zozo:"we should go to beast castle" zigoroth:"his right"
zigoroth and zozo looks over the map
zozo:"what happen" zigoroth:"where the freak have u been u huffie zozo:"ive been asleep
zozo:"sorry about doxyc" zigoroth:"yay im sorry to"
zozo:"where going to hallow bastion ther somthing we have to do the trail of remeber renc is open its the safest place for now" zigoroth:"we'v got to hurry
zozo and zigoroth walked in after zeo
zigoroth:"finaly" zozo:"i know"
zozo:"does any one listen to me.....xemnas.........know where we are................got to go.
zozo:"fine" zigoroth:"okay" zozo:"lets get out of her xemnas could come back"
zozo:"ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" zigoroth:"stop acting stupid for once" zozo:"im thinking"
xemnas:"im egered to much i have to go" then xemnas disappeared zozo:"crap" zigoroth:"stop using profanaty" occ: who think my avatar is scary"
clapping)thats great
thats so nice
tear drop this is so sweet
where is he sorry
i dont know
hello catch the rain
cant wait for the wedding
occ: no because im going to see transfomers i have to wait to see parites of the carbbiean zozo got up and ran to xemnas and jumped over nuthura and puntched xemnas in the back xemnas jumped up to get away. zigoroth:"hey xemnas dont forget about me" zigoroth then hit xemnas with his gatar xemnas flew back down zozo puntch him and then he flew to nuthura
xemnas:"ive goten stronger since we were kids" zozo:"and dummer"zozo puntched xemnas as he let go of phisoxa. while xemnas was flying back zigoroth was getting ready to hit xemnas like a base ball zigoroth:"see ya" xemnas:"see ya" xemnas cout zigoroth gatar that he was using asw a bat and threw zigoroth in the air