zigoroth:"um witch hill are they on" zozo:"talk to terra"
zozo:"we know" zigoroth:"hows going to talk to them"
zigoroth:"what took so long" zozo:"stop talking smart"
zozo:"will see u there" zozo and zigoroth gets in there gummi ship
zigoroth and zozo:"what!!!!!"
zigoroth:"what about the second option in giving them another spirit" zozo:"thats a bad idea idot"
zozo and zigoroth"why not"
zozo:"whynot clone them"
zigoroth:"well thats no fun" zozo:"shutup and listen!!!"
occ:whats been happaning
zigoroth:"hahahahahahahahah" zozo:"ha"
zozo and zigoroth:"u can get some more cant"
zozo:"it hurts" zigoroth plashes some water on zozo.zigoroth"is that beter"
zozo:"owie" zigoroth:"watch what ur doing idot"
occ:hi whats been happaning
zigoroth:"dont call me a kid"
zigoroth:"look axel when im in danger i get stronger most people arnt a challeng to me that means u to but the only one a challeng to me is phisoxa"
zigoroth:"stop trying to hit me"
zigoroth:"hey look behind u"
zozo:"owie" zigoroth:"axel!!!"he jumps down while gliding to axel