zozo:"your a bad catcher axel" zigoroth:"thats got to hurt"
zozo:"woooo" zigoroth:"axel catch zozo"
occ: oh zozo:"woooo"zozo starts to fall off the tower zigoroth:"zozo!!!!"
zozo:"thanx" zigoroth:"hey if u die i going to die" occ:what happen to aia
zozo:"get me up" zigoroth:"i am
zozo:"ya so" zigoroth:"shut up idot"
zigoroth:"yep.man zozo ur heavy
zozo falls out a portal zozo:"wooooooooo" zigoroth:"i got u" zozo:"thanks"
zozo:"wow lets get in the fight zigoroth zigoroth:"lets go"
i choose final but i would of choose anti if was up there
demyx was hardist to me
everyone get them
why not naruto098 21413
we be good slaves fix death sight please21410
naruto098 let me out 21408
get me out of here 21405
let us out please oh beauteful geen
naruto098 save us 21274
ur not ugly catch the rain
holy cow thats funkey 21265