Search Results

  1. Demyxu
    A lot of rap songs do have similar phrases, but most of the rap songs I listen to actually have meaning. >3> Moreso, they're not all bad. Usually people hate the lyrics. Why not listen to the fricken music just for the god dang beat?! EVERYONE IS ABOUT LYRICS! If you go to a club, do they care for the lyrics? HECK no! Why can't people act that way in general? >.>
    Post by: Demyxu, Jun 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Demyxu
    Luxord smacked himself in the face. "You dork. It's your favorite cartoon character from your FAVORITE cartoon. Hint, two words. First starts with I, second word starts with Z. Figure it out," he joked. He looking around curiously before scratching the tip of his nose sniffling and rubbing a finger under it. Was he getting a cold? Maybe..
    Post by: Demyxu, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Demyxu
    Luxord shrugged before pulling out the gift he was going to give Xigbar way back when. "Here's a very late b-day giftie.~"
    Post by: Demyxu, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Demyxu
    OMG. I love that part in the movie XDD
    Post by: Demyxu, May 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Demyxu
    Luxord fell backward slightly, landing on his rear with a thump. He tilted his head to the side, eyes wide in confusion. (Aww xD) "Where were you? I never got ta give you a birthday present way back when!"
    Post by: Demyxu, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Demyxu
    Luxord had lost interest in just walking around the area, so he decided to wander around and try to find Xiggy. "Xiiiiigbaaaaaaaar!" He went to the room where Xemnas and Xigbar were at earlier, looking around and walking before tripping over Xigbar. "Woah! Heeey, here he is!" He looked at his face, poking the side of his cheek lightly with Mr. Fuzzum's arm. "Wakey wakey! Sleepy time's over~" he hummed. It was over for him, but eh.
    Post by: Demyxu, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Demyxu
    Luxord was gnawing on one of his gambling cards. He had a bit of a pissed off expression on his face. Wanna know why? Cause Xigbar behind him was prodding him in the back of his head, mocking him at the fact that Lady Luck was his mother. "Aha! Lady Lucks' your mom! Who's yer dad? Father time?!" Xigbar cracked, having way too much humor with this.

    Xaldin, on the other hand, was over in the corner, working on his wind abilities. He'd blow out air with his mouth and be shot over to the otherside of the room. "Woooooah!" Slam. All of a sudden he'd be giggling. "That was fun!" The starting of a stabbing psycho..
    Post by: Demyxu, May 26, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Demyxu
    Gotta love the fans XD
    Post by: Demyxu, May 26, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. Demyxu
    ( Well what do ya know. The threads' comin back to life. Welcome back Treah! :3 )

    Luxord continued to walk around in child form, having not been turned back to normal yet. Probably won't seeing that he'd refuse like the little arrogant child he was. A stuffed, fluffy Gir plushie was at his side, feet dragging agenst the floor lightly. His thumb was stuck in his mouth, giving the innocent 5 year old look.
    Post by: Demyxu, May 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Demyxu
    *shrug* Iunno. Not much really happening anymore since Leah is kinda banned for a few more days and stuff... ()
    Post by: Demyxu, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Demyxu
    OOC: I'll be Xigbar, Luxord, and Xaldin. Is that okay? :B
    Post by: Demyxu, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Demyxu
    Well, Xig and Mansex were having a moment and stuff, they started talking about the Princesses of Heart and stuff. And Lux and Xig are still kids, at least I know Lux is. But he's still wandering around cause he's all 'emo' seeing that Xigbar keeps running off, and Iunno about Saix XD ()
    Post by: Demyxu, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Demyxu
    Envy looked slightly amused when he was informed that the Sins were supposedly the bad guys trying to steal Kingdom Hearts...which is partly true, about the bad guys anyway. As he heard about Greed having a plan, that interested him slightly. "You have my attention."
    Post by: Demyxu, Apr 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Demyxu
    A pout came from the homunculi, crisscrossing his arms infront of his chest. "Dammit Greed, you saw right through! I was hoping this disguise would of helped me find the stone. Any clues yet, Sir-Grin-A-Lot?" As he spoke, he'd do some movements to the hands, and he got in his face when he went towards the last phrase.
    Post by: Demyxu, Apr 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Demyxu
    Envy continued to walk through the hallways as the camouflage of being the so called Demyx, not like he knew the name, and walked around some more, checking in some of the rooms every now and then. "Oh, where has my precious stone gone now~" he hummed. He was rather enjoying himself as he trashed some of the rooms in boredom. "Now what should I do to find the stone..." he hummed deviously.

    Luxord was merely waking up from having slept past midnight after having a gamble's night out. "Wuzza?" He had no idea that there were 'intruders' in the room, and he thought it was just Larxene having her little mood swings again. "Oy..." he grumbled as he shuffled out of the bed towards his door. He poked his head out to see it merely.....quiet.
    Post by: Demyxu, Apr 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Demyxu
    Tmp. Tmp. Tmp. Soft footsteps of a small, slender frame advanced through the new area this...'man' had appeared in. "So THIS is what they call a castle? Looks hideous if you ask me," he said with a grin. The sin this creature contained was Envy. He stopped when he saw a photo of one of the Organization members, not knowing what they looked like fully, but changed appearances into said member. Which one he had? We'll let you figure out. The only hint accessable was that he had gravity-defying blonde hair.

    ( only time I have to post x.x )
    Post by: Demyxu, Apr 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Demyxu
    Wow. Lots of interesting responses, some are the way I feel xDD
    Post by: Demyxu, Apr 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Demyxu
    ( So where am I supposed to start off? o.O )
    Post by: Demyxu, Apr 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Demyxu
    ._. Y'know, you're starting to sound like my ex-step-brother.
    Post by: Demyxu, Apr 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Demyxu
    >> << Uhm....>><<*moreshifteyeyes* XD
    Post by: Demyxu, Apr 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone