Search Results

  1. Flurry of dancing flames8
    halo 3 ODST is awesome!........... OH CRAP i havent been on for weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!well i wan on 4 vacations no 5 or 6 hmm i went to disney and got this kingdom hearts mickey statue hmm everything else is a blur oh yeah and i stepped on a bird so i started to spazz out and started yelling I NEED TO GET QUARINTINED NOW!! oh crap
  2. Flurry of dancing flames8
    hello!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmm i havent been on for a long time well anyways hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Flurry of dancing flames8
    say what!?!?!?!?!?!? UDS sounds like Halo odst hmm ill call you oh snap then now what is your name oh snap i just said your name!
  4. Flurry of dancing flames8
    sorry i havent been on in a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long time got it memorized? DAMN IT IM SAYING THE GOT IT MEMORIZED THING AGAIN................................ oh well
  5. Flurry of dancing flames8
    this my opinion only

    this is my opinion and my choice i chose terras keyblade not because its better than marluxias sythe its just that on ebay both of those keyblades are rare i mean ive been lookin for terras keyblade for a long time on eay and never found it .................... and what if youget one of the crappy made ones that break right away and i said what if!
    Post by: Flurry of dancing flames8, Aug 13, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Flurry of dancing flames8
    yeah chill those guys look weird and theres a show for that game right? hmmmm those aliens remind me of heartless and thats why i still play kh2 and kh plus the final mixes.......................... *starts singing the song Heartless*....................... you saw nothing of the sort
  7. Flurry of dancing flames8
    im harry potter school is for losers im harry potter school is for losers *snape comes*
    snape: what are you doing
    harry: *blassts snape* plays saxophone*
  8. Flurry of dancing flames8
    so now were talking about th poter puppet pals? its a good thing i found the ticking noise then right? still bored though and i dont know how to deactivate a pipe bomb
  9. Flurry of dancing flames8
    umm ok ......................................... i liked his laugh.................. but he was horrible
  10. Flurry of dancing flames8
  11. Flurry of dancing flames8
    taco hut and pizza bell the world has been altered by sir monkeyfartbutts the 4th! hahahaha oh wait thats bad and here is another pokemon i made up faggiosauras
  12. Flurry of dancing flames8
    hi guys im bored and llamas sound funny so me and my friends made up this pokemon joke like jizmo! and umm ............... ............................................................... im telling the rest bt hi guys!
  13. Flurry of dancing flames8
  14. Flurry of dancing flames8
    you start many fights ............................................ with farts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus edwardo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Flurry of dancing flames8
    Profile Post

    umm ok then

    umm ok then
    Status Update by Flurry of dancing flames8, Jul 26, 2009
  16. Flurry of dancing flames8
    jk i only saw harry potter 6 once and its pretty good just as i said
  17. Flurry of dancing flames8
    dang i havent been on in a while........?..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i remember.......oh............................. i shouldnt have remembered
  18. Flurry of dancing flames8
    uhh did you guys just find out about charlie the unicorn 3 because that was 3 months ago
  19. Flurry of dancing flames8
    im happy and depressed at the same time because i saw harry potter 6 3 times because my family wanted to see it but we saw it separate............. hmmm whose group was this again?
  20. Flurry of dancing flames8
    ok my life is already ruined dont make it worse