Panty and Stocking, that just one anime? correct?
its so true! XD im super easy to amuse!
Ok, Thanks!! i wasn't with the way you wrote B gata H kei... sorry! ||^^
Kairi- *runs around Halloween Town and bumps into a door* *falls on her butt* ouch! Huh!? *looks at the door* oh wonder where this leads? *opens the door, peeks out the door to see another white room* Oh, well this is better than that scary town!
Im great! never better! XD lawl! >sorry if this is a late reply! i was too lazy to read my wall! X3
Im good! totally good! >sorry for the late reply!
Thanks!now P is that anime just one name?
i was a Destiny Island resident... then it got taken form me.... T^T
>> hate school!
yo wats sup???
yo wats sup?
HEy i need help! XD I want to make an anime picture with a mix of animes... but i dont want to do just any animes! i want to do the best that there are right now! I want the 2010 Best Animes! so i guess this could also be called the Anime Awards 2010! XDD so please give me your opinion! ================ Please put down the name of the anime, not the character. I will also do a poll asking which you think is best, so i cant have main characters names. ================ Also I would like to have the votes in before December 23! so please help me! ================ Any anime is welcome, also i do accept certain video games... i may do a collaboration of video game characters next so i may start on that one early!
*looks around the room* winning! XDDD!
Kairi- AHHHHHH! ghosts! everywhere! *covers her head and curls in a ball in some random corner*
Kairi- zexion?? O_____o what r u doing here?? *looks behind her for the ghost* phew~ it's gone.
Nice!!!! ;)
Dats my Brain!!!
Use a death note! >:D
*walks around the thread eating popcorn* ('.w.')
oh! i see, so what kind of Windows?