this is the first coloured pic that i have done of my OC Analy. Its also the 5th pic that I've ever CG coloured. it's a christmas pressie i am giving to a friend as well. Since he may be getting me GH:WT
i looked through and i dont remember seeing another thread about this game. Anyways, I've made this thread so people cans discuss stuff about the Tenchu game series. In my opinion, one of the best ninja games around, i loved Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven and I've also played Tenchu Z on the Xbox360.
Yesh... me ish making a manga 8D this is only a sketched plan for the first page, the manga's name is 'Something Different' it is read like an american comic (left to right)
*sighs* not entirely satisfied with this one. i tried putting something in front of the image but then it looked ******ed x_x CnC? Also, I'll give rep to the first person who can guess who this band is. If you want to use it, send me a PM and I'll give you the code. No flamming or brutal critique please. edit: Renegade and Axel 000 got the name right. Its Maximum the Hormone.
please don't kill me! D8 lol i got bored (yet again) and i thought I'd make a sig to try and relieve my nasty case of artist block. v1 v2 yes, it is britney spears. If you want to use it send me a PM and I'll give you the code. I rendered the image myself. here's the original pic: ~>click here<~ CnC anyone? No flamming or brutal critique please.
this was originally to help out a friend, i thought i might as well post it here to help out other people XD if you found this helpful at all please post your result 8D if you didnt and you did not like my tut then fine, dont go complaining to me. also, please ignore the spelling errors XD i was almost half asleep when i made it also here's an artist on DA who makes some really good brushes, i used some of his for the sig in this tut: ~>click<~
i really need your point of view on this people. Do you think that I have improved at all throughout the year? Start of 2008: End of 2008: your opinions are really appreciated.
i did this drawing 6 months ago and i found it whilst i was looking through my DA gallery XD if you dont know who she is I'll tell you. Her name is Ruri Sarasa and she's from an anime called Tokyo Underground. If you want more information just look it up on wikipedia >_> and yes i realize that the flower petals look like potato chips
I drew another sketch, this OC's name is Jose. I would like to thank xAquaLinax for helping me come up with the name too.
i'm making a manga to kill some time in my holidays. The name of the main character is Analy.
i made this a few weeks ago so its not the current style I am using. I just wanted to post something to break my code geass banner streak XD CnC? remember, I made this a few weeks ago. No flamming or brutal critique plz.
another Code Geass sig XD instead of using 50 billion brushed like i usually like to do. I restricted myself to 3. And i think the result is awesome. CnC? No flamming or brutal critique either -_-''
I did this to let off a bit of steam anyway... back to the sig. Yeah, I like to brush randomly but the brushes i used on the bottom right corner and the left side are meant to be there. Hope you guys like it XD if you hate Code Geass then dont post then, simple as that. No flamming or brutal critique please.
i tried making a wallpaper... *fails epically* don't point out the obvious flaws, I already know >_> I actually had to resize the render to a quarter of its original size to fit it in. 0_o ~~click or die XDD~~ CnC anyone?
i got bored and I made this. CnC anyone? (no flamming me or giving brutal critique >:[)
i made a banner for my graphics shop (because I like to make them XD) And I can't decide on which one I should use TT_TT Which one do you guys think looks better? v1 v2 CnC is appreciated but no flamming or brutal critique.
I have yet another Code Geass sig. v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 CnC anyone? What version do you like the best also. Also for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT POST IF YOU ARE GOING TO FLAME ME OR CRITICIZE ME BRUTALLY. I do not tolerate that kind of thing and I will not hesitate to report you if you do.
I has returned! >:] lol I've been having a thing for Code Geass lately and I found an awesome render that I just had to try my skillz on XD Here's the result: i also made an avvy as well: CnC anyone? And if you love it, seriously, tell me.
um... yeah... XD I did this pic for a friend. ~~>click here<~~ i dont know if this is the right area for it. If it isnt then I'm sorry ^_^'' What do you guys think?
this kind of thread has probably already been brought up but oh well XD I was wondering what eveyone thought of Sora when they saw him for the VERY first time when they played KH1. I thought he was related to Ronald McDonald because I thought his feet looked really big 0_o