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  1. The Fifth Element
    ((Tis my goal lol thanks))

    BIC: Days,hours, weeks, they all meant nothing to her. Time screeched to a halt, reeking of burnt rubber. Her parents were dead. She was an orphan in a distant world who knew nobody and had no money. Crap. Why did her parents leave her all alone to fend for herself. Natali scowled at their memory but the tears rolled on, unbroken. Somewhere far off, someone screamed. No. It was close, right there in the courtyard. Time sped back up again. Natali eased her butt over the tiles until she was on the other side of the, now warm, brick chimney. Chaos reigned. The black ant-like creatures were pouring out of the large gates that Natali had come in not too long ago(or had it been forever ago? Natali didn't really care.). Natali moved numbly to stand. She wasn't there. She left when time stopped. But her body couldn't be that way and for now she had to move where they couldn't see her, save herself. Bad Natali said they should just scoot back around and wait for it to be over, Good Natali said they should go down and help all those people. In the middle of the courtyard a little girl fell to the ground, people running all over her, not seeing one small child in all of the panic.
    She felt like such a pig.
    Good Natali shoves Bad Natali out of the way and slowly begins to descend the building from the other side.
    Natali's feet hit the ground running. She was fast and agile so it was considerable easier for her to get to the child, though she was thrown back a couple of times. Not even stopping, Natali scooped up the kid and threw it onto her back. Crouching, she analyzed the situation. A small pocket of nothing was around them but apart from that the whole place was a screaming mass of people and creatures. Suddenly through all of the noise, somehow, she heard a distinct voice. It was not a voice she had ever heard but she still found herself moving towards it, pushing, shoving and lunging. The rough cobblestone connected with her knees a few times which caused them to begin to bleed a little. The voice became a face and then a person. It was the child's mother. Relief evident in her face, she snatched the child from her back and scurried off.

    "You're Welcome," she said sarcastically as she crawled back onto the roof.

    There. She had done her good deed and could now rest in peace. Pulling her knees up to her chest, she examined her gouged knees. The blood still oozed out of the cuts. Putting her head closer she sniffed the blood and licked it off. Rust and salt.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. The Fifth Element


    "Hmm...Vasear," he said, speaking in his native tongue. The horse nickered and Riaz chuckled.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. The Fifth Element


    "Well met," said Riaz, catching his hand in a firm shake. "Glad these orcs are dead. Oh!" Riaz whistled and his horse came trotting into the clearing. "Nearly forgot about you buddy. Hey Mintro, Nienna, we never named them!"
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. The Fifth Element
    Profile Post

    why is joo sad?

    why is joo sad?
    Profile Post by The Fifth Element for sinister, Oct 5, 2008
  5. The Fifth Element hurts a just cry for a while. Then, after a little while of that, you start to feel too tired to cry anymore, that's when you have to fight. You have to think of all the good times you had, even cry if you can because when that feeling sets in it can stay and turn into depression and anger and then....

    Soon, if you slipped past the cold, numb feeling you can do your normal things. You will find that somethings still make you cry(most things) but there will be a couple things, just a few, that will make you laugh when you think of him. Then as time passes, you will find that slowly the good things outweigh the bad ones and from there you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    (This is just how it happened for me so I guess everyone is different. Except I just went straight into the numb part. I never cry. )

    As far as masking your feelings I understand that too. Parents mean well but they tend to, when a death occurs, turn to the younger people, as the symbolize life and happiness, only we have to grieve too. I would say mask your feelings when that can see you then go away from them for a while and just let them out. Or keep them bottled up completely though the latter takes more skill and self-control. Good luck to you my friend.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  6. The Fifth Element

    "Please wait until the craft has come to a complete stop to exit. Refugees are to proceed into the cafe for room arrangements and rations. Please wait until the craft..."

    A mechanical voice repeated the instructions over and over again, irking Natali as she shifted from foot to foot, wanting to get off this ship and try to find her family. The ship swooped in low and slowed down as the pilot tried to catch the ship on the metal hooks so the crew inside the station could reel them in safely. The faint click and a small jostling was the signal that the hooks were in place. Natali wormed her way past the sobbing women and the frantic men, trying to find whoever and make sure they were ok. Natali finally got to stand by the dull gray loading hatch. She was on the balls of her feet, ready to get out. The sooner she got out the sooner she could check to see if her parents were here. This was the last ship to leave their planet so they had to be here. A coldness settled in the pit of her stomach and a small voice wormed its way into her thoughts and whispered. What if they aren't here. The probably got left behind for those creatures. Dead. Natali shook her head harder and harder but the voice kept getting louder. Dead.Dead.Dead.Gone. Never.Coming.Back She banged her head on the hatch so hard that she was beginning to see stars. No one around her bothered to even look at her. What did they care? She was just another face to them, nothing more nothing less. A nameless face. Her thoughts were interrupted by the pilot coming back and finally, after a short and boring speech about how he could feel how we felt(as if, how many times had he made that speech now?40?50?) he finally lowered the ramp. Natali jiggled her foot impatiently as the hatch lowered slowly down. Finally it hit the platform with a ringing thud and she was out. Running down to the big oak doors, she grabbed a firm hold and pushed. The doors opened and she found herself in a large courtyard with lots of people milling around. Quickly and angrily she pushed through them all and approached the book that all of the refugees signed. She flipped through every page and her heart sank when she reached the last. Her parents weren't there. Numbly she signed the book and then closed it. Her feet began to move, taking her down an alleyway, two, then three. Her feet moved faster and faster until she was running, then climbing, high above all of the people and onto the roofs. She sat down on the hard shingles of a building behind the chimney and, for the first time in a long time, she wept.

    ((How's that?))
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. The Fifth Element
  8. The Fifth Element
    Profile Post

    No Vm's? Here ya go

    No Vm's? Here ya go
    Profile Post by The Fifth Element for Petor, Oct 5, 2008
  9. The Fifth Element
  10. The Fifth Element
    *hands Beat a cookie* you can get pretty hungry in there *crawls in own dark corner*
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. The Fifth Element


    "That devil orc hid while we fought the rest. Thank you for killing him, sir." Riaz stepped over and scowled down at the dead orc. As he raised his eyes, he caught sight of the arm. "Oh, your arm. Are you all right? Hey, Nienna, can you do that weird healing thing for him too?"
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. The Fifth Element


    Riaz was still gazing down at his leg when he addressed Nienna. "Ah thanks...and Mintro it doesn't hurt, it just feels...weird." Riaz jumped to his feet and turned to Nienna, giving her a quick, one armed hug. "Thanks friend." He turned to take his place at the right hand of Mintro, still holding his swords and refastening his cloak.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. The Fifth Element


    "I.Hate.Orcs!!" He said, punctuating each word with the slaying of another foul beast. Finishing off the last one, Riaz sat down, breathing hard. He took note of his injuries which were: a cut above his right eyebrow, minor cuts all along his arms, and one long gash on his left leg. "Ow..."
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. The Fifth Element
    Profile Post

    yeah :sweatdrop:

    yeah :sweatdrop:
    Profile Post by The Fifth Element for Xaale, Oct 4, 2008
  15. The Fifth Element
    um, sure

    but this might be better used in the Creativity Corner if you made it
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Archives
  16. The Fifth Element


    Quick as lightning Riaz was in among the orcs. He pulled his blade out, twisted and attacked with both blades. He went faster and faster, attacking left and right until he was a blur. His feet moved in kind of a dance. First he would go forward two steps then back three steps then diagonal 2 and right for 3. In this way he killed more than thirty five orcs in a minute.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. The Fifth Element
    Profile Post

    that sounds good

    that sounds good
    Profile Post by The Fifth Element for micketymike, Oct 4, 2008
  18. The Fifth Element
    how do you make those faces?!?
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. The Fifth Element
  20. The Fifth Element


    Riaz broke into a canter and then slowed to a smooth trot. His horse was powerful, he could feel it and Riaz would have loved to run him. "Rough day?" He asked Nienna as he pulled up beside her.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home