clone xemnas:"wrong one" xemnas:"over here"he puntched her in to the wall were fake xemnas was xemnas:"hello
while nuthura was attacking zozo and zigoroth where coming from the sky and ground xemnas then pushed nuthura off him zozo:"ahhhhhhhh take this zigoroth:"ahhh" xemnas grabed them both and threw them on the ground zigoroth landed on his gatar and went strait up agin and hit xemnas xemnas:"ahh" then xemnas dented the ground
zozo:"dark punch" zigoroth:"two way gatar hit" xemnas:"you call those attacks laser cut" zozo:"aww u miss" zigoroth:"now?" zozo:"now!!" "twin rotor"said zozo and zigorth
xemnas:"my own sister is alive sorry but i have no time for a family reion come aia and nuthura" zozo:"not unless i stop u" zigoroth:"u ready" zozo:"ready" zigoroth:"parite lord" zozo:"dark secret" zozo turn to his dark form zigoroth turned all red holding two gatars
that preety much it zozo:"fooly cooly" zigoroth:"stop saying that" agin zigoroth hit zozo on the head" zozo:"bakka naruto" zigoroth:"what did u say" as zigoroth head grew five times its ow size zozo:"nothing"
kakashi is all was my fav
i think sora and kari is beter
my favorite manga is shonen jump
i gess jack is beter thats all im saying
i do that would be the best
zozo:"fooly cooly" zigoroth:"shut up" then zigoroth hit zozo in the head. zozo:"ow"
xemnas has good defence but lack of offence so im going with sephiroth will win
i say now because kairi and sora are going to end up to gether
i say 1.yes
my entrey
kairi next
land ofdragons
i think the letter was about they are okay where they were
i cant wait till the game come out