people........... don't look at your threads..... i'm kidding.. but whatever... hi guys... what's up.
what's up everyone? Anyone? no one?
i am bored.... random and gay, yes. but also true.
-see the title please?-
King of the Ozone heh.. ^^ tdwp XDXD <3
make my own chain-mail suit out of paper clips -acording to Stride
stupid question but seriously IT'S DEAD FOR A REASON okay noobness semi over
whenever i decide to skip school cause i get bored of it...
honestly what do you think? do you think that by using text talk you think someone does not have an education? my opinion: no it just means either 1 of three things.. 1.) they're lazy 2.) they just accidentally got into the habit 3.) all of the above
okay i'm just gunna copy and paste my crap rough draft for my tiny essay for school lol btw: some of these facts may not be true... i need to double check still The problem with videogame addiction is that it is not only harming the children that play those games, but also harming their peers and their parents. Many people considered that video game addiction can cause multiple problems, such as: obesity, lack of sleep, and, in extreme cases, death. While others considered that video game addicting has nothing to do with those. So it is imperative that children are restricted to certain elapsed time of playing these games. It is obvious that video game addiction does indeed help in the growth of obesity around the world. Children and adults do actually sit around to play video games and eat food. What ends up happening is you get into the game and you end up losing track of the time and before you know it is time for dinner. Then after that you either have to do things for school or for work so you don’t end up getting to burn off all the calories that you just consumed during your last meal. That process is repeated over and over, day after day, until the person gains so much weight they have become obese. Some would say that videogame addiction does not cause obesity. They have this reasoning through the fact that their might not even be such a thing as ‘videogame addiction’. Those people also usually say that it is the child/adult’s responsibility to keep track of the time and that this ‘videogame addiction’ is just an excuse. Fatigue, as most people know, is also known as lack of sleep. When you play videogames you once again loose track of the time and you might accidentally stay up to late to ‘get to the next level/save point’. Also, what happens is people have their memories of the game going through their head all night because they are addicted to it so they may not be able to get to sleep. Then, the other side of the story is once again that it is the gamer’s responsibility to go to sleep, not the games. So if the gamer gets into the game it is his fault, not the ‘videogame addiction’. In very rare cases, and very severe cases, videogame addiction has resulted in death. This is from when you get into a game so deeply that you forget to eat and the screen of whatever you play messes up your nerves system. Also there is the problem if you are an epileptic; you would have problems looking at flashing screens like what some games do. In one specific case someone had played a game called Starcraft for 22 hours straight and he died from brain failure. Videogame addiction has two sides, the people who believe that it is real, then the people who believe that it is not possible for our brains to depend on videogame’s like a drug. The side that believes it believes that it causes obesity, fatigue during the day, and rarely death. Videogame addiction, if it is real, happens to not only children but also adults. please go ahead and criticize me..
girl gotten beaten the crap out of Okay i heard this on the news... i only heard part of it though X| apperently this girl had gotten on myspace and writen some things about these guys and she got beaten the crap out of and apperently got beat up so bad she had to go to the hospital... (i only heard part of this so there might be more to it) now i do think that they guys should have done something.... i mean like TALK to her i mean cmon.... HOSPITALIZE her?? what do you guys think?
ok well for now this is all i've got... Intro: The man with the hood on sneered at his opponent. His gun held up to the kids head he found the words easy to speak, â€look’s like this… is over†he said these words as his hand squeezed at the trigger and he shot a single fire infused bullet fired at the teenage kid. The kid, who had medium length multi colored hair with streaks of bright blond, brown, white, black, and red. His hair going ¾ down his forehead and slightly spiked on his head, below were his blond eyebrows and a pair of crystal blue eyes. His face was supported by a strong jaw bone. His ears were half covered by his multi colored hair. His main body, covered by a skin clinging Miami Ink t-shirt, was entirely carved by muscles. Then his muscular legs were covered by slim blue jeans and a pair of converse. All he did was smile right back at the red piercing bullet coming at his head. Suddenly with inhuman speed he drew his own guns and shot right on target for an interception of the bullet. Then he aimed his guns at the person who just shot at him, “I’m sorry but, no it isn’tâ€
(i tried searching to see if this was already posted but the search the forum thingy is being stupid for me DX and i really wanted to answer/put that question out there) okay this is a lot like 'what is your purpose for existing' or whatever but different. i have two personal opinions im debating on right now because im starting to question myself... #1 Purpose of life is to show that you are worthy to go to heaven or be sent to hell... im a christian or almost one... im starting to doubt that one... #2 there is no point but to screw up your chances of going heaven or hell.... or whatever you beleive in doing when you die.... unless you beleive in just sitting there rotting.. then this theory kinda isn't for you.... anyways please post your opinions, much apprietiated...
anyone ever heard of them? that band is amazing XD not only am i a huge fan of the accent XDXD but they have really good music, no?
i would so play halo 3 24/7 O.o
okay any fans of papa roach here? anyways for anyone that didnt know Papa Roach is recording their newest album like RIGHT NOW XD sooooo does anyone want to guess what kind of music it will be like (like maybe they'll go back to how they were in the beginning of their career or stay about were they are at O.o)
F-**** I-I N-Never A-Actually L-Learned S-Something
300 years ago: A boy names Cilliam hated all other children. All other children hated Him. He always got into a fight with the other children, and he enjoyed it. But not only that, He wanted all others to fight amongst themselves too. The worst part is, He was Prince to Ancilia. 250 years ago: Cilliam became king and he still had his strongest feelings of hate for other people and his love for hatred amongst all. He made it a law for people not to be able to like each other. 150 years ago : Cilliam is still king. An uprising came against him, but he quickly killed them off. Now, people were starting to give in to his love of hatred and now are starting to actually follow the laws.. present: Everyone hates each other, but there is a group of people that want the world back in peace. Rules: simple... 1. Can you make your posts at least a few sentances... more than one... 2. No godmodding of course 3. Uhm no sex and all that but if you really want to 'express' yourself that bad... do it in PM.... 4. Have fun god damnit! ok was that good? anyways heres the oc template: User: Name: Age: Bio: Wepon of choice: abilities: specialties: appearence: Side(king's side/Rebellion side): Rebellion Side OC's: User:UnSaintly Saint Name:Nate Age:20 Bio: His parents ended up hating and killing each other so now he is poor and has no one around him and is planning to rebell. Wepon of choice: Twin Long Blades, and he has two 3-barrel guns for emergencies abilities: Can manipulate Darkness specialties: He is a very good marksman and swordfighter but not much of a magician at all appearence: Clicketh Side: Rebellion User:The Fifth Element Name: Xtopherus(Xtoph for short) Age: 25 Bio: His parents tried to brainwash him and almost succeeded in it. His first reaction is to be distrustful and hateful. He sympathizes with the king, knowing what it feels like to be rejected. Weapon of choice: abilities:sword of demise specialties: spying and close combat appearance: Side(king's side/Rebellion side):Rebellion User:ArchAwesomeman Name:Zero Age:22 Bio: Zero had been an aprentice to a legendary magician and was learning how to manipulate things with his mind when the king's soldier's captured Zero's master to use as his personal mage. Zero's master tried to fight them off to give him time to run away but was killed in the process. Zero escaped and decided that magic alone could not help him fight the soldiers and became an aprentice to different famous sword masters. Weapon of choice: A sword. abilities: Can move objects with his mind. specialties: Knows multiple sword fighting styles and some magic appearance: Wears a white coat with the hood usually up. Underneath is just white pants and a black shirt. Side: Rebellion but prefers to stay on his "own side" User:tummer73 Name:yavin Age:14 Bio: has grown up by the sword. his father trained him to use it, unitil he died a year ago. he's been trying to avenge him ever since. Wepon of choice: sword abilities: quick slash, scan(if possible). fire, ice, and reflect. specialties:can wield two swords appearence: black hair, brown eyes, talll, muscular arms Side(king's side/Rebellion side): Rebellion side King Side: User:UnSaintly Saint Name: Cilliam Age: 314 Bio: Uhmm read the first few paragraphs.. Wepon of choice: He does not have wepons but he is mastered in all magics abilities: can use any type of magic he wishes specialties: he is a mastered magician appearence: yes i KNOW he doesn't look a day over 250 XP Side: Kings Side
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