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  1. Kuro Neko
    for me its Guardian Soul and Oblivion =D lol
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 27, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Kuro Neko
    here's mine:

    1. Too many cutscenes
    2. repeated worlds
    3. wasn't much of an emotional reunion between sora, riku and kairi
    4. the useless Atlantica world

    be back with more but now time for bed
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 26, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Kuro Neko
    I waiting for episode 207 :P w00t w00t!
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 26, 2006 in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. Kuro Neko
    Im Cloud so says the test :P lol
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 26, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Kuro Neko
    Those are pretty good Guxas :P in fact the kinda rawk :D

    the ones Kairi did rawk too :P
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 20, 2006 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Kuro Neko
    I like his Kh2 keyblade, i wish you were able to use it :D
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 20, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Kuro Neko
    could you please make me a Riku one :P

    cheers if you do :D
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 18, 2006 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Kuro Neko
    For me its either Neji or Hinata :P

    but then again i kinda like Sakura since she hits the hell outta naruto a lot hehe
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 17, 2006 in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Kuro Neko
    come on people, be a character cos this thread has no action within it

    sorry about being off-topic
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 17, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Kuro Neko
    looks like there's good looking people here XD

    besides no-one commented on my pic but oh well life goes on

    keep posting pics yooz :)
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 17, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Kuro Neko
    anyone notice in the secret cave in Destiny Islands there's pics of what happens further on in the game.

    for exmaple there's a pic of donald there :P
    Thread by: Kuro Neko, Oct 17, 2006, 39 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. Kuro Neko


    unfortunaltey mines is on June 4th and Ill be 15 w00t! w00t!

    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 17, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Kuro Neko
    Polyamorous - Breaking Benjamin >.<
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Kuro Neko
    I never purposely used them cos a just hoped they stayed out my way cos I prefer to fight alone sometimes :P
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Kuro Neko
    Once I was in ma RE class and this happened:

    Kyle (me) = Look what a can do *smashes head off table* *silence and stares*

    Friend = I think people noticed that...

    Teacher = Kyle..... do you have problems?

    Kyle - I....

    Friend = Yes miss, he does he has short term memory loss....

    Teacher = Is it contagious? (for a second we thought she was serious)


    In Home Ec class

    Kyle = *shouts OMG!! randomly*

    Teacher = Whats wrong?

    Kyle = *stares blanky for like 2 mins*

    teacher = *reachs out towards me, saying my name*

    Kyle = * I grab my seat and put in middle of classroom and just sit there going "OMG!! OMG!!*

    then the bell rang

    Kyle = *gets up* well time to go *leaves*


    Again in Home Ec class

    Kyle = *sleeping through a video*


    Kyle = what was that?

    Teacher = Craig and Greger go an clean up in the Cooking room *They leave and I follow them*

    Friends 2 & 3 = We're finished, miss

    *I walk in*

    Teacher = Kyle I didn't tell you to go and clean up

    Kyle = I forgot

    Teacher = Oh ok


    In Home Ec class once again ( but in Cooking room this time )

    Kyle = *I jump up onto ledge type thing in middle of room*


    Kyle = *mutters under breath* motherf***ing b**** I F***ing hate her!! HOW DARE SHE CALL ME DEMENTED!! SHE'S THE ONE THATS ******ED!!

    Friend = eh Kyle you sed that the tiniest bit loud

    Kyle = *turns round* *gets stared at* "Oh Sh**!!"
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 15, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  16. Kuro Neko
    I think this anime rawks ave wacthed up to the movie and I understood the ending to it quite well even though a cant really remember it now :)
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 15, 2006 in forum: Anime and Manga
  17. Kuro Neko
    maybe no more requests until Cloudo is done with the others would be good since he's got like a bunch to do already >.< lol

    although dont have to listen to me cos am not an authority figure
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 15, 2006 in forum: Art Shop
  18. Kuro Neko
    Screenname: _Riku_
    Hobbies: Beating Sora at stuff, but mostly lounging on a bent over tree
    Likes: Laziness, making jokes about Sora, beating Sora
    Dislikes: Losing (especially to Sora ) and fluffy things

    more to come.... i think
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 15, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Kuro Neko
    lol duckie he he he he lol :)
    Post by: Kuro Neko, Oct 14, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  20. Kuro Neko
    I was previously Riku213 on the old kh-vids but decided to change that here.

    So HELLO there!
    Thread by: Kuro Neko, Oct 14, 2006, 6 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures