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  1. Demyxu
    Luxord couldn't even give Xigbar his birthday present. He never had the time. He walked out of the lab and walked out into the courtyard of the castle and sat in the grass. He pulled out a stick and started sketching a picture of a chibi Xigbar into the dirt, sighing a bit before throwing the stick down in anger and beginning to bang his head agenst the ground. He continued to blame himself for what happened to Xigbar, seeing that he normaly blamed himself for things that happened.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Demyxu
    *salutes to* Yessir! Or ma'am. One of those.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Demyxu
    Tsuki flipped his magazine down just to stare at Braig. "Riiiiiight." he said softly before flipping his magazine back up and flipping through the pages before getting to the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess page.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Demyxu
    Luxord took a seat on the floor, but it wasn't long before he jumped up and went next to Xigbar and gave him a hug, trying to comfort him the best he could. "Don't'll make me cry and then that's not good..." he said softly before continuing to huggle.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Demyxu
    Tsuki felt like a new kid in a new school now, or maybe even a foreign person who doesn't speak english. He pulled out a crunch bar and pulled it out of the wrapper, gnawing on it softly. He went in the bedroom and sat in the recliner, pulling out an EGM (eletronic gaming monthly for those who don't know) and started reading a page of Metal Gear Solid 4.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Demyxu
    Luxord made a sound resembling a 'meep'. "What? I can't smack Xig! He's my best friend!" he said, putting his arms out towards Xigbar, but when he almost got hit in the head he thought that he didn't have any other choice. He didn't want to do this, but if it snapped Xigbar out of it it might be good. He withdrawn his arm and moved it forward, slapping Xigbar across the face.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Demyxu
    Tsuki blinked as he watched the two go on. But deep down, he'd get a little frustrated because Alex and Braig were off in their own little world and...holding hands. He'd shake his head and walked behind Braig before acting normal, not wanting to set a 'bad impression' to the first meeting of Alex.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Demyxu
    Demyx made a loud eeping noise and rolled out of the way before Saix could hit him, only missing it by a little inch. He'd scramble up and run away from Saix again.

    OoC: Yes yes, it's short. Most of my posts have been short lately. x.x;
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Demyxu
    Luxord flailed his arms like mad, trying to smack Xigbar off of him. If he succeeded to do so, he'd crawl over to a different area and get on his feet before putting a hand on the back of his head, checking to see if he was bleeding.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Demyxu
    Tsuki grasped the hand and shook his hand firmly. He thought that the guy was pretty nice. He knew Braig apparently, and they almost acted like brothers without the fighting involved.

    OoC: Lawl short. xD;
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Demyxu
    Tsuki coughed loudly enough, wondering why Braig never introduced him to the other, but eh. "Hello, there." he said with a smile on his face, giving a soft yet friendly wave.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Demyxu
    "Aw..." he said as Braig told him no to the casino. "But..nevermind.." he said before looking at Braig with the nerdy gangsta thing. He snorted a bit and laughed. "Oh you're trying to compete with my white and nerdy gangstaness ey? Well I'll show you." He flipped out a beany and put it on his head, pulling out his E=mc2 blingage and crisscrossed his arms before beginning to sing White and Nerdy. "They see me mowin', my front lawn, I know they are thinking I'm so white and nerdy. Think I'm just too white and nerdy~" He began to dance like a nerd as well as a gangsta, continuing to say Think I'm just too white and nerdy.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Demyxu
    "Yeah, yeah. Not like I haven't heard that one before," he said laughing a bit. He put his hands in his pocket before looking at the sights that were to come at the moment before looking at Braig, smiling lightly. He snapped to the attention that he shouldn't do this in public and returned gazing at signs and stuff.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Demyxu
    Luxord held back shouts of pain, but took advantage of the situation when Xigbar froze. He kicked him in the gut hard enough to send him flying then got up. He walked over to him and put his foot on his chest, pinning him down without the use of his hands. "Knock it off Xigbar! I don't like hitting ya!"
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Demyxu
    Tsuki blinked, only noting that Braig was walking away. "H-hey! Wait for me!" he shouted before hopping up and, taking ahold of his pants, ran after Braig. "You almost left without me..." he said softly before laughing a bit for being too much of a blonde.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Demyxu
    Demyx tiptoed behind Saix before gripping his hood and shoved it over his head then pulled the laces to shut the hood. He loved doing that to people, and he fleed down the hallway before Saix could do anything.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Demyxu
    Luxord blinked before being knocked in the jaw. He slid across the room and he layed on the ground motionless. His small body didn't have much energy, and he took a beating earlier as it is. He groaned and moved his head to look at Xigbar. "W...why?" That's all he could say at the time.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 8, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Demyxu
    Luxord smiled a bit before the question was asked. "Well...we don't have to. Not like we have anything else to do, right?" He said, shrugging a bit. He didn't have anything on his mind referring to activity, and he wanted to stay with Xigbar to make sure he was alright.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 8, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Demyxu
    Luxord got off of Xigbar and stood up. He helped Xigbar up and brushed the particles off of him, then stared directly into Xigbar's eyes. He was best friends with Xig, and he didn't want to get mad at him. He moved closer to him and gave him a hug, holding him tight. "Doesn't matter what you do to me, I'll always be your friend," he said softly.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 8, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Demyxu
    Demyx snorted a bit and laughed after the pile that was thrown ontop of Axel. "Look, it's Mount Underwear," he said in a giggly tone before he was whispered to. He blinked before getting a bit of a devilish grin. He grabbed Axel's hand and shook on it, like people would for a bet. "Bring it on Pyro," he said confidently.
    Post by: Demyxu, Feb 8, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home