hello i am back! and im bored again
Well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to get alot of members now dont i.................but nobody really knows wat an unbirth is
i dont think i have ever posted on this group.................other than now so im leaving ok byebye and cheese to you tooh wait you wont se this then oh well.................hmmm i shall not leave i change my mind
rikus afterlife you are truly a magnificent person i salute you GOT IT MEMORIZED? you better have it memorized or else u shall face the consequenses of eating only cookies for the rest of your life and having LOW SELF ESTEIME! *bom bom bum!!!*
excuse my bad language even though its not very bad
hmm that brings something up...... the other day my so called friend said a racist joke that never made any sense ....................would this make sense as a racist joke about mexicans because ths guy thought it was. "Churros are mexicans on a stick" now thats not very nice is it....................WHY AM I SAYING THIS CRAP?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
well i hope they make a fourth charlie the unicorn............THEY BETTER MAKE A FOURTH OR I WILL PLANT AN ATOMIC BUT UP THE *************** WORLD!!!!!!! got it memorized?
IM JAPANESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!................. did i really just yell that out? or rather type that out
first off i only joined because i want to know something about a youtube account that a video was about OK im guessing Ultima Queen of Hearts saw the youtube video called MarVex something maybe it was day ...........JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well i decided to post a message at a REALLY akward time didnt i?
well no one has been on in a while and now im talking to myself............................... strange
i have been hearing alot about Luka alot and it seems to me that he is a AWESOME guy so i voted for Luka obviously
well it turns out i dont have the flu thats a good thing because my mom would isolate me and throw food at me through the window.............yeah this is an example of my life sucking miserably
oh it seems your offline but anyways hi
oh wellll then i ............................. *runs away*
i have the japanese version of this game but i still dont understand most of the words in japanese
hehe well im sick today so its not my problem is it no offense my mom thinks i have flu
yeah my mom wont let get a laptop unless i get honor roll or some crap so right now im using a friggin regular computer that if i take it with me it wont work because of the HUGE software CRAP!
your theory might be true because at the secret ending of final mix when terras eyes turned yellow like xemnas and fake ansem as u say but terra is xemnas' somebody and Master Xenanort soory i forgot how to spell xenanort or whatever and like riku he was troubled by darkness. on youtube i fogot the link but it was a theory too and that terra fogets who he is because he thinks he is xenanort because of that...... im not sure if that makes sense or anything and thats why when you fight terra in final mix he says good to see u old friend like hes talking to his armor. if you are confused about this i am to but im guessing master xenanort obviously knew he wasn't going to live forever. and it's strange that Ven could be one of the Unbirths (they are not called Embers) for you ppl who dont know because he looks lik,e roxas so much... that could mean that Sora may be Ven's reincarnation as well for Riku being Vanitas Reincarnation......... hmmmmm i said or typed alot didnt i?
no life isnt great you could say im a heartless nobody