Luxord would grin as he'd grab his cart and flee to the mechanic isles. He grabbed a heavy microwave and put it in the cart, then went down to one of the main isles. He put one foot on the bottom of the cart and started pushing with his other, riding on the end of the cart as if it was a car. He'd giggle like a madman as he continued to do so.
Luxord's lip would still quiver, tears slowly forming before he started crying. He wasn't a kid, but in his current state it felt good to cry. He held onto Xigbar and sobbed into his chest, his hands letting go of the card and gripping his shirt instead.
*rubs hands together* Eheeeheheheheheheee..... >> <<
Luxord blinked, watching the death grip that Xigbar gave the card. "Heyhey. Easy on the card. Just pretend you went snowboarding down in some random area. That's all ya need," he said and gave Xigbar a thumbs up, running back up the stairs yet another time. He hadn't had this much fun in a long time. Normally he wouldn't fit on his cards, but at this size he could use it like a magic carpet....Heh, magic carpet. He tripped on one of the stairs from not watching where he was going. He rubbed his forhead where he bonked and sat on one of the stebs, continuing to rub it, his lip quivering a bit.
Luxord's eye would twitch, but would put that aside. He made another card appear near Xigbar. "We'll go at the same time." He set his card down on his side of the stairs and got ready. He kicked himself off with a little bit of air then shouted "COWABUNGAAAA!"(sp?) and started sliding down. He'd expect Xigbar to go at the same time as he. He tilted the card side to side once more like it was a snow hill.
( I did it again. ****! *headdesk* ) Luxord was scampering around, tripping over various things. He decided to do something fun. He summoned a giant card and walked over to the nearest set of stairs, jumped on the card like it was a surfboard and 'surfed' down the stairs. "Weeeheeeeeeeeee" he shouted, acting as if it was a snowboard now, going back and forth on the stairs before the stairs were done. "Aww....I"M GONNA DO IT AGAIN!" he shouted and scampered back up the stairs. ( Not really sure how much I missed, but I know I missed a lot. Two pages popped up from where I last appeared. >_o )
Luxord popped open one eye, making sure the rest were asleep....For all he knew anyway. He pulled out a black permanent marker that he kept in his pocket and crawled near Vexen's face, giving her a unibrow and a mustache as well as a goatee(sp?). He'd do the same to Marluxia, and giggle like mad again. He'd put the marker back in his pocket and fleed from Vexen's room, even though he wanted to be changed.
Luxord would stare at Vexen, eyes halfway open now. Before anyone knew it....clunk. Luxord was out like a light, snoozing away. Sugar and candy always made him sleep when he had the right ammount.
Luxord blinks, just watching. He sat on the floor, being innocent before poking the pile of clothes. He had a bit of a crazy face on to make himself look annoying or something. "Hee..." he said softly.
Luxord was cackling at this point before he opened his eyes, seeing a giant ball of clothing. "EEP!" he said before being smushed in clothing. "AIR! AIR! I NEED AIR!" he said as he moved a hand out as if he was grasping for air.
"Hey! Who turned out the lights?!" he said jokingly, giggling like mad. "You're on!" he said and took off the cloak, diving behind the big pile of clothes. He'd make balls out of the stuff as if it was a snowball fight. "Bring it on!"
Luxord looked back and forth to see if Vexen was around. "'Nother round?" he said, an evil grin on his face.
Luxord would make a hand motion and shout "GOT HIM!" only to get back up, crawl over, and help Marluxia out of the piles of clothes. He'd stick his hand out to help him up after pushing all the clothes out. "Good job Colonel," he said acting as if he was in the military.
Luxord was having just as much fun as Marluxia's fun. Playing with women's clothing from Victoria's secret was fun especially if it was like a war. "MY FORT OVERPOWERS YOUR STASH!" he shouted from behind Vexen's bed. "Mahahaha...." he said slowly, making a big ball out of some of his 'ammunition' and chucked it at Marluxia. "THINK FAST!"
Luxord would dodge the hoards of clothing like it was some MGS video game he played. "You'll never clothe me copper!" He'd roll around on the ground and fling some of the clothes back at Marluxia.
"........................................................................................................" was all that luxord could say. He'd do a high pitch scream and threw the underwear off of his head, aiming for Marluxia's head. While Marluxia would get hit by the underwear, or dodge, he'd go behind him and give him a shove, then throwing random clothing of Vexen at him.
Luxord pointed to the top of his head, as some sort of indication to Marluxia. "Look who's talking."
Luxord gigglesnorted as he saw Marluxia come out with Vexen's clothing. He moved the underwear over his head to only cover one eye...or at least tried. "I know I'm not a kid. Doesn't mean I can't act free spirited."