...but im going on vacation for like a week so yeah... later i guess... ----UnSaintly Saint(NaTe)
but the "help" stuff doesnt work (as in it says:file cant be found) and im a total newb so im trying to figure out how to images on it and i cant find that out so now that i have told you all how much of an idiot i might be right now i need some help :P anyone pease?
im no artist so i just doodled these during study hall.... you can CnC if you want...
hey everyone im kinda new...yeah nevermind thats the word for it, im new....so... my real name is Nate (pretty awesome eh?)....yes in fact the last part IS in my name :O so anyways...sorry havent read rules yet but as soon as i wake up from my comma tonight ill read it xD night, all