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  1. Bareri-San
    I just made a new character on Flyff the other day, and I was wondering if there were some other peoples who would like to join in.

    I be Bareri on teh Mia server.
    Thread by: Bareri-San, May 8, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  2. Bareri-San


    Anyone like her music?
    I started getting into her music after listening to a few songs on a friends iPod and I think that she's got some really nice songs. My favourites so far would have to be Rolling Star and Again.
    Thread by: Bareri-San, May 8, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Music
  3. Bareri-San
    My OCs Pheonix and Bareri.

    And yes I know that I f*cked up the shading and colouring a bit :/
    Thread by: Bareri-San, May 6, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Bareri-San
  5. Bareri-San

    Chaotic Bliss

    My other threads pretty much died and its time for another rp. This one is based off my manga I am working on so hopefully it will retain some individuality.

    Gaia is split into two realms, a Light Realm and a Dark Realm. There are four races that co-exist within the realms and help to keep the peace; Angels and Nymphs, Vampires and Humans. Every now and then hybrids of some of those races appear and those that are ½ Angel ¼ human ¼ nymph or ½ Vampire ½ Nymph are destined to be the child of faith.

    Every one thousand years, two children are born with the potential to be the ‘child of faith’. The Child of Faith is said to have the ultimate power of controlling the world’s life force and help peace rule the land, there are many evil hearts that are after the blood of the Child of Faith so they can take the power of themselves. The legends tell that the two halves will fall in love (they have always been a boy and a girl) but then engage in a deadly battle and one ultimately dies, leaving the other one to be the Child of Faith. For the next thousand years they maintain peace while bearing the burden of guilt from killing their other half; their true love. But the case has changed; the current two halves engaged in their battle, the boy was near death but the girl –who was half vampire-, saved his life by biting him. They both became CoF and it threw the world completely out of balance.

    Chaos is now reigning over Gaia, the Dark Realm and the Light Realm is at war but this time it has turned deadly. The barriers between the realms have been torn down and all hell had broken loose. In some areas the damage is almost catastrophic and others have been lucky enough to be left untouched. For now.

    There is a group that has been formed, a group of hybrids and pures alike that have joined together to help stop the war and restore the peace. They are lead by the Children of Faith.

    1. No god-modding or power-playing D<
    2. Keep violence and romance at a PG13 level.
    3. If you want to kill someone’s character you have to have their consent.
    4. People who do *this* for their actions in role playing will be de-repped and shot ^_^
    5. There are only 2 CoFs so people will have to ask if the can be one.
    6. 4 characters per member, no more.
    7. If you are having a hybrid character only choose 2 of the 4 races available, unless you are a CoF because then you are all 4.
    8. If you have read through the rules then post 'All is a Lie' somewhere in your first post.
    9. More rules will be added in the future.
    10. You HAVE to fill in a preview post or else I will reject your entry.

    Also, the ones leading the group are different people then to the ones that threw the world out of balance.
    There is one more spot left.

    OC Form
    Powers: (humans have no powers.)
    Weapon: (optional)
    Preview Post:

    Username: Sassy the One Hit Wonder
    Name: Shiko
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Race: CoF
    Personality: Shiko has a split personality. Sometimes she is shy, quiet and a bit clumsy and other times she is the complete opposite.
    Appearance: Thigh-length purple hair, grey/onyx eyes and pale skin. Tends to wear a thick cotton dress that reaches her knees with a pair of army boots. Also wears a headband.
    Bio: Shiko has a bloody past, when she was only 5 she was abandonded near the gate that lead to the Light Realm. A gang of vampires tried to attack her but somehow she ended up slaughtering all pf them within the blink of an eye.
    Powers: Enchanced physical abilities, can control and createice and fire.
    Weapon: Bow and arrows.
    Other: All is a Lie

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Raine Vangor
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Race: vampire
    Personality: a caring heart shielded by a heartless front.
    Appearance: Snow white skin, sharp strong blue eyes, a dark violet undershirt with black trousers, a black trench coat with worn and torn ends. Shoulder length black hair with blonde tips. His entire left arm is covered in bandages.
    Bio: Raine was a former knight in the dark realm, he was considered one of the best until an unfortunate accident which cost the lives of his comrades and a grave injury to his left arm. He sought revenge on what had caused this trying to pass the blame onto a monster which they where fighting. After exacting his vengeance he felt empty, useless and came to believe the accident which had caused him so much suffering was his own fault. He took himself to the battle field to fight only being able to use his right arm for his weapon as he distracted himself. Soon he was without purpose once again forcing him to seek either the thing that will kill him or a new purpose thus leading him to target the children of faith.
    Powers: The ability to sense heartbeats and blood inside a being from a certain range. The ability is strengthend when closer.
    Weapon: A very worn out broadsword called the Swan.
    Other: all is a lie
    Preview Post:
    Raine stood at the entrance a town, he felt the pressure of the peoples blood around him. He tried to single out the ones he sought, the beats of the children. Carefully walking through the town he came across a familiar pulse, A human? No a Nyph? It's those but its not just those, are they one? Could it be? his eyes sharpened on the direction of his target. Moving faster as he got closer to the increasing tempo of the heart he had found he was sure it was what he sought.
    Thread by: Bareri-San, May 1, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Bareri-San
    Yes, crappy title is crappy.




    They're not finished, I am adding more to them because even I think that there's not enough going on.

    CnC and suggestions on what else I could put in plz, also... NO COMMENTS

    Oh yeah also, I didn't use any brushes B|
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Apr 28, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Bareri-San
    Timeline for the winz pplz. Oh and I DON'T WANT ANY CRITIQUE, all I want from you guys is to tell me where I have improved over the last 7 months or so (can't remember how long I've been making these thingsd :/)
    A couple of the tags included are stuff I have made in my shop as well so some of you might recognize them.





    ^ guess who this member is now? xD ^


    ^ Five versions of this one :-P ^


    This is only half of what I made xD
    Sorry if I killed your computer screen XDX
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Apr 27, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Bareri-San
    I am in need of some new songs and Japanese and Korean pop in particular. Do you have any suggestions on what I could get?

    edit: it would be much appreciated if you could post link to where i could get the songs as well.
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Apr 16, 2009, 16 replies, in forum: Music
  9. Bareri-San
    this is a work in progress, its not actually completed. So for the love of god, no CnC or comments (or flaming D<). Only suggestions of what I could do to make it sexy.


    also, if you do not like code geass, dont bother posting about how much you hate it srsly, you are making an idiot of yourself on the internet.
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Apr 16, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Bareri-San
    Dude, I can't believe I made this bloody thing. One of the best tags I've made in a good while I think. It took me an hour or two as well.



    What do you guys think? Critique is welcome and if you are only going to comment, explain why you actually like it.

    Btw, the stock in the tag is of a famous J-Pop singer known as Ayumi Hamasaki.

    Original image:浜崎あゆみ/+images/3681306
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Apr 10, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Bareri-San
    . . .

    Don't ask how I came up with the title. School does some freaky crap to your brain.
    I decided to use a tut that 'Gade sent me on msn. Easiest one I've used so far.
    If you say that it's too dark then your computer screen's brightness must not be set very high >.>


    CnC plz.
    And also terrible things will befall those who give nooby comments and ratings.
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Apr 8, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Bareri-San
    This is the first tag I've made without using any brushes AT ALL. It's purely PS effects and a couple of C4D renders. I made it last night to relieve my artist block and test out a couple of things. I made 2 versions as well.



    No ratings please and if you are only going to comment, actually explain why you like it in detail or else something horrible will befall you.
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Apr 2, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Bareri-San
    I am so proud of this, it took me a good 2 hours or more to make as well. I think it was totally worth it as well, usually I don't like penelo but this render of her seemed to be the only thing that looked 'right' in this theme.




    and if these look too bright for your taste then get over it, they are MEANT to be bright. And yes I realize that part of the render looks cut off, don't have to mention it again.

    Apart from that,
    CnC? And for the love of all that is holy, no ratings or comments like 'omg its pretty, i like it.' If all you're going to do is commment, then actually explain why you like it in detail plz
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Mar 24, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Bareri-San


    The laboratory was hectic as everyone worked furiously over their latest experiment; they had put their whole life into working on this one experiment. If it was successful, it would change the fate of the entire world and make life a lot more easier than if was.
    The head of the team stood close to the glass tube container that took up a quarter of the room, it was filled with a deathly looking yellow-green smog. Only a few people in the room knew exactly what the smog was and they were the ones that truly feared for everyone's life.

    Life in the peaceful city of Technos seemed envious and admirable from the surface but in reality, underneath the surface, hell was on the loose. A scientific experiment that scientists were working on in hopes of making all the diseases that had plagued the world disappear of the face of the earth, went haywire, the mishap was so disastrous that it affected innocent people living within a 150-mile radius of the location. The victims either suffered a painful and horrible death as every disease in existence took over their bodies and killed them or if they were lucky enough, they would survive. For those that had survived, there were two options; their bodies were immune to the effects and they lived on or, if they were unlucky, their bodies would somehow mutate and they would transform into a true monster only intent on killing every living thing.
    That was over 40 years ago and the side-affects of the disaster still linger, those who had been living in 30-mile radius of the area had gotten the worse of it and most of them had turned into monsters and killed the rest of those that had survived. Only a small handful (suspected to be approximately 5 people possibly more.) are know to of survived in that area, they are making their way out of the area, searching the are as they pass by hoping to find more survivors.

    The rp is set in the future but nearly everything in the 'inner circle' of the city has been shutdown and put in lockdown.

    Don't think I'm going to be lenient >.>
    1. Like every other single rp, NO GODMODDING OR POWERPLAYING.

    2. If you're going to join, please stay active. Not exactly cool when you join and never ever come back or hardly come on.(has happened to my rps before.)

    3. I will allow romance and violence but keep the violence to a M15 level or lower. With the romance, I don’t really care but nothing kinky and no lemons DX

    4. I will shoot anyone and de-rep them if they *do this* for their actions when rping.

    5. Don't do a one liner post please, trust me, A LOT of people find it annoying. Two lines; yeah okay but one line is a no-no. Long posts are encouraged.

    6. Don't do 2543512546534-pages when I am gone. Seriously, a) I like to read through rp post myself; b) I don't want people constantly asking for a recap.

    7. Don't make this rp your own story D< Follow it.

    8. More rules may possibly be added depending on how you behave, oh also YOU HAVE TO make a preview post or else I reject you.

    9. Thank you reading through the rules :] Remember, if the picture for you OC (If you intend on using one.) is over 500x500 just put the link also make your first post in bold teal text and put somewhere in your first post: The Howling

    The city is split up into three areas, the inner circle; where the most damage is. The Hellfire circle; where most of the monsters are. And the outer-edge circle; where all the survivors are intending to get to so they can get out of Technos.

    OC Form
    Weapon (optional):
    Preview Post:

    Username: Bareri-San
    Name: Veronica Evans
    Age: 17
    Personality: Shy, open-minded, can get in over her head sometimes, very protective and easily gets a crush on a boy.
    Gender: Female
    Bio: Veronica lives in the 'inner circle' of the city. Her parents gave their lives to keep her safe and now she is wondering around in search of other survivors. Even though she has been indoors for most of her life, she nearly knows the city off by heart. She knows how to protect herself when it comes to being attacked but she will never kill a human unless they are taken over by the disease. She is also in search of her brother; who she got separated from when a pillar collapsed on the bridge they were crossing together.
    Weapon: Laser Whip and a sword that can transform into a gun as well.
    Preview Post: Veronica's chest burned from exhaustion from running for almost 2 hours straight. She leaned against a smooth cold metallic wall of a building in an alley to catch her breath. She was being chased by a monster and she needed to find a safe house nearby or else she would be a goner. Usually she would fight it off but she had tripped over and cracked a bone in her right arm. "Dammit." she cursed under her breath. A sliver of fear ran down her spine when she heard a familiar howl.
    Other: The Howling

    Username: Bareri-San
    Name: Luke Rightford
    Age: 18
    Personality: Warm-hearted, optimistic and friendly.
    Gender: Male
    Bio: Luke was in the Inner circle when the incident happened over 40 years ago, he was put in a suspended animation chamber for all that time and he has finally gotten out of the chamber, only to see that chaos is still reigning over Technos. Apart from that, not much is known about him but he is very well informed about the disaster.
    Weapon (optional): Shotgun, samurai sword.
    Preview Post: Luke darted between pillars inside of the building; he could have sworn he heard someone whimpering somewhere. He got out his shotgun just in case a monster would appear out of nowhere.
    Other: The Howling

    Username: Bareri-San
    Name: Alexis Barren
    Age: 19
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: The quiet, sadistic type. He never opens up to anyone.
    Gender: Male
    Bio: Alexis lived a dark childhood, he had gotten the disease when he was only 12. But somehow, despite it fully taking over, he managed to be able to control it and use it to his own will. Alexis doesn’t care much about the other survivors and he is rather sadistic when it comes to torture or fighting. Also he has a split personality.
    Weapon (optional): Masamune, sniper gun.
    Preview Post: Alexis stalked the streets of the dead centre of the inner circle, his eyes were full of malice。His eyes scanned the area for anything to kill. His lips pulled out to form a cold grin when he saw a survivor wandering the streets.
    Other: ZHE HOWLING!

    Name:Fuzuki Ame Usagi
    Personality:Kind.Easily depressed,Shy (at times)
    Bio:She grew uo in a orphanage and loves singing.One day a bay she liked told her he loved her and after that she became real shy.The next day a couple wanted to adopt him.When he and his new parents were on a airplane and it crashed over seas and no one survived.If she remembers something that can hurt her then her head starts to hurt badly.She only draws her memories.
    Weapon :Katana
    Preview Post:Fuzuki was walking down a dirt road.She was looking around to see if there was anyone around but she knew that there was no one. She stoppped at a small deserted town.She alked into a store apparently there were still some things in it "I wonder if everyone here was killed" Fuzuki said to herself.She walked out of the store and looked at the sky. It was going to rain.She walked into a deserted house the furniture still there.
    Other:The Howling

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Leon Black
    Age: 21
    Personality: depressing and distrustful (due to previous events)
    Gender: male
    Bio: After being infected he was told he had survived it and would now be immune but one night he awoke in the middle of a street covered in blood. He was unsure of what happend but the person he was living with was dead for sure, he killed her. He began to live in solitude knowing he was slowly becoming a monster the effects where acting slow for a reason he didn't know.
    Weapon (optional): metal knuckles that are on his gloves that he wears.
    Preview Post: Leon stepped out of the shadow into the light coming in through the shattered window. His eyes full of sorrow but not for anyone else. Instead his movements showed the fear of others as he leapt out of the window to avoid contact and hurt himself on landing but still ran away.
    Other: the howling

    Username: Violet
    Name: Samantha "Sam" James
    Age: 20
    Personality: Can be shy at first meeting but she is very laid-back. Caring, kind, and thinks for others' safety before herself.
    Gender: Female
    Bio: When Samantha reached the age of 15, her parents abandoned her, believing she can take care of herself. Her parents believed she was an ungrateful child that caused trouble but it was never true. She lives in the 'inner circle' but wishes she can find a way to get out and help others escape as well. She sometimes has the habit of going into the 'Hellfire circle', wanting to see if she can ever find a way out.
    Weapon (optional): Pistol
    Preview Post: Samantha rested her hands on her knees, staring down at the floor, breathing heavily. "If...I would have ran more...that thing could have" she said in between breaths. She raised her head, seeing she was just a few feet away from the 'inner circle'. Samantha took a deep breath as she stood up straight, closing her eyes. She opened her eyes, putting her pistol away. "I gotta find a way out..." she muttered, heading back to the 'inner circle'.
    Other: The Howling

    Username: Deathsight44
    Name: Jesus (pronounced in the correct term, not the catholic kind)
    Age: 20
    Personality: loud, extremely friendly towards others, usually likes to do his own thing, whether with others, or not. He usually doesn't do much thinking and acts on random impulse. Usually likes to play the hero
    Gender: male
    Bio: A mechanic that used to live in the inner-circle of the city. Due to the disease, he lost his family, friends, and anything else that he may have had. He's already given up any hope of escaping since he's already attempted, and nearly died in doing so. It is because of this that he has simply lived off of what he can in the inner city, though has never found survivors. He's looted what used to be an old club and adjusted it into a home for himself, so that is the only way that he really gets by.
    Weapon (optional): Rifle, shotgun, and pistol (obviously he doesn't carry them all at once. rifle is usually left back at the place he is hiding out in)
    Preview Post:"I only need a few strands of hair, that is all" Onyx said. "That is all that will truelly be nescasary for the time being after all. After that, I can take care of the rest of course." Onyx said, but then gave Zexion a strange look. "You do trust me of course, do you not? After all, though this will not assure our victory, I can gaurentee, this will prove a point to them, as well as disrupt whatever they may be planning at the moment." Onyx said to him, as he leaned up against a near by wall
    Other: The Howling

    Username: Ghost
    Name: Xander White(once again, to be the reverse of Fayt xD)
    Age: 21
    Personality: Cocky, rarely looks out for anyone, and loves to annoy people.
    Gender: Male. B|
    Bio: A bit of a thief. He makes up stories about his past and rarely gives a straightforward answer. The only "important" thing that anyone ever knows about him is the fact that he's been living without a family for a long time. The only family member he actually gives any real details about is his brother who was killed by some kind of beast.
    Weapon: A beam saber(lol, Star Wars/Zero rip off) and a gauntlet.
    Preview Post: " it!" Xander moved back away from the large wooden door, stuffing something in his pocket. He grasped the doornob and turned it, smiling a little to himself. "Wonder what's in here." He muttered to himself as he opened the door and took a quick look inside. His right hand shimmered as the gauntlet he wore caught the light of the streetlamp behind him. At least I didn't break this door down. He thought to himself as he entered his new place for the night.
    Other: The Howling.

    Username: Ventez
    Name: Vincent Parker
    Age: 21
    Appearance: Vincent
    Personality: Charming, kind, strong, but easily irritated.
    Gender: Male
    Bio: Vincent has lived a terrible life. He has watched his family be mercilessly killed by monsters, gone days without eating or drinking for his own safety, and much more. However, even with all of that, there is nothing to show hit but the scars on the skin. He does not live in depression, nor does he sulk about his past. All he can do is try to go on. Currently, Vincent lives in a panic room with no company except his pet bird, Ella. Afraid to sleep, Vincent tries his best to stay up. However, he has had quite enough. He wants out. He is prepared to do anything to escape this place of torture.
    Weapon (optional): Knife set
    Preview Post: Vincent carefully set his shaking hand on the door lock. A drip of sweat sliding down his forehead. Finally, he removed the first lock. Then the second, and the third one, but not yet the final one. For a moment he stood there, knowing that this could mean life or death for him. He needed to escape.
    Finally, wiping the sweat off his forehead and taking a deep breath, Vincent removed the fourth and final lock, running out of the door and shutting it behind him. He moved like the wind, only to stop occasionally in order to hide and ensure that it was safe. In his mind, he could hear them breathing down his neck like ghosts. They were the monsters. If they were to so much as spot him, he would be inches away from death.
    "No. Not tonight." he whispered to himself, hiding behind a tree. This was where he had stopped last time and turned back. Now, he took out his hand drawn map and walked further. He hoped that in time he would be able to have created a route to the outside, or at least another part of the area. Walking in the dark, Vincent took out his pen, the lines he drew following his footsteps.
    Someday. he thought to himself. Someday I will make a map out of this place. And I'll be free. I know it.
    Other: The Howling

    Username: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Ryan Woods
    Age: 19
    Personality: Smart, bold, calm, but can be aggressive.
    Gender: Male
    Bio: He lives in the 'inner circle'. His mother died when he was 2. She caught the disease and quickly died. He never really knew her. His father told him that his mother didn't want to take care of him anymore and left him. When he was 9, his father was killed by a monster. He had two sisters and a brother. During the commotion, his brother and sister died when he was 10. His other sister managed to escape from the inner circle but he didn't know. Most say she is dead but he knows she's out there somewhere.
    Weapon: Metal bow and arrows
    Preview Post: His chest pounding and heart racing, Ryan ran further and further away from the monsters. "They're everywhere!" Ryan said to himself. He ran past multiple monsters then froze. "W-why do I feel like this? I-I can't move my legs!" He exclaimed. The monsters started to surround and close in on him. "I can't die today! I won't let it!" He shouted. He pulled out his bow and shot the monsters, stunning them, with his arrows. He shook his body until he was unfrozen and bashed through the monsters. "What was that about?" He asked himself. He hid behind a shattered building. "I can't just keep running, I need a plan."
    Other: The Howling

    Username: Xert
    Name: Nox Darkra
    Age: 20
    Appearance: short black hair and dark green eyes. Usaly wears a black coat with a white shirt and blue jeans.
    Personality: find out
    Gender: Male
    Bio: Lived in the city all his life. He was in his 2nd year of collage working on a degree now the nightmare has started.
    Weapon (optional): He picked up a pistol from a dead cop with a few clips.
    Preview Post: Nox fired two shots and began running again. He saw a car door that was open with keys in it. He ran inside a shut the door. It was an older car but looked like it should work. He turned the key and the engin made some noise but didn't start.
    "Come on come on COME ON," Nox shouted. He saw the monsters getting closer, "START DAMN IT!!"
    Nox hit the dash board and turned the key again. The car roared to life.
    "YES," Nox shouted. He reached for the gear shift to find it was stick, "you've got to be kidding me."
    Nox moved the stick up down left up then back down. One of the monsters jumped on his car. Nox pressed on the gas and sped forward. The monster slid off the back. Nox drove onto anouther road. He looked in his rearview mirror. Oh thank god.
    Other: hows that for you

    Username: Catfish
    Name: Kirsten Bryce
    Age: 18
    Personality: can be serious, but is mainly someone you can talk to easily as she is calm unless under pressure
    Gender: Female
    Bio: Lived in city since she was small, but her dad left and her mother died, so not only is she trying to escape, but she is also trying to find her father.
    Weapon: Gun
    Preview Post:'BANG BANG BANG click click', the sounds of her gun running out of it's bullets, and the sound Kirsten could live without right now. Monsters had popped out of nowhere and now nothing could stop them from attacking her, nothing except...running. Quickly turning around Kirsten started to bolt, putting her gun back into her pocket... maybe she could find some bullets.. but that thought wasn't for now. The young 18 year old moved expertively through the streets as the monsters where on her tail....
    Other: The Howling in the Bowling ring... SNAP
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Mar 21, 2009, 187 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Bareri-San
    after i go back to Bareri-San for a while, I'm thinking of another name change. And I want you guys to vote for which name I should get my name changed to.

    *votes a name without checking*
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Mar 18, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Bareri-San
    I'm trying to unblock my artist block so I can work on my requests in my shop. If you want to use them, feel free to but remember to give me credit if you do.


    I really do not care about CnC atm.
    I'll give rep to the first person who can guess what anime the last avatar comes from and which character it is.
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Mar 15, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Bareri-San
    I recently saw a game in my local video game store called Eternal Sonata, I've decided to save up for it but I was wondering. Is it a good game and is it worth getting?
    It looks interesting and all but I don't really want to waste my money and find thats its a crap game.

    EDIT: I live in australia if that makes any difference
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Mar 7, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. Bareri-San
    this has NOTHING to do with my obssession over Naruto, the fact that I used a naruto render is purely coincedential.

    Oh my god, I had so much fun making this. I never knew using rainbow colours could be so fun :3
    It's a new banner for my shop, I got over Code Geass so yeah...
    EDIT: I used minimal brushes and tried to use the default tools in PS more. I downloaded a couple of patterns and a shape tool and that's it.

    I made 3 versions too.

    With a photo filter and a gradient map applied and set to a low opacity (the gradient map anyway.).

    Gradient Map turned off and some random layer in which I forgot what it was set to Hard Light or something :\

    All the layers visible and a Black&White gradient map on.

    CnC please. What I really want though, is for you guys to tell me which version you think looks best and give me a reason why you like it. Not just an answer like 'I like it because it's pretty.' or something along those lines.

    No flamming or ratings please.
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Mar 2, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Bareri-San
    I actually got off my ass and followed a tutorial properly.
    This is actually a request someone made in my shop in the GS section but I want to see what you guys think ;D
    If you're curious about what the photo is, ask me on my profile page.
    I'm actually quiet proud of this, considering I haven't done anything that even i find awesome for quiet some time. I used a photo for teh background 8D


    CnC anyone?
    No brutal critique (or flaming) and no ratings.
    Don't say 'remove the text' either, the requester wanted it in the sig.
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Feb 26, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Bareri-San
    hmmm... it seems i havent posted anything for a while.

    I was messing around with this snapshot I took while I was watching the first episode of Naruto Shippuuden. I added some lighting, blurred a duplicated layer and set it to hard light and added a gradient map and a photo filter. And some other stuff I can't be bothered adding to this post (coz i'm tired x_x)
    spare me the talk about needing to add more effects, its supposed to be a simple avatar.

    CnC plz. Oh also, please, for the love of god, no ratings.
    Thread by: Bareri-San, Feb 23, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics