Ok! So I'm looking for (10) animes. I have at least 18 now, that's good. But for drawing, I can't have too many.... Or it looks too crowded... So.... I'm going to try and post another poll and find out which of these top 18 animes willl make it, and keeep seding in reqests, cause I may do another one. This one is a holiday one. :)
Mew- why is the sky blue? TxL- because it has something to do with the clouds and sun... Mew- oh..... TxL- yah... That's why the sky looks red when the sun sets. Mew- why does the sun set red? TxL- well... U see, light is made up of many colors and out of all those colors red is the one that travels the furthest.
That's the fun thing about the death note.... :3 u can make it as painful as u want.....
Hahahahah!!!! Yah it totally is!! Did u see the movies?
Dude Ikr! He is way cooler in 2. And he does more!
Dude that's awesome!!!! U like kh 1 or 2 better? ( for sora)
Yo! How did ya know I was a death note fan???
Kairi- *rubs her head* was that a dream? *looks around to see she is still in OC* man.... another hallway..... im never getting out of here..... *T^T*
yep! XD so are you a sora fan?
Kairi- *screams and runs around Agrabah* AHHHHHHHH! I swear i didn't take anything! *starts to cry* (why did i have to be there at that moment that kid stole something)
To da MAX! XD terra is sweet and caring, where as Axel is... my bad boy! XD ./////.
the guy with the gun! and his hound! XD but the darkness took over their hearts so now they fight like crazy heartless! the toy story thing would be so cool! since Toy Story 1 & 2 really dont have any life threatening evil boss guys, unlike 3 where you have the phycodic teddy bear, so the story would be really fast! @kingdomhearts123- in the new KH 3 game.
Mew- im a pokemon and i have pink skin! NOBODY can catch me! mew~ X3
thats so cool! XD love it!
WE tie mew.... X3
XD lawl! so i see you really like sora huh? i love your pic you have, with the eye then sora... is that suppose to illustrate kairi?
Kairi- *turns to hear a strange voice coming from the hall* uh.... hello? *bumps into another door* man what's with all these doors?
Sure mew... why though mew? X3 ~i am MEW... fear me!~ >X3
update: Ok so i have 15 different animes! yay! thats more than i expected! woo hoo! thanks. Now i do have some people that like the same animes like, Angle Beats, Working, Baka and Test: summon the Beast, and Black(star)Rock Shooter. XD thanks guys! keep them coming!
*runs around* mew.... ?