the thing is i already have wisdom and master! yet i cant max valor!
I really hope that this is not really noobishb question but here goes I got valor so i thought i maght as well max it out so then later it wont let me level further and just levels up sora in general instead. HElp!
welcome back wtf? when i came back no one remembered me! welcoome back ,sis
I'm making an Amv for the new secrect ending and i need suggestions on music i should put on. pls put song title and composer:)
If you watch the secret ending closely the dark soldier and the old guy's keyblade's bothe have an eye very similair to rikus's what do you think?
like Tallian, Im gonna get banned. byes:)
umm... party 1 |?pärt?| noun ( pl. -ties) 1. a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment. That is the true definition of a party my friend and this here is not a party, but wait ...I'm its a party!!
He never stopped believing.BC Santa is real!!! He is right? is he?
that is the most random sh:D t I have ever seen. lol ( like my censorship?)
you guys spend too muck time on games. Get a life you-Just kidding :D I beat Sepiroth in KH2 in approx 2:30 lots of megalixers :D
Talk about rubbing it in. Lucky SOB:D it looks like he fought to get it seeing how his hand is broken. :D
I think the heartless is Todo. Am I right?
I still need practice making animated Gifs but this could be my next Avy. you like? [/IMG]
Ever been blamed or accused to doing something bad?This post is for those who are tired to their parent's injustice and poor judgement. My friend and his cousin were claimed to be thiefs by stealing purses and getting punnished for it. His cousin then wrote a paper to show to people how adults are. The fact that he is only 13 and has a high level in vocabulary impresses me. This is not meant to offend anyone but I think it kind of relieves stress of parents. Page one Page two
Tell me What you think.
I cant beat him! I keep using dark aura but I die!, Helps please!
Can we get the riku story boss battles?
This is the new official gae ball for the NBA See: What are your ops?
lol and im the ring boy!
So this could be the intro boss like Darkside and the White nobody knight guy:D