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  1. Demyxu
    Tsuki was now angry because his coke that he wanted was officially all over his good clothes. The waitress had a reputation of getting her butt kicked, and that really pissed him off. He grumbled beneath his break as he wiped some off of his forhead before shaking his head like a dog to get some out of his hair. He made a 'tch' sound before beginning to take a sip out of his coke before spitting it out. "The heck! This tastes like dish water!"
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Demyxu
    Tsuki just pushed the cup to the edge of the table. "COKE would be fine, if you please..." he said returning an inconsiderate stare at the waitress. It was pretty obvious that the two didn't like each other, especially since Tsuki was picking on her. By the time she left, he started snorting and laughing like mad from all the fun he was having with the insanity of but one waitress.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Demyxu
    Tsuki quirked a brow as he continued to munch on his steak. He began to think of some more devious plans to hurt the witch of a waitress, and got somewhat good one. He grabbed the cup of water that was on the table and poured some water around the table so when she walked by, she'd slip on either the water or the ice that was in it. He snickered a bit before fiinishing up his steak.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Demyxu
    Tsuki grumbled a bit when he was ignored, and the plate was pretty much dropped down infront of him. He didn't thank her at all, and as for a tip, she'd get squat seeing that she was a snob for a waitress. He began gnawing on some of his food nevertheless, and he went into his own little world when beginning to chew.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Demyxu
    Sai'x portalled back to where Xemnas was. Not finding Vexen in her lab, he'd report that little detail to Xemnas, only to probably go off in search for the scientist again, but his other option before being clueless would be to check her room. "She wasn't in her room, Xemnas," he reported softly.

    OoC: Welcome back Treah! Sorry I'm so slow in saying wb xDD
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Demyxu
    ( Normally I rp as Lux so Dem might act a bit different. But since Demyx's hobbies are being lazy and playing video games, he'll probably be just like me P: )

    Demyx was used to being lazy and staying in his bed for most of the morning, but seeing that Axel was still sleeping when he was up was a bit odd. He knocked on the door and whispered, "Axel?" wondering if he was awake. He'd leave it at that and open his door a bit, peeking in to see if he was, and he was. That was a good thing. "Good. Your up. Now pick up your clothes and help me do the laundry," he said with a bit of a bored tone. He didn't want to do the laundry, but was it like he had a choice?
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Demyxu
    Sai'x turned his head to look at the superior. "Well, have you checked her room? I would either assume she's in her lab or her room..." he said softly, shrugging at the offer. He'd end of taking it seeing that it's concerning Xemnas. He'd nod and head off, thinking on where she'd most likely be. He opened up a portal, and with a second glance of Xemnas, he stepped through the portal into Vexen's lab.
    Post by: Demyxu, Jan 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Demyxu
    Luxord twitched his head before begining to sleep walk. The door was open so that wasn't a problem, and he began to twirl in circles as he headed for the Ice Cream factory, or known as his room in the real world.

    Sai'x would blink, not knowing whether he should of resented that, but that was Saix for ya. He flicked his hair before turning around and heading to the direction his room was before saying, "I'll be in my room doing a little research..." then headed off to his room.
    Post by: Demyxu, Jan 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Demyxu
    Tsuki looked to where the sound was comming from, and began to snicker evily. "Aha...Serves you right you little hag..." he mumbled under his breath before continuing to eat his food.
    Post by: Demyxu, Jan 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Demyxu
    Tsuki sighed before poking his steak with a fork, realizing that he didn't eat any of it yet. He started chowing down on his food just like Braig did. If you'd see the two of them, you'd expect them to be two slobs. But that's just when it comes to food.
    Post by: Demyxu, Jan 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Demyxu
    The twitching would give a sign away that Braig was probably about to maul him. He'd move his arms away and scoot away slowly, giving a bit of an embarrassed chuckle. "Y'know, if you do something to me I'll have to kick you out of the bed tonight..."
    Post by: Demyxu, Jan 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Demyxu
    Tsuki would pretend to stretch out, one of his arms moving closer to Braig before getting on the opposite side of his body. Once it was at a good angle, he gave him a full-fledged huggle, snuggling into the side of his face.
    Post by: Demyxu, Jan 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Demyxu
    "Well, Superior," Saix started off before looking around once more. "I was fulfilling the task you told me to do, and it was a successful one at that." He began to rant softly, then remembering the rest of the question that was asked. "As for the others, I haven't seen them earlier besides that little bugger Luxord a while back. By the way, Superior...have you eaten yet?" He was offering to go to a resteraunt with Xemnas and talk over about some stuff, duties of sorts and kissing the Superior's butt as the rest of the Organization would put it.
    Post by: Demyxu, Jan 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Demyxu
    Tsuki's leg began to start his own motion as he waited for the waitress to come back. "Be back in a jiffy... Pfft. She's slow as a snail." After he saw the waitress he gave out a big WOOT sound and threw his arms in the air. He didn't mean to do it, but it was somewhat a habbit. As for the waitress, she pretty much just dropped the plates on the table and gave a snobby look on her face. When she turned around, Tsuki put a sign that had "I r snob. Kik me plz" on her back, snickering softly to himself and began to gnaw on some of his food.
    Post by: Demyxu, Jan 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Demyxu
    Luxord blinked when Xig moved his hand away from his face. But, his eyes would follow the body when he walked over to his bed. Luxord followed slowly, wondering how he could make Xigbar feel better. Once the other was snoozing, he hopped onto the bed softly and sat to where he could look at his face. He smiled and leaned back agenst the wall near the bed, and closed his eyes. He thought to himself that he should watch other Xigbar. But before anything, he gave a soft kiss on the forhead to Xig, leaned back again, and started to go to sleep.
    Post by: Demyxu, Jan 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Demyxu
    Tsuki was still being dragged when they went inside of the resteraunt. He stayed silent before Braig took a seat at a table that he reserved for the two and sat across from him. He stayed silent until the waitress that came by snorted loud enough for him to notice. He'd raise a brow and give a glare before saying, "I'll have the steak."
    Post by: Demyxu, Jan 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Demyxu
    Luxord moved his hand to the side of Xigbar's face, forcing him to look him in the eyes. "Tell me what's wrong. You never acted this way, and I know there's something wrong." He was wanting to rattle Xigbar to get answers out of him, but he didn't want to hurt him.
    Post by: Demyxu, Jan 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Demyxu
    Luxord panicked when he heard the sounds of what a person would make when drowning. He rushed in there and slipped on some of the water but got up quickly and helped Xigbar out. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Xigbar, checking around if he was alright. There was definately something wrong with Xig. He gripped Xigbar's shoulders and turned him to face himself, and looked him straight in the eyes. "You have to tell me what's wrong. And don't say there's nothing wrong cause I know there is.."
    Post by: Demyxu, Jan 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Demyxu
    Tsuki was whistling before he was pretty much dragged towards the resteraunt. "Hey! Wuh, wooooa!" he said, tripping over as he tried to keep up with Braig, failing in even trying to walk with the other. It seemed that the other was either too hungry, or was just impatient. It was most likely the impatient one.
    Post by: Demyxu, Jan 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Demyxu
    Luxord would make a portal that would take him into Xigbar's room because he was too nosy and wanted to see what was wrong with Xigbar. He thought that maybe sneaking up on him and eavesdropping would help him figure out what was wrong. He walked into the portal and ended up in Xig's room, giving a happy jump before remembering that he's in 'stealth' mode. He walked over to what he thought was water movements and stood next to the wall that lead to Number II's bathroom.

    Saix would only shrug. "Not a clue, Superior." He'd wonder that himself, but seeing that Vexen was a scientist, he'd likely blame her. He looked over towards the halls, then in the other direction.
    Post by: Demyxu, Jan 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home