uh- you guys really know what your talking about, so explain one thing, Ven, where does he come into all of this? we are talking about Nobodies and how they have no emotions, thats clearly true; you see it in all the games, or just 2, coded, memories, anyway... but Roxas and Ven are too similar for it to be- an accidence- of some sort.
hah! im still alive! dont worry! i check up on you guys every now and then! if you have a DA account, you can caught me that way!
oh! so your saying that this whole thing with Roxas is a total mess. So do you think that Coded had any way of clearing that up?
now why would you say that? about the last part you typed.
so is it safe to say that y'all are saying that Roxas is holding Ven's heart? But... what im wondering is, Ven's heart was asleep, and wasn't awake, cause he's sleeping in Spoiler Castle Oblivion and at the end of BBS (secret ending) Spoiler terra and ven are waiting for sora to come wake them up and aqua is trying to find both of them, well just terra.. but... yah, i get the whole sora being so close to Roxas thing, yah i get that, but Ven's heart....
yah i can see where your friends could be right, they do show those signs of the strong hearted Sora. yah, i think they mentioned that in like Days or something. but yah there just memories, not real feelings.
ok, so me and some one from DA were talking about KH, and we got on this talk about Roxas and him having feelings, also about Xion having feelings and Axel, Namine, the whole 9 yards! i told him that they dont have REAL feeling, that theirs are fake ones, but he keeps saying that IM wrong. Ive told him ive played all 6 games inside and out and i understand how the process works. He thought that Sora was a heartless in Chain of Memories. >_> C'mon.... really!? SO tell me if im insane or not.
nothing really.... u?
hah! thats so cooL!
hah! of course! well i got accepted into a collage! woo hoo! other than that... nothing new!
hah! im good! i love your icon! PIKACHU! :D im good! hbu?
sure thing! and thanks!
i didnt... and i really wanted the steelers to win... (big bears fan... hate the packers with a passion) TT^TT
HEY! so who all played and how did you like it? I loved it! i thought it was a good piece this time by square! i really did! so what did you guys think?
Kairi- XION! YUFFIE! what are you guys doing!? *runs in the mall*
Kairi- *dances on DDR* woo....hooo! oh..heheh! im getting the hang of this!
well thats wat ppl do! XD
Kairi- *always lost* uh- so... why me? -_-|||
oh good! i was getting scared there for a second!
Kairi- *gets a creepy feeling behind her* uh- !!