so we do!!!!

    so we do!!!!
    Profile Post by The Fifth Element for micketymike, Oct 4, 2008
  2. The Fifth Element
  3. The Fifth Element
    I know!!! I have too! Ugh thats it, I am now going to forcibly drag people here and make them join or die!!!*skips off*
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. The Fifth Element


    Riaz moved behind Mintro. "We follow your lead, friend."
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. The Fifth Element


    "Nice to meet ya, obviously it would be nicer under less serious situations but whatever. I suppose we leave out the gate we came from, it is the quickest way out. What do you think Mintro?" Riaz now turned to Mintro and it was clear that he was leader here.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. The Fifth Element
  7. The Fifth Element
    I really like it and it certainly grabbed my attention keep writing!
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Archives
  8. The Fifth Element


    Riaz's eyes glinted as he packed all of their saddle bags with food. The food wasn't quite stolen, just underpaid. He finished and leaned up against the pole that the horses were tied to. The stars glittered brightly and he felt a poke in his side. The horse that was to be his was nudging him softly and nickering. he laughed quietly and tousled its forelock, pushing the hair out of its eyes. Once they were there he muttered a quick greeting and made a mock salute when he introduced him to the others. Swinging up onto the saddle he grabbed his reins and settled into the saddle.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. The Fifth Element
  10. The Fifth Element


    Riaz walked back out of the blacksmith and admired his finds. One was for the girl and it was a long dagger that glittered as he sheathed it and stuck it in his cloak. The other was a nice medium length sword for him that when twisted and pulled, separated into two swords. This one he kept strapped to his back under his black cloak. Riaz quickly walked back to the livery and began to saddle up the horses.

    OOC: This is a pic of what I thought they should look like: [​IMG]
    ok so Nienna's is on the left, mine in the middle, and Mintro's on the right
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. The Fifth Element


    Riaz flipped back his hood and strode into thee livery, trying to look as though he had a place there. The place smelled of leather and hay which, even in his present situation made Riaz close his eyes and inhale deeply.

    "You enjoy the barn to eh?"

    Riaz turned and saw a well muscled man in the corner polishing a saddle. He nodded and walked slowly over to him, glancing at the horses on his way there. "The smell never gets old."

    "What can I do for you friend?"

    "Well good sir I find myself in need of 3 horses as myself and my brother and sister must travel to tend to our mother. What be the price of those three there," he asked, pointing to three horses clustered together in group.

    "Ahh well normally those would fetch a hefty sum but for you who I can see to be a fine horseman.....150."

    "I'll take it. Thank you kind sir. I'll be back to pick them up in half an hour. Just throw in the price of supplies for them too."

    That being done, Riaz headed for the blacksmith. He needed a decent sword, unlike the filthy broken thing that he had used for the orcs.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. The Fifth Element
  13. The Fifth Element
  14. The Fifth Element


    "Understood. And I'm afraid that you will have to walk once we get into the city because that would attract too much attention if I carried you. Mintro, I will fetch some horses as I have been told I have a good eye. You seem to be the wisest of us so you should scout the people and round some up for our cause. I will meet you out behind the tavern in one hour." With that he disappeared, hood on his cloak up. He slide through the people easily and his eyes locked on the livery as he moved closer.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. The Fifth Element


    OOC::glomp: I'm BAAACK!!

    BIC: Riaz's stomach echoed hers before he could reply. Grinning he turned back to her. "Hungry? We'll be there soon. Really soon, see you can already see the city gates. About five more minutes more and we've got a full plate of food."
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. The Fifth Element


    OOC: That's cool cuz I gotta go eat lunch. bye! :glomp:

    BIC: Riaz turned his head to look at the girl. "You ok miss?" Riaz wanted to make sure he wasn't being rude by carrying her or that he was running too fast. Come to think of it he wondered why he was able to run this fast for this long. It was odd...
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. The Fifth Element


    "Well I can guarantee there are people willing to join our cause in the city that we approach. We can state our quest there and I'm sure that some will follow." He leapt over a pile of rubble and picked up his stride again.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. The Fifth Element


    OOC: @ overload: read the front page ^-^

    BIC: "Good because you're not getting one. Look, I can see the outline of the city. Just in time too," he said in his soft tone. The sky was a brilliant hue of golden arches and red rivers that flowed and mixed together in the path of the dying sun.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. The Fifth Element
  20. The Fifth Element