13sr5 have you forgotten abput khvids?????????? come one man seriously show up again!
hmmmm xaldins real name is Dilon vexens real name is Even and lexeauses name i dont know how to spell but i thim zexions real name is prounounced like xions but zione and axels name is lea but pronounced lee and saixs name is most likely sai or isa ( probably sai) hmm demyx is probably dyme or something
hehehehhe ok im guessing your japanese because m japanese and that name is welll hmm not sre
i havent been here for a long time got it memorized?i beat kingdom hearts 358/2 days a long time ago i have the japanese version and when i had to fight xion i almost felt like i couldnt do like my heart was broken it took me an hour to beat her because i was dodging here attacks and not trying to kill her........ i felt so bad for axel when he and xion fought for the second time i knew what he ment like xion and roxas just keep defying the organizations orders and yes those pics are awesome
hi did u just join? other than being like half a month ago that you joined??????/ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i guess not wel high!!!!!!!!!!
heheheheheheheheheheh yup hmmmmmm ive never really talken to u huh hmmm it seems strange not ever talking to you it seems like i have
yes i was right about the trailer ............... i saw this trailer on www.kh13.com and i cant wait to see if there are any other organization 13 memers before they were well nobodies other than vexen,lexeaus, and xaldin............. hey its possible that vexens name is Even........could that be? hmmmmmmmm well thats the only one i could think of right now wait Xannah your right Xaldin could be Dilan but not so sure about leaxeaus hmmm
hey my life got better by one video! it turns out that vexen,lexeaus,and xaldin are in kingdom hearts birth by sleep before they were nobodies!!!!!!!!!! and they were like some sort of gaurdians of a castle!!!!!!!!!! except for vexen......... vexen was wearing some sort of white tuxedo............ its crazy but its true www.kh13.com ok!!!!!!! hmmmmm i dont remember how to enter a link wait! i did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are you talking about the video on youtube about teddy bear assasination thingy
huh is that question for me?
does it matter its true that life sucks and that we are all going to die
hmmm yeah?
LIFE SUCKS ND THEN YOU DIE........... so deal with it
Life sucks and then you die!
hola hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
yeah they r awesome axels my favorite oranization member not including roxas. demyx is my 2 favorite.DANCE WATER DANCE! vs BURN BABY BURN and GOT IT MEMORIZED!
does anyone ese other than me know that darkside has some sort of twin called the Dark Follower? the only difference is that the dark follower is purple and the DarkSide is black and Dark Follower is "stronger" but nothing can replace the originals except the zip slasher hearltes and ther brethren
i like both no matter what i mean they are both good but i prefer the lakers more but THEY are both good players
hehehehe "am i supposed to have a heart?" hehehehehehehe no really becauses that joke is not funny to me i dont under oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i get it
hi guys i like pizza