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    The first post said the deadline is the 28th so I'm guessing around that time. Than again, the 28th is probably a day before for me so anyone in Australia gets an extra day. XD *Is Australian*
    Post by: MMCRUNCHIE, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: The Playground
    I hope it's not too late to enter mine, although, after seeing all the videos beforehand, I'm gonna feel like a n00b with my AMVs. I had to choose 1 out of the 7 I have on YouTube so, here's the one I chose:

    Sora's A Pirate

    Although the AMV wasn't uploaded in my account, it IS my AMV.
    Post by: MMCRUNCHIE, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: The Playground


    Yo'. I'm MMCRUNCHIE, as my name would point out. I downloaded all the KH footage I wanted from KH-vids then finally joined.

    I've only been playing Kingdom Hearts since the 6th October last year, finished the first game on the 4th November with a walkthrough. Got KH2 for Christmas, finished it on New Years Day, without a walkthrough, and started playing CoM three days ago but got annoyed with it.

    I also beat both KH1 Sephiroth and KH2 Sephiroth on the 8th. KH1 I was on level 100 *it IS possible* and KH2 I was on level 78.

    I hope you're all welcoming for me. I do a fair bit of research on the Kingdom Hearts game *like almost all of you* and could provide information every so often about things that have been missed and things like that.

    XD Thanks for reading this. Hope you're all nice. *Has been on forums with "mean" people*
    Thread by: MMCRUNCHIE, Jan 10, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures