lol i made a mistake the legendaries for black and white are ekram and reshiram and the thiknk was think
yeah im a third prestige lvl 34
hehehe tru dat oh but i might get a Ps3
yeah hmmmmi thiknk i want ekram oh yeah the other one is reshiram hehe
umm ummm ummmmm *freaks out* zeacezeseadffagdhrgjaghaetjarfgaergdfhajrykkyoloupkd
hehehehhe u never knew
but anyways r u gonna get pokemon black and white
oh bummer i was thinking of adding u to my xbox live friend list ah well
.......... the name of the group makes me feel a little bad*being sarcastic*
oh god im scared on this ledge but i can stand now atleast..........hmmmmmmm why didnt i do this before.......*warps and carries soras heartless and nightofnights and warps to the ground floor* there u go............ now u guys owe me big time
rice cakes? let me check in the fridge........... oh yeah i hide them in my secret fridge *warps to secret fridge and gets rice cakes and warps back* here ya go
hehehe if u didnt know this I say a lot of random stuff but anyway Blue is reds rival but his real name is green, Blue is the firered leafgreen...
xbox 360 elite... pretty much the same as xbox 360 and yes endgame i just checked after school
ok so a ton of people are posting here but no where else
........thanks for the support *being sarcastic(as usual)*
see someone agrees with me......but i dont want everybody to just randomly leave groups because they have to many cause o makes me feel bad.....even though im sorta evil in real life O_o
maybe it is........*jumps into hole* **BAM** nope not a hole to wonderland oh and thanks for breaking my fall SH and night of nights although......i cant seem to move......oh crud my leg its facing the wrong way
but that is my fridge and now i wont bring my awesomest cookies ever! and i will spread the disease of CrEePyNeSs.........So HoW iT gOiNg PeOpLeS
yes but then again i do hate jap computers................. i do enjoy usa computers they have japanese fonts sooooo