EMBRACE THE ANGER B| NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .
is Megatron and she is becoming a lesbian... i blame the father.
not everybody knows my name DX
My favorite was the silver series >> << the oldies rock fo sho
just going on the stupid DC trip..... hope you guys do not forget about me ._. leaving on monday at 5:05 in the morning ^ (wtf is with that time) ^ be back in a week... (just posting this now cause i have a tournament this weekend edit: i spelled blasphemy wrong ._.
My hearts on an auction, It goes out to the highest bid. I live to fast, and I know I will lose her, But there is an option, to die is to live in her head. XD
where i need new music to listen to every like... week.. but i've run out of bands... does anyone have anything that is like hardmetal or screamo? i NEED some good music >> << please???
OMGOMGOMG okay anyways... Escape the Fate is coming out with a new album in the fall with craig mabbot (because radke left ;.; but oh well the new ex-blessthefall singer will be great too, but i sure will miss Ronnie) and it's supposed to be ULTIMATE because they put a hella lot of emotions into it because they were PISSED the entire year. Anyone else here looking forward to this album as much as me?
please PLEASE please PLEASE please PLEASE please PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go to the Escape the Fate concert and like... record it all for me ^^ not TOO much to ask right XD? Chain Reaction Friday, June 13th. Anaheim, CA. tickets are already sold so... i udnno if any of you guys got any?
piss that one guy off... *made a thread*
has the best voice in the world... ever....
wow... tornado warning where i live... that's different...
with rat traps...
that apperently i'm a big light bulb and yet no one knows me...
i love you.
that Catch the Rain might be a tad bit bored?
people never recorded history... i really think there are less benifits then there are consiquences... *flicks off american history homework*
itunes... it's gay..
.. that no one knows of Hollywood Undead eh?
we never goin down.