Might want some cough drops for that. Besides, the topics entire purpose was already answered.
10:02, I'm gonna read some more fanfics.
This thread disturbs me, yet amuses me at the same time.
The name of a boss in Zelda.
Six minutes 'till this poor excuse of a day ends.
Restrict your hand from getting within' 13 inches of your pants. Problem solved, g'night.
Will I? Sure.
Haha, wow, that's a suprise.
You do realize that half of the people here could easily be lieing about there age? It's the internet. Deal with it.
Searching for tutorials is a great way to start. We can't honestly give you a full-out explanation on a thread in the Spam Zone.
The thought of having to surgically remove the baby -- forget that, I'm not going on.
The fanfic I'm reading just owns. Seriously, I'm actually planning on putting 5 hours aside to re-read chapters 5-11.
You write fanfics? Nice. Fanfics are a great way of wasting time, I seriously wasted my entire Sunday reading one, no exaggeration intended.
Read a fanfic. A long one. These can waste around 7 hours of your life. Problem solved.
The internet.
*Pitchfork high in the air* Rebellion!
Haha, still not falling for it!
Right click on your link ------> properties, that's basically it.