need some codes for jimminy joaurnal
riku floor 13 was the hardest for me
i think kairi okay
when i was fighting xemnas in captin seat when i got knocked back and i open the sheild so i just glided to the side then i got behind him because some glitch lets u go inside the mouth so i stayed ther for the hole game
stuff in ur panties
kingkong in ur pants
can some one tell me what this thread is about plz
what kind of thread is this
i have the first balto
zigoroth:"dont be serprise shes just showing off" zozo:"uhoh
zozo:"okay go get her" zigoroth:"no need shes almost here" a portal open then a women came out occ:"phisoxas take over ur character
zigoroth:"how said we cant copie u" zozo:"her this will copiee u and change ur life sig to xemnas"
zozo:"lets go" zigoroth come on lets go"
saix grabed axel and dragged him in to a portal zozo:"get back saix zigoroth:"hey stop acting domb
zozo:" guys um saix is here" saix:"axel come and nemei ill let u stay her
thanks for making this file