i'm thinking about getting guitar hero. just asking to those who have played it or own the game themselves... is it any good?
any songs from Ayumi Hamasaki? If you do, what are they?
I made a few ayumi hamasaki avvies. if you're interested in using them just send me a message. tell me what you think of them as well if you want.
ouch, that would've hurt XD
...that this siggy does look hot XD What do you think about it pplz? I used gaussian blur on a duplicated layer of the render and set it to overlayand put it on top of the original pic. I think it came out nicely~
made two versions of the same sig. I'm having a thing for fruits basket at the moment XD Which one do you like better, the one with the text? Or the one without it? v1 v2
this is my favourite siggy that i have made so far. What do you guys think of it? don't ask how long it took me. I find it hard to make sigs on a laptop XD
I did this out of pure boredom. Just wanna know what you pplz think. Just don't tear me to shreds. Okay?
my mother has given me a bed spread and all these pictures hanging up on the wall of my bedroom. But there is one problem... THEY'RE ALL FLOWERY!!!!!
Made this because I was bored, also it is my 1st rp thread. ~~Story~~ The almighty race of the vampires is slowly dying away, one by one. Since their numbers were dwindling their last hope is to bite humans and turn them into vampires to try and keep the race from facing extinction. Of course the humans did not approve of this and they set out to exterminate the vampires as punishment. Many knew that if war broke out, then all hope of the future of the vampires would be lost. Will the two races manage to sort things out? Or will it all go horribly wrong and result in a catastrophic war? It's up to you; the people rping :) If you wanna join, fill out the form below: Character form: Name: Age: Gender: Race(human? Or vampire): Side(with the vampires or exterminating them or neutral): Appearence(pic preferred): Bio: Power/s: Personality: Played by: And as with the other threads there are rules. 1~ No killing with out permission from me AND the person you plan on killing. 2~ Keep violence to a moderate level. (No overly excessive amounts violence or gore) 3~ Romance will be allowed. (just don't go too extreme) 4~ A limit of 5 characters per person (i'm being nice ; ) ). Oh and girls, you can have guy characters if u want. 5~ You can have a maximum of 3 powers. Humans can have one. 6~ HAVE FUN! *dances* Oh almost forgot! There will be a leader selected for each or the two races. Human leader: Chiyon (played by Bareri-San) Vampire Leader: Kaji (played by Deathsight44) ~~The Characters~~ Name: Yuka Age: 15 Gender: Female Race: Vampire Side: Neutral Appearence: Bio: Yuka lost all of her family to the humans, she doesn't hate them but she doesn't like them either. She was chased out of her town and is now living in the forest outside the citadel by herself. She hopes to settle the dispute between her people and the humans. She is also a pure-blooded vampire that is part of a unique bloodline that allows her to walk in the daylight without burning. Power/s: Telepathic, can use telekinesis as well. Personality: Shy, tries to be nice to anyone that is nice to her. Played by: Bareri-San Name: Daisuke Age: 16 (human age), 980 (real age. *iz very old* XD) Gender: Male Race: Vampire Side: Vampires Appearence: (yes this is a guy) Bio: Daisuke is the oldest living vampire in history at the moment. He is not a pureblood and was turned when he was fatally wounded in an enormous war 964 years ago. Power/s: Telepathy, the ability to heal the wounds of others. His healing ability can also be reversed and make any injury life threatening as well. Personality: Daisuke is very wise, he sometimes likes to flirt with girls (vampires or humans) and he tends to be a very loyal friend. Played by: Bareri-San Name: Chiyon Age: 18 Gender: Female Race: Human Side: Exterminating vampires. Appearence: Bio: Chiyon has a very strong grudge against the vampire race. Her family was slaughtered by a single campire when she was 3 and that's when she decided to become a vampire hunter to track down the one that took away her family. She knows Fae. Power/s: Speed and Strength that matches a vampire's. Personality: Is usually calm most times unless she is the presence of a vampire she has been assigned to hunt. Played by: Bareri-San Name: Rik Echo Age: 17 (physically), 567 (real age) Gender: Male Race(human? Or vampire): Vampire Side(with the vampires or exterminating them or neutral): Vampires Appearence(pic preferred): Bio: Rik's past was a mystery to him seeing how he was raised as an orphan since the age of 7 and eventually discovered he was a vampire. After being around for so long he eventually started to hate everything seeing it as a repeating cycle and that it would continue like this no matter what. Eventually he discovered a hermitage and there lived a vampire seer. She told him the future, Rik being as stubborn as he was ignored the woman and disposed of her. She predicted the end of vampires and Rik set out to prevent this from happening, even though he did not believe it. Power/s: Can mimic a dark version of any element that has damaged him badly thus mixing with his blood, so far only dark fire and dark lightning has been made from previous experiences throughout his life. Personality: A very arrogant and hateful person, he sees others as disposable objects and trusts no one without good reason. Played by: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Fae Age: 16 Gender: half and half kidding~ female Race: human Side: neutral Appearence: Bio: has never really seen a vampire before so doesn't know what they are like... and obviously has no hard feelings towards them either Power/s: wait do humans get powers? wakarimasen Personality: cheerful Played by: the sexy DxM Name: Kaji (his full name is kajiro, but most just call him kaji) Age: 17 (Or so he appears to be) Gender: male Race(human? Or vampire): vampire (just turned) Side(with the vampires or exterminating them or neutral): vampires Appearence(pic preferred): (He does not really look like this though. It is a fake appearance of his) Bio: A freak. He was originally a human that was made to be the perfect blood scource. Due to the time and age, magics were used on him, used by vampires which had more scientificly based powers. They used them to later his body, and attempt to make him immune to the vampires bite, as well as attempting to make a body which not only could constantly reproduce blood at high rates, but also, they tried to make a way to shift him so that way his blood may be altered at any time, to fit a vampires taste. He literally was the basis for a now extinct experimentation to create the perfect human, or so that would be what a vampire would refer to it as. They took things to far though, and when it was finally time to test him to see if he would be the perfect vampire meal, he was bitten, but utterly, the project was a failure, for the minute he was bitten, he began to turn into a vampire. It did not take long for him to break out of the hold that he was in, and slaughter each vampire within the building. It became a blood bath, and it is said that there were absolutely no survivors. Angered at the vampire race, he had one goal, and that was to destroy the man who originally caused this pain of his, blaming it originally upon the ruler of the vampires themselves. And so, with his abilities, it took him no time at all to find the ruler at all, and on the day of meeting of vampires, in which the king showed up at, Kaji assasinated him, infront of all of them, and because of his hatred, he claimed himself to be ruler, originally intending only to do it to add to the fury of the vampires who witnessed their own rulers death, and so, for 3 days straight, they lead attack on him, only to die one after anouther before him and his abilities. Unexpectedly though, at some point, many began bowing to him, and acknowledging him, and soon, he had no choice but to be king, now that he had killed their past ruler. And so he took the responsibility, knowing it to be his only path since all other paths would leed to his own misery. And so now, he stands as the ruler, Leader of all Vampires. Power/s: ability 1: Due to the original experimentations, which vampires used their powers to do, his skin is altered, so that he can control his very own molecules, and shape shift his own appearance, so that he may look like anyone or anything that is made up of similure properties and has the shape of a human being, which is done by killing people, and then absorbing them into his body. In doing so, he will also obtain all memories of the victem, as well as knowledge ability 2: Because of his shape shifting abilities, he is able to harden skin, and make it much more resistant then normal skin. Not only that, but he is also able to generate spikes from his body because of this ability. If he is about to fight, then his arms, including hands, turn into those which have the appearance of a monsters, with terribly sharp claws. The hands perhaps can be shape shifted into swords, or some other form of a weapon. He can also generate these spikes from, say his back, or if he plunges hands into the ground, then depending on how he morphs them, he can make spikes come out from below anouther person. ability 3: As for his third ability, it is, once again, caused by his ability to control his bodies structure, and he is able to make it so that way he can control his strength (though it has a limit), which can allow him to grow stronger at any time, as well as faster. ((Basicly all of his ability come from his ability to manipulate his molocules. This just explains how far he takes things with this kind of manipulation)) Personality: He takes all things seriously, and does what he thinks is best for the entire clan. Though vampires originally were the ones who made him go through the terror that he did before, he has improved the race of vampires, and has done nothing but attempt to look out for all of his kind. He himself likes to go out and work himself, instead of just leaving it all to lower class vampires within the group. He is warey of the war that could become of the vampires actions, but, he also realizes that if nothing is done soon, then they are all doomed. Played by: Deathsight44 Power/s: Elemental; water and fire. Personality: Sympathetic, protective (“stand in the way of a bullet” kind of protective), strong-hearted (you know, if she still had a heartbeat), cheerful Played by: Vertigo Haven Name: Robbie Age: 23 Gender: M Race (human? Or vampire): Human Side (with the vampires or exterminating them or neutral): Neutral Appearance (pic preferred): Wears a black cloak with shoulder pads on them, white pants, black shirt, black gloves, and has blue hair. His cloak keeps his eyes and face hidden. He carries a rune blade as well. Bio: He is looking for his girlfriend who is a Vampire. She left to become a vampire, now he has come searching for her. He is the chosen wielder of his rune blade. Power/s: Healing Personality: He is quiet, but talks when he needs to. He treasures all life, Human or Vampire. Played by: Riku 1186 Name: Clara Age: 20 Gender: F Race (human? Or vampire): Vampire Side (with the vampires or exterminating them or neutral): Vampires Appearance (pic preferred): Has pale Grey skin (Used to be white skin), has brown pants and shirt. Wears a dark grey coat and blindfold. Bio: She left her home to become a vampire, now she is trying to stay alive from being exterminated. She is blind and sees through sound and feel. Power/s: Healing, Flying, Sound sight Personality: She is timid around men, but is a gentle person. Played by: Riku 1186 Name: Billow Wow Age: 45 Gender: M Race (human? Or vampire): Human Side (with the vampires or exterminating them or neutral): Exterminating Appearance (pic preferred): Wears brown coat and hat. White buttoned shirt and brown pants. Carries a holy book and revolver. He has scars all over his face. Bio: He is trying to wipe out the vampire, by any means necessary. Power/s: Night sight Personality: He will say what ever he wants when ever he wants, he is brutal to both enemies and allies. Played by: Riku 1186 Name: jendra Age: 22 Gender: male Race: hybrid Side: neutral Appearence: bio: being both half human and half vampire. Jendra is either torn between the sides or doesn't care in the slightest. no one really knows considering he is difficult to read and he isn't one for conversations. he only talks when he is feeling inquisitive or someone says something ridiculous or funny. Name: Miku Yukari Age: 16 Gender: female Race: Vampire Side: Neutral Appearance: Bio: Her mother was a human, but her father was a vampire and so was she. She had a brother that was also human who killed his own father, but the mother witnessed it and he was forced to kill her too. All was done before her eyes when she was 6 and she too almost died that day, but her destiny was to stay alive. She never got to see her brother ever again after that. Power/s: flight, force field [limited] Personality: shy at first, pretty brave and dull at most times but can also be very happy Played by: Death Twister Name: Afra Age: 18 Gender: male Race(human? Or vampire): human Side(with the vampires or exterminating them or neutral): human [vampire hunter] Appearence(pic preferred): Bio: He doesn't talk about his past at all. But he absolutely hates vampires Power/s: fire Personality: hot-headed, and always thinks of revenge Played by: Death Twister Name: Kagura Age: 15 Gender: Female Race: Vampire Side: Neutral Appearance: Bio: Her family, which is mostly composed of vampires, were murdered by humans. She is neutral because she hated being different from everyone else. Her life is filled with emotional problems, sorrow and bad memories. Yet, she is cheerful at most times. Power/s: Illusions and Speed Personality: Cheerful but serious when it comes to battle. Played by: Emika (Emi ) Name:Haru Francis Age:14 Gender:Male Race(human? Or vampire):Human Side(with the vampires or exterminating them or neutral):With the vampires Appearence(pic preferred): Bio:Haru honestly thinks that vampires turning humans into one of them are cool that is why he is against the all vampires being exteriminated from the face of the earth so he fights against the humans Power/s:Energy beams Personality: Haru is loud and acts like a doofus but he is really smart when it comes to being serious. Haru is also happy all the time so he dosen't like to see sad people around him. Played by:Haru66 Name: Xen Age: 16 Gender: Male Race(human? Or vampire): Hybird Side(with the vampires or exterminating them or neutral): Neutral Appearence(pic preferred): http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/o...ink/zexion.png - Younger looking Bio: Has always been an "Outsider" because barely anyone got along with him. He hated humans for their judging and killing off others so he befriended a Vampire only to be bit. He killed the Vampire before the fangs deeply sank in causing his body to become a hybrid. He was actually grateful of the vampire for allowing him to become one if them so respects them yet kills them for causing him to lose the chance to ever befriend humans. Power/s: Lightning and Crystal(Summons shards, etc.) Also has the ability to conseal or reveal his fangs during the morning. Personality: To Humans: Incredibly cruel to them. He will not act stupidly or recklessly. He will run if he begins to lose or continue to fight if he has the complete upper hand. It's a rare amount of humans he acts friendly to. (Undecided) To Vampires: Wants to fit in even as a Hybird. He almost follows them like a servent but follows his own will. He respects the Vampires but he doesn't get along with too many of them. Played by: Zeonark Name: Norah Blair Age: 17 Gender: Female Race(human? Or vampire): Human Side(with the vampires or exterminating them or neutral): Exterminating them Appearance (pic preferred): http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p...1210529408.jpg Bio: Her parents were vampire hunters. They trained her to become one as well. When she was 13, vampires killed her parents, and she will never forgive the vampire race. Power/s: Strength Personality: Quiet (not shy, just quiet), understanding, tough. Played by: Vertigo Haven Name: Fallon Age: Physically 16, actually around 150 Gender: Female Race(human? Or vampire): Vampire Side(with the vampires or exterminating them or neutral): Neutral, but will kill a human if he/she tries to kill her. Appearance (pic preferred): http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/b...air/Saki19.jpg Bio: She doesn’t remember much of her human life. She was kidnapped by a vampire, and was taught to despise human’s, though she does not. (Yep, that’s the best I’ve got. I’m lazy.) Power/s: Elemental; water and fire. Personality: Sympathetic, protective (“stand in the way of a bullet” kind of protective), strong-hearted (you know, if she still had a heartbeat), cheerful Played by: Vertigo Haven
Welcome to my shop, I make avvies and siggies but I specialize a lot more in the siggy department. If you want me to do a request fill out the form/s below: Avatar Size: Render/picture: Theme: (what colours you want and all that jazz) Text: Font(optional): Other: Signature Size: (i now do 2 default sizes. 450x150 and 400x125) Render/Pic: Theme: Text: Font: Effects: Other: Avvy and Siggy Set Colour theme: Effects: Renders/Pics: Text: Other: --- When you get your request completed, it would be nice to credit me when you put it in your signature. Also rep is really appreciated too. Due to school starting for me again (and I am in my 2nd last year.), requests will take much longer than usual. Instead of waiting the usual 1 to 3 days you could be waiting up to a few weeks. RULES Sorry guys but since quiet a few people haven't been filling in the forms properly I am putting in rules. If they are not followed I will refuse to carry out your request. 1~ALWAYS follow the form template that has been provided. 2~If you don't provide me with an image to work with (eg. you say "You can find the pic of _____ yourself."), I WILL refuse to do your request. 3~ Please, please, please! Make sure the picture is of decent quality, if you give me a low quality picture I can't work to my full potential. ~~Samples of Work I Have Done~~ all work made in this shop can ONLY be used by the person that requested it.
I've entered a contest on deviant art and i have to draw a picture of Sasuke as an angel. ~~>clickies plz<~~ How do you guys think its going so far? I'm gonna draw the lines and colour it in on the computer.
Hey guys! Just thought I'd make this thread so people can talk about FF12. Stuff like how to get certain espers or how to defeat certain marks or where certain optional bosses are hidden. Or if you need help I MAY be able to help you, it depends on what you need help on or someone else may be able to help you if I can't XD One thing that I need help on is finding the esper that is in the Garamsyte waterway and I have no clue what so ever on how to get to it. well hope some FF12 fans post here soon.
*sigh* I'm trying to fully complete my jiminy's journal but I can't get past one thing in twilight town... the poster duty job. How on earth am I supposed to put up 20 posters in 30 seconds?! Can someone please help me before I throw my PS2 at the wall? (not literally)
anyone reading the latest naruto chapters at the moment? Why don't you discuss it here!
:)Yeah, I has a castle. It has any video game you can come up with (sorry all the ones with barney in it have mysteriously been destroyed), there are heaps of cookies, waffles, pancakes, muffins... *drool* Anywhos feel free to hang out here and be random and feel free to take as many waffles as u want.:sleepy: Just don't dis mickey mouse or riku while i'm here
uh I guess I can start with hello and I am a n00b on this site at the moment XD I've never done rp before but would like to start one day and yeah lol As some of u may of noticed Im not very good with introductions XD