HAHAH! do you like Digimon?
PS3 move, some games, MUNIES, movies, make-up, heartless jacket, heartless finger-less gloves, sora shirt... yah! XD
yah, a little weirded out by the fact that she was naked... just a little though... i figured... its anime, go figure! XD
>no buttering up to athority, i swear< XD i just saw the first ep today.
Kairi- MERRY CHRISTMAS! (late)
thats awesome! same here! huge bash! crazy kids....
thanks... oh! your icon pic is from spice and wolf... right? halo and .... that guy.... starts with an Larance!
XD so how was your christmas? get some good stuff?
yah! DATs so cool! hahaha the DATs looks like the digimon thing! form season 5!
Ahhhh I see, dats cool!
It was good, had an awesome Christmas! U?
Yah! That's so cool! Where did u get it from? Or where did "Santa" get it from, :)
Yah... I hope kh3 isn't a bomb! That woy Uld be horrible!
yah, but i think its going to be a good game! what do you think about kh3?
Kairi- *waits as someone saves her* *taps her foot* is someone going to save me??? anyone?? please... *creeps sound comes from down the hallway* eep!
oh ok! sora's clothes kinda threw me off! XD
its wicked! isn't? i really want to know if thats riku or not! and when exactly does this story take place? i was trying to figure it out... but...
Hey! i just finished watching Kaleido Star! best anime ive seen in a long time! XD it was fun to watch and i really got into it! So i wanna see if there are any fans out there! also i want to debate if Leon x Sora is better Sora x Ken Sora x Yuri Yuri x layla.... i wanna know what you think!
im good! hbu?????