Is super nice! =]]
Welcome!! You're gonna love it here, everyone's super nice and friendly. And we do bite. Alot. But don't worry, no one has rabies! =]]
It's called The Circle of Fallon
Awe thanks! Let me know what you think! It's a fantasy novel and I'm rather proud of it! =]]
I'm actually about half way done. I posted a small excerpt in the Creative Corner forum. I have about 170 pages and plan on writing about 300-350....
It is rather difficult to get through, but I don't know I just loved Daisy's character so maybe that's why I'm a fan lol. And yes, it is quite fun...
Thanks! =]] That chapter was fun to write!
Lol, The Great Gatsby most deff is an acquired taste. However, read Wuthering Heights as soon as you get the chance. Absolutely the most...
Ah yes, that is unfortunate. Once you read a great author like Jane, it's hard to accept anyone elses work. She writes so exceptionally well. I am...
Well, I've read em all lol. Kinda have to when you're an English major. However, Emma is my abo****e favorite one (yes even more than Pride and...
Hiya! Welcome, everyone here is pretty friendly. I'm new myself and everyone's been great. I'm sure you'll love it here! =]]
Yes ma'am! As an English degree holder I'm pretty sure I would be sentenced to the land of perpetual tickling if I did not love Jane Austen. Lol
Okay this is a funny piece of prose I wrote for my creative writing class in college. It won funniest piece and I thought I'd share it with ya'll. =]] Kayla waited until the coast was clear. There was no one else in the hallways and the parking lot at her high school looked practically empty as she stared from the window in the girl’s bathroom. Brian was going to be so disappointed in her if he found out what she was doing, but she didn’t care. She had to get her fix. Her parents had helped keep her clean for almost a month now, but she was getting worse, not better. Kayla wasn’t a weak person no, she was actually a very strong person, she just knew what she wanted and didn’t care what her boyfriend Brian or what her parents would think. They didn’t know just how strong she was; strong in the fact that there was no way anyone was going to stop her this time. Kayla slowly and quietly opened up her purse to see how much money she had. Too her disappointment she only had enough money for one, maybe two pints. She sighed as she put the money back into her purse. At 16 years old Kayla knew how to sneak in and sneak out of places, she’d done many times in order to meet Brian in his car across the park from her house. Kayla opened the door to the bathroom stall she had been hiding in and walked across the room to the door and creaked it open to see if the janitor was still there, and to her luck he was already gone. Kayla slowly slipped out the door and pushed herself against the wall in order to remain in the shadows. She made her way quietly down the long deserted hallway, which had never seemed so long before but now she could’ve sworn it was at least 7 miles long. She heard a door open and saw Mr. Harding exit the teacher’s lounge with his nose in a book. Kayla stopped dead and held her breath. Mr. Harding didn’t even notice her, he was too enthralled with his book. Kayla breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn’t have any one knowing what she was doing. Kayla finally made it to the end of the hallway. She crouched down on the ground and took a deep breath. She slowly stood up and peeked out the window, unfortunately there were still some cars left and Kayla needed to be completely alone in order to get what she needed. No one could see her, otherwise they would know her secret and then turn her in to her parents and that just could not happen. It was embarrassing enough that her mother had already informed all of her teachers of her habit and Brian knew too. It was hard to have people know her secret because that was exactly what it was supposed to be, a secret. Kayla watched as the last car pulled out of the lot and she knew she was home free. He had never been late before and Kayla still had 5 minutes before his truck would pull up. Kayla fidgeted as she waited on the usual corner. She could feel the need overwhelm her, the need slowly crawling upwards from her toes to the top of her head. She started to shake, she was so excited and so ready to be fulfilled after nearly a month! She could hear the trucks tires pulling up, hear the music from within the truck and the shaking grew. Finally, as if it were moving in slow motion and she breathed a sigh of relief. The ice cream truck finally made it!
Chapter two Alrighty then! Finally done with chapter 2! I've put a lot of emphasis on making my structure better and 'breathing' in between sentences lol. Please read and review! Thanks! It had been two days since Sora had nearly been tickled to death. He was still jumpy around Riku and Kairi, much to their enjoyment. It had also been two days since Sora had told them about the dreams. Kairi reassured him that they were just dreams and that they were sure to go away eventually. Riku however, stiffened at the mention of the dreams and shared a knowing look with Sora. Riku was thinking the same thing Sora was; something bad was going to happen. The two boys decided not to tell Kairi what they were thinking so as to not worry her. Riku was spending the night at Sora's since Kairi was at Selphie's. It was 9 o'clock in the evening and the two boys were in the back yard sparring, which is what they had been doing since 7. "Come on Sora, I know you can do better than that!" Riku yelled as he dodged a keyblade swipe to his legs from Sora. Sora was starting to get a little tired, they had been at it for at least two hours and neither of them had had an advantage yet. Sora smirked and jumped high into the air, spinning his keyblade before aiming for Riku. Riku grabbed Way to Dawn tighter and jumped as well, meeting Sora in the middle as he braced Way to Dawn against Sora's keyblade. Both boys were grunting as they pushed against each other in mid air. Neither one wanting to be the first to fall. Sora breathed in deeply and then with a great force, pushed as hard as he could against Riku. Riku gasped in surprise as he felt the force of Sora's keyblade pushing against Way to Dawn. And before Riku knew it he slammed into the ground, Way to Dawn skidded across the yard and Sora was pointing his keyblade at Riku's throat. Riku looked up at Sora and saw his chest moving up and down rapidly from the exhaustion, but there was also a smirk playing on the boys lips. A smirk that Riku was very proud of. Riku smirked back. "Lucky shot." Riku said. Sora's smirk grew wider. "I think you're just getting old." Sora replied. "Is that so?" Riku said, and before Sora could reply he swiped his leg against Sora's, making the boy crash to the sandy floor. Sora flailed his arms comically as he fell, a cry of surprise escaping his throat. Riku lauged as he lay on the ground, wrapping a hand around his stomach. Sora started laughing as well, and once they started it was hard to stop. The two keyblade warriors laid there and laughed until their ribs ached. Riku slowly stood to his feet and walked over to Sora, offering him a hand. "You were saying?" Riku asked Sora with a smirk. Sora reached up and took Riku's hand, allowing Riku to help him to his feet. "That you amaze with the youthiness of your youth." Sora said grinning goofily. "You better believe it." Riku replied. The two teens walked into Sora's house and grabbed some snacks before walking upstairs to Sora's room to watch the 'Die Hard' marathon on T.V. They were both hard core 'Die Hard' fans and had been looking forward to this marathon for days. "I am so stoked! This marathon is going to be great! TBS said that there would be limited commercial interuptions." Sora said plopping down on one of his bean bag chairs. He quickly grasped his open soda tightly in his hand so it wouldn't spill. Riku chuckled. "You know Sora, if you didn't have an armful of snacks you wouldn't have to worry about spilling anything. You have enough food for an army!" Riku was right of course. While all he had was a soda and a bag of popcorn, Sora had a bag of gummi worms, a bag of sour patch kids, a bag of popcorn, his can of soda, and a batch of nachos with extra cheese. Sora looked at his snacks and shrugged. "I'm a growing teenage boy, what can I say?" Sora replied with a grin. Riku shook his head and sat on the other bean bag chair next to Sora's. Riku turned to look at Sora, his expression turning serious. "What are you gonna do about the dreams?" He asked Sora. Sora turned to look at Riku with his own serious expression. "I'm not entirely sure yet. I guess I'm just going to have to wait and see what happens. I'm gonna start training soon though. I haven't used my magic in ages and I'm probably a bit rusty. Whatever is coming I want to be prepared for it." Sora said firmly. Riku nodded. "I'll train with you. It helps to have a sparring partner." Sora smiled at that. "Good. We can start tomorrow. I'm also going to be keeping an eye out for Kairi, try and make sure she's never alone. My dreams always end with her being swallowed by darkness and I don't want to risk anything." "She'll be mad if we start training without her. She's going to want to help." Riku said. Sora sighed loudly. He knew Riku was right, she would be furious if she found out that they knew something she didn't and that they were keeping it from her. But how was he going to keep it from her and protect her at the same time? "I haven't gotten that far yet. But I will protect her." Sora said with conviction. "We'll just have to convince Selphie that Kairi needs major girl time. I'm sure she wouldn't mind dragging her off to the mall a few times a week." Riku said smiling. Sora chuckled softly. "I'm sure you're right." Sora replied. "I've been thinking though Sora." "Hm?" "You should write the King and tell him about your dreams." Riku said. Sora pondered that for a moment. The King would certainly know what to do. "I think you're right. I'll write him tomorrow. Maybe he can help decipher what these dreams mean." Sora said. Riku was done with the serious conversation and decided to tease Sora a little bit, Sora's face was starting to lose its normal light. "Decipher? Wow Sora, that's a big word. Careful not to choke on it." Riku said with a smirk. Sora set his can of soda on the floor and threw his snacks on the ground. "Watch it old man. Them is fighting words." Sora growled playfully, standing up. Riku smirked and stood up as well. "Fighting words eh?" Riku crossed his arms over his chest and titled his head at Sora. "Yup." And with that Sora tackled Riku, knocking the older teen onto the floor. The two boys wrestled for a minute and Sora ended up on the floor, Riku pinning him. "Well this looks familiar. How do you always end up in these kinds of situations Sora?" Riku asked jokingly. Sora growled in frustration and tried to get out from Riku's grasp. "Riku! Let me up!" Sora whined. "You know the drill Sora." Riku said. "Riiiikkkuuuuuu..." Sora whined louder. "We could always go far round two." Riku said evilly. Sora narrowed his eyes and then sighed. "Riku is the greatest fighter in the world and I, Sora, am but a lowly worm who can only wish to be as great as Riku." Sora mumbled, still squirming to get up. "And..." Riku encouraged. Sora sighed loudly again. "And he is so much cooler, stronger, and better looking than me. Oh how I wish I could be at least 1/4th as cool and strong and...can't bleive I'm saying this...and sexy as Riku. There I said iat now get off!" Sora said as he pushed against Riku. Riku threw his head back and laughed and then let Sora up. "Was that so hard?" Riku asked. Sora grimaced and threw a pillow at him. They finally settled down and watched the 'Die Hard' marathon until 1 in the morning. Sora groggily scrambled towards his bed while Riku got out a sleeping bag and slept on the bean bag chairs. Sora allowed his heavily eye lids to close and soon he was lost to sleep. "SORA!" Kairi screamed. Sora turned to look at her. She was surrounded by hundreds of Dusks and heartless. "HELP ME!" She screamed again. Sora was on top of the skyscrapper in The World That Never Was and Kairi was all the way on the bottom. "Kairi!" Sora yelled to her. Sora ran to the edge and was about to jump off when hands grabbed him and stopped him. There were several Dusks and heartless now surrounding him, trying to keep him from saving Kairi. Sora summoned the keyblade and it came, but no matter how many times he tried to stab the Dusks and heartless it never made a mark. The keyblade just ran through them as if hitting a ghost. Sora threw the keyblade in anger and went to jump off the edge again. The heartless and nobodies weren't allowing him too and they grabbed him again, dragging him away from the edge. "SORA!" Kairi screamed again and Sora could see a dark portal opening again, the heartless and Dusks dragging her towards it. "KAIRI!" Sora shouted. Sora started fighting them with his hands, pushing away their claws and punching every inch of them he could. His fist's made contact even though the keyblade didn't. Sora started fighting his way through the nobodies and heartless, using every ounce of his strength to get to Kairi. "SORA, PLEASE!" Kairi begged, struggling against her captors and tears pouring down her eyes. Sora felt his throat tighten. He couldn't take it, couldn't take her pain and not be able to help her. "Kairi! I'm coming! Hold on!" Sora said, he finally made it back to the edge and lunged himself off before the Dusks and heartless could stop him. He was falling towards Kairi and she reached her hand towards him, "SORA DON'T LET THEM TAKE ME!" She screamed. She was almost to the dark portal and Sora tried to force himself to fall faster by tucking in his arms and legs. Sora rolled to the ground and started sprinting towards Kairi, outstretching his hand towards Kairi. "SORA!" Kairi was forced into the portal and it disappeared before Sora could reach her. Sora could hear her screaming in terror even though the portal was gone. "KAIRI!" Sora screamed, tears pouring from his face now. The Dusks and heartless were now on top of him, clawing every inch of him as he struggled futilely. "KAIRI! KAIRI! I'M SORRY! KAIRI!" Sora yelled loudly, waking Riku. Riku sat up from his make-shift bed to see his best friend struggling against his blankets as if someone where holding him down. His eyes were squeezed shut. Riku rushed over to Sora, almost tripping over his own blankets. He grabbed Sora's shoulders and started shaking him gently. "Sora! Wake up!" Riku said. "Let me go! Get away from me!" Sora yelled, struggling against Riku. "Sora! It's me! It's Riku, wake up!" Riku said firmly giving Sora another shake. Sora's eyes shot open wide and he gasped loudly. Sora scrambled into a sitting position and leaned against his headboard, panting heavily. Riku took a step back and looked at his friend. Riku could see absolute fear in Sora's bright blue eyes and his heart clenched. Sora continued to try to catch his breath and then he felt the tears falling down from his eyes. "Sora..." Riku said quietly when he saw the tears. Sora looked down and tried to stop them from flowing. "They're getting worse." Sora replied quietly after taking a shaking breath. "Something's coming. Something big. And Kairi is in danger." Well that's chapter two! I know it's kind of a cliff hanger but I have biiiiiggg plans!!! =]] Read and Review please and thank you!!! (heh, I rhymed.)
Emma is my favorite Jane book!! You will love it!! Might I suggest Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. Another classic. =]]
I can tell! Lol
No prob! I calls em like I sees em! Lol. Thanks for inviting me to chat it up yesterday. That was fun! =]]
Correct. And I could totally see it being addictive lol
You are a great singer. Just thought I'd let you know. =]]
Awe shucks, thanks! Lol. I like that whole voxli thing. It's neat. Reminds me of Ventrillo, when I used to plaly WoW.