zozo:"man this fight awsome" zigorth:"arent u soppuse to be helping them" zozo:"the can handle it"
i had some dream and xaldinwas killing roxas then sora stabed him in the back then goofy cut soras head off the dounald killed him self then xemnas killed every on else alive
occ:whats happaning
zozo:"hey stop this were her to train on the data organazation" zigoroth:"u idots dont fight"
zozo:"show off" zigoroth:"i know right"
as they came out the portal they fell down a cliff
zigoroth:"lets get going" zozo:"ill open a portal"zozo opened a portal and walked in
zozo:"hallow bastion" zigoroth:"where going to do some data fights" occ:his name is spelled zigoroth not zigaroth
Render: anti sora Text: darkness will over rule u Sub Text: zaster Colour Scheme: dark blue
zozo:"lets see if were in beast castle will haf to go pass astroid sweep" zigoroth:"the path is already open"
zozo:"hey i got idea lets go to worl that never was or we can do the data fights in hallow bastion" zigoroth:"well that would be fun"
u should ask xigbar
zozo:"this place is getting boring" zigorth:"shut up"
ur story is great
zozo:"its just a fight" zigoroth :"nothing specail"
zozo:"come on" zigoroth:"we got to go every organazation member is here"
zozo:"lets get out of here zigoroth" zigoroth:"okay"
xemnas:"no one shall interfear" zozo:"he going to put a birrer up its to late me,zigoroth and phisoxa will take care of every thing"
xemnas stops phisoxas keblade by clashing with it with his saber xemnas:"so phethitic" zozo:"us im up on the platform" zigoroth:"great now get mee uuppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x10000"
all of the organazation:" let us play a game.dont dround in the water.try and catch us.