xigbar:"hey every one its time for the apitizer" xemnas came luxord,demexy,xailden came zozo:"phisoxa a little help where about to fall" zigoroth:"where sleeping"
xibar:"u wish" he teleports and shoots out a hug bullet. zozo:"im going to kill u both xigbar and saix" zigoroth:"are battle is with saix" why wont this pics show up never mind
can some one make some on like this with red hair and blue jacket and red wepon
xigbar turns the stage to a small platform and begun to shoot any thing on the platform
zozo:"this power it feels sogood i must gain more zigoroth its time for u to die" zozo:"i controle u now go away" zozo:"no im so strong let me get stronger" zozo:"go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" zigoroth:"zozo get up and get urself together" saix:"dont let ur gaurd down kid"then saix punched zigoroth and kicked zozo zozo:"crap" zozo:"now im in controle" xigbar:"u sneaky little sceam"
zozo:"now im mad let me show u the power of darkness" zozo disappears from saix grip zozo reappears behind saix and kiced him to the ground. zigoroth:"hows pay back is it" xigbar:"look behind"
xigbar disapear and comes up above phisoxa and started to shoot at her then he disappeared to another place" xigbar:"alright relode" zozo:'zigoroth get him off me" zigoroth:"okay saix u wont to play ruff" saix:"try and catch me"
xigbar:"let me go women" zozo:"phisoxa watch out"zigoroth gets out of saix grip zigoroth:"finaly im free"
zozo:"let me go u blue haird freaker" zigoroth:"im going to kill u" xigbar:"im here to end u" xigbar puts his hand in a teleporter and his hand comes out aother one be hind phisoxa.
i for got about that movie
zigoroth:"huh whats happaning" zozo:"it saix" saix:"got u zozo and zigoroth its time for my pay back" xigbar:"ill get phisoxa"
zozo and zigoroth watch them spar.
zozo:"hey u miss" zigoroth:"die"
zozo:"look a bulky vender" zigoroth:"its mines"
zozo:"i herad it to"
occ:were at beast castle
zozo:"its been a long time since ive been here" zigoroth:"ready to land" zozo:"okay lets get off"
zozo:"no one than us" zigoroth:"warp ingine full" zozo:"lets go warp speed eneceait"
zozo got in his ship the anti matter lets go zigoroth zigoroth got on the ship to
zigoroth:"well we see u there" zozo:"okay lets go zigoroth"