Luxord's head moved back a bit, wondering why he actually had to tell him THAT. Although, he knew something was up. He hasn't seen Xig act like this in a long time. He hopped off of the bed and peeked out of the door, watching Xig go into his room. He was tempted on following, but he'd let him have his space first. Not really knowing what was wrong, he was determined in investigating on why he was acting like that. But, he'd leave that alone and keep Xig's privacy to himself. Saix wondered where the little bugger(lux) went off to. He went around, searching for him to get a little revenge for what he said to him earlier. He saw Xemnas in the corner of his eye, and he started to spaz in his mind. He brushed off his cloak and made sure his hair was align and he was looking his best. He walked over towards Xemnas and gave a short soft 'Hello Xemnas.'
Luxord blinked, wondering why Xig went from all huggle/snuggle to solitary confinement. He tilted his head and scooted closer, wanting to make Xigbar feel better. He'd think about moving his hands around him and huggle, but he wasn't sure how Xig would react. Instead he just put his hand on Xig's shoulder, trying to look at his face.
( Tell me about it xD ) Luxord nodded and sniffed as he huggled the other back, almost losing some air from the soon-to-be deathgrip comming from Xigbar. He'd move his head ontop of Xigbar's and huggled him the same ammount Xig did.
Luxord blinked when his name was first called. Before he could realize, his name was shouted. The voice went through his mind as he figured out it was the missing one he was sobbing for. "Xiggy!" he shouted before being pretty much glomped. He held onto the other and did a rocking motion just as Xigbar did. "Where've you been?!" he said with a stutter from the crying.
Luxord was in too much depression now by the fact that Xig was gone for so long so he reached in his pocket to find a young-izing candy again and ate it. He didn't realize it because he didn't care anymore. All he wanted was to see Xigbar again. He'd do anything for that. The changes were somewhat quick and unnoticable than from the first time. He didn't care. He went into his room and sat on his bed, beginning to sob softly before turning into rivers of mope and sorrow.
Tsuki shrugged and walked out infront of him. He looked to and fro while waiting outside for Braig to follow. Once he did he'd lead the two of them to the resteraunt that they were heading for. He thought what he was gonna get while they started to walk. He wasn't sure if he could go on for a while without being a total blonde, but knowing him it wouldn't take long to make a fool of the both of them.
"Boom baby!" he shouted as he did a backflip, now remembering what they were doing. "Yeah! Let's goooooo!" He shouted, pointing towards the hall to the door before slipping on the rug. With a hastened pase, he got up and looked around, saying, "Meant to do that. I was just puttin' on a show yo." The chains on his pants rattled as his feet shuffled agenst the flooring as he went to the door, hands shoved in his pocket while he looked down at his feet. He made a fool of himself infront of Braig AGAIN. (God I love making Lux totally blonde <.< )
"Oooooh...." would be the only response from Tsuki, followed by, "Gangsta Nation~" in a singing tone. He hopped off of the bed and grabbed his dice blingage and put on his airwalk. His looked down at himself and let his pants sag down behind his butt. Not like he ever cared who could see his boxers. He was proud to show 'em off. He'd point in the air with small anime circle eyes, mouth open with a cat tooth hanging out, and shouted, "TO THE.....Wait, where were we going again?" Normal people would of fell over for the stupidity of him, but he'd just stare at them with a good blank stare.
Tsuki shot up in attention. "Ooooh yeeeeeeah!" He'd make a shiftey eyed motion before snickering in his mind. Doesn't matter how much Braig tells him to not get ideas, he'll never stop getting them, and today was the perfect day to get cuddly with his Braig. But before he could do any of that he'd have to keep it cool for a while so Braig can trust him a little more even though they've known each other since way back when.
Tsuki blinked when putting on his ring. "Huh? What is it supposed to mean?" He raised a brow, while a palm would go behind the back of his head, giving a puzzled look while scratching the back of his head before he did anything else. He looked back to Larene, then back at Braig and walked closer, standing behind him. Tsuki was such a blonde. But, he was born blonde and people love him for his stupidity. He sat down on the bed and looked at the jewelry he was wearing, then pulled his legs up close to his body, now going into a pondering mode. He had no idea what Braig meant unless it was what he thought it was which never was too 'clean.' He'd keep it to himself though since he didn't want to make Braig yell at him. Although, he did spot a little pinkness appearing on his cheeks. He tried not to snicker since something was up in that little noggin of his.
OoC: Me and 2Foxxie4U do a bunch of stuff random and gkjffhgjkdf ysdhu fhdkl xD
I'll be Sora so I can mess around with Riku xD
( Hey hey hey. If anyone can call me's me. I was born blonde and I'm partially ******ed from it XD )
Tsuki looked over to Larene who apparently came out of nowhere and squeed, making a body expression like this \(^^)/ and snatched the ring out of Larene's hands before realizing he was being scolded by Braig. He popped out of the bathroom and said, "But I had a good reason in doing so!" he sobbingly said as an addition to his coverup. When Braig didn't look, he had a sly evil grin on his face while brumming his fingers together, mumbling "Oohhhh if only you THOUGHT they were gambled away....." he said so softly that a spider next to his mouth wouldn't be able to hear.
( OoC: I'm in the hospital in the Library posting on a computer, so don't mind me if it's cheesy cause I can't really concentrate here with all the noises and all so YEA DUN NAG AT MEEE ;o; xD ) Tsuki didn't want to take his eyes off of Braig, but he had to be polite or it wouldn't get him anywhere (lawl) and he sat up and looked away. He wanted to look back over at the other but he didn't invade the other's privacy even though he was in such of a close reach he could taste it...Buuuut he'd just rant on in his head about how much he'd want Braig to actually come onto him more than he knows. But before he'd get into that whole ordeal, he got up off of the bed and stretched out again, scratching the side of his back afterwards before licking his lips from the dryness. A sigh came out from him as he went into the bathroom and looked around for a few of his rings that he wore. Those would usually bring him luck like the original lucky charms would. (Note that that's a good cereal. XD) He found his watch and three of his rings, but the last one, the one that had his birthstone in it, was gone. "Hey Braig? Have you seen my birthstone ring? I can't find it anywhere..." he said with a calm tone of voice, but in his mind he felt like spazzing.
Even though it was tempting to maul the halfnude Braig, he refrained himself by doing so by falling backwards on the bed and stretching out, finishing his egg off. He stretched out sideways, his spine cracking in different places, and strange enough that it was loud. He groaned a bit because the last pop hurt a bit. He rolled over and looked up towards Braig, giving a soft whistle.
Sa'x snarled at his hard-to-read newspaper on account of him crumbling it up in the first place. He walked out of his room, more like kicked it open, and began to walk around the halls grumbling. He heard some noises that sounded kinda like someone shouting out the name 'Vexen', but he didn't give it much thought. He continued to walk around before heading for the kitchen, opening up the fridge to see the inside a total mess. A sigh came from him as his hand went over his eyes, groaning. He noted himself to clean it up later if no one else did. He grabbed an apple that was in the lower shelf and took a bite out of it before closing the door, and sitting on a set of stairs, continuing to munch on his apple. ( OoC: Not much for Lux to do except start bugging Sai'x xDD ) Luxord felt a bit of a change going through him, but he collapsed shortly after eating the reversal candy so he was back to normal....apparently. His mind might still want to act like a kid, but he'd go around from that. He started running around, tripping over the rugs at times, but went and headed for the kitchen. He saw Sai'x on a set of stairs, and he completely forgot why he was spazzing. He thought of abetter ideas; torture Sai'x. "Heeeey Saix! How's the Xemnas butt today? Still fresh?" he said, sticking his tongue out. All he could see of Sai'x was a twitching mouth, eye, and a snarl. "Uh....." he said before fleeing, being chased by Sai'x. "EEEEEK!" he shouted while running away.
Tsuki would shrug, taking another bite out of the egg. He got up off of the bed and walked over to a cabinet that contained bathroom materials. He took one of the towels and cracked the door open and stuck the hand with the towel through and looked in the opposite direction, giving the other his privacy until later this evening.
OoC: Iunno if I'll be posting Lux for a bit, but I'll bring Sai'x's invisble butt out fer once P: Apparently, Sai'x was the one that was still in his room, reading a newspaper for god knows why. He looked back and forth through the text, finging nothing of real amusement. He snapped the paper as every man in america reading the paper would do, skimming through as he tried to find an interesting article. One did inspire him, and when he began to read it he got angry and crumpled up the paper and threw it to the side. He glared to the door, before staring at the newspaper and rushing over to it and unfolded it and ran it agenst the side of a desk to uncrumple it a bit. He tended to do that kind of stuff often.
Tsuki was now in the kitchen. He opened up the fridge and put a paper towel on the counter, grabbing an egg before doing anything else. He put a little pressure on the egg to get the shell to shatter a bit, and started peeling off the shell. Once everything was off, he took a bite out of it. He walked back to the bedroom to find out that the bathroom door was still closed. "Y'know, the more time you stall in the bathroom, the less time we'll be able to reserve a spot at the restaraunt..." he slightly shouted and plopped on the bed, one leg bending to rest up on the bed. He looked at the alarm clock and flicked it boredly.