Warning!!!!! the code works but replaces the kingdom key with the struggle sword. and if you try to replace that with another keyblade, that keyblade will dissapear from your inventory. I lost my ultima!:yelling:
the third is the best rush hour ever. i reccomend it bc it as funny as hell!
My vocabulary is exceptionally limited at this particular point of time. In other words i'm speachless.
it looks.... kinda stupid in a way. I hate it when they take classics and kill it.
I'm a huge fan but i was slightly dissapointed the humor drifted away after 30 mins or so. random storyline though
Thats the most cooliest thing ive seen in a while. he is realy accurate with the dialogue.
Isn't it based from Monty Python and the Holy Grail? That movie was awsome!
its called The Spectacular Spider-man. Im a huge fan so I cant wait! click the link! The Spectacular Spider-man
is it every thursday that a new ep comes on? when? i must know.:guns::nono:
i love it. i think its a great storyline. my fav is The Amazing Spider-man version
just got CS3 and made this sig. like it?
whats your favorite flash game? Stickarena is mine for now.
This time im singing "ordinary people" by John Legend hope you enjoy and comment both here and on YT. also, If you have any good slow songs for me, PM me the song and ill think about doin it with a "dedicated to" hope you enjoy!:D Me singing Ordinary People
lol jee thanks kinda embarassing though but oh well
Its an honor to be one of your GIFS:D
I sang a song! its funny beyond anything:D I sang "If I Ever Fall In Love Agian" by Shai enjoy!youtube_vid
Thank all of you! thanks everyone! with all your suggestions I maxxed them all in the folling places valor: Land of the Dragons wisdom: The world that Never was (mem Skyscrpr) Master: I found out on my own that in holloween town , the arera before you enter santa's house, that the merry go round spits out lots lots lots of drive orbs when enemies get hit with it:D Final: the world that never was (whole area) thundaga combo owns! except with sorceror nobodies for some reason. thanks a bunch guys now with maxxed out growth abilities, sepiroth was a breeze thank again!:)
pls put the best place to level each drive form Valor: Wisdom: Master: Final:
Im using my cell phone right now to post this topic . This web site is cell phone compatable!:D
Thanx alot! I only have 6 on valor so ur saying the max is 6 until i get final?