YES. All the guys in my school irl are like that exactly. They insult gay movies cause it's two gay guys but they'd be drooling if it was yuri. >.>
It could be, but they should just limit it to a certain amount D: Especially me. I need daily yaoi and I haven't been getting it in over a year XDD
I have a question here. Why is there so many people here who simply disgust Yaoi? o.O I noticed that all the GOOD rps never let any yaoi slip in occasionally. Wouldn't rps be more fun if people were able to rp their fanfics the way they wanted? Or are threads supposed to be picky with restrictions? ._o;
I call dibs on Luxord XD Luxord's mah gamblin' bish~
( I have a question. Would fusing two of the main characters together count as an original character? 83 )
(( Guess what guys, Luxy's back! :3 )) Luxord, being his lazy self, was sleeping in his room in nothing but boxers. Apparently, there was too much stuff happening that he couldn't handle, so it was likely he just plopped on his bed and just fell asleep. When waking up, he looked like he was an alchoholic who's suffering from a hangover. Luxord rubbed his eyes, confused, and probably waking up at a bad time, but it's not like he knew. He shuffled his feet to his closet and grabbed a robe that was black with gold cards and silver dice. He put it on and opened his door and walked through the halls, sighing a bit as some of his hair was sticking up from bedhead. He went into the kitchen and made him a cup of coffee, taking a seat in the kitchen and sipping his coffee slowly. "Jeez...why do I feel like crap all of a sudden...?"
Oh I will. XD
BUT YOU LIKE IT TOO D: Now that I got you hooked anyway... ._.;
Yes, I take all the blame for this fanfic. Seeing that I already know she amde it on account of my obsessions XD AND PEOPLE! IT'S NOT YAOI! Yaoi is them getting it on ._o;;;; This is merely just obsession at it's best ^-^
Every fanfic you make you make Lux act the way I made him xDD <3 I laughed at the Lux and Dem scene but I felt sorry for Lux on account of him being so blonde x3
Leah. 3 words for you. First. I. Second. Hate. Third. You. You already know my response to this thread >.> Well, I hate ya for a passion. You know I <3 Xal and Dilan, but the fact of people's responses will make me go emo D: no not really xD
Yeap. I'm back. Sorry for all of my buds and people who I know that I just kinda...dumped. SORRY ALL xD; Leah (2Foxxie4U) might start kicking me around more often on msn if I don't log on Khvids regularly. Wouldn't be suprised of her either xP
Luxord sighed as he continued to walk around, strangely enough still in his Gir suit. He had an attachable leash that was dragging agenst the flooring, squeaky sounds still going as he walked. He was holding a plushie of a piggy as well as a fake rubber taco. He'd squeeze the piggy every now and then, it giving off a squeaky sound at the process.
( This friday. )
( Man Iunno where to start off at. But Iunno if I have time to post. I have to be studying x.x )
( Well it's not like I had a choice since you constantly talk about how fun it is being Saix <.<; )
( OoC: Last I remember was that Luxord was in a garden sketching images of Xiggy and yeah o-O Plus, since Leah won't stfu about Saix, she can probably control him. --; )
( OoC: Guys I am soooooo fricken sorry I haven't been posting in like...literally forever x.x Last week was exam week and I still had to do a lot of work to make up some lost credits and blahblah. I sorry guys! ;o; Someone mind informing me on how much I missed? o.O )
Tsuki grumbled under his breath a bit before rocking back and forth on his chair, continuing to flip through the pages, sooner or later ripping them out of the book. He murmured something about Alex under his breath before moving a leg over the arm of the chair, sticking his tongue out and licking his finger, continuing to go through the pages.